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 We have an amazing show tonight.We have a great time. 今晚节目很棒 愉快的时光

I love these two ladies up front.I guess you have something written on your back. 前面这两位女士太可爱了 你们一定是后面写了什么
But you stood up and turned you backs on me,I thought,in protest. 你们站起来 转了过去 我当时以为是在抗议
I thought it was some kind of,well,we'll show you! 当做你们是 给你点颜色瞧瞧
I appreciate the message,ladies.Welcome to our program tonight. 多谢了 二位女士 欢迎来到节目现场
So much going on.we should mention,tonight is the first night of Hanukkah.Hanukkah. 很多新闻 我们该说一下 今晚是光明节首晚 光明节
It's a spiritual journey into light and darkness that lasts eight days,just like the movie "Interstellar". 这是一段持续8天的 步入光明和黑暗之中的灵魂之旅 跟《星际穿越》很相像
I think this is the time of year when people sort of up what's going on, 每年这时候 大家都会统筹一下年度事件
and among the top Google searches of 2014 were Ebola and "Frozen". 2014年谷歌搜索排行榜上 有埃博拉和《冰雪奇缘》
Yeah,one leaves you with something highly infections that's impossible to get out of your system. 一个给了你高传染性的 无法摆脱的东西
The other is Ebola.Either way,you can't,I can't even say let it go without being sued. 另一个是埃博拉 不管怎样 我要说一句随他吧 肯定要被起诉的
That's not true,Jeff.I can't even hum a bar of "Let it go" without you having to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars. 不对 杰夫 我要哼一段《随他吧》 你都得付好多钱
Me?I was just say,that wasn't me,that was an actor playing me.Tonight,I'm chip wetly. 我吗 不是我哦 只是扮演我的演员哦 今晚 我是奇普·维特利
The who into Sony have leaked the upcoming scritp for the new James bond movie. 入侵索尼的黑客泄露了新007电影的剧本
Sony executives said the news left them shaken but now stirred.Thank you. 索尼高管称 这消息令他们十分震惊 但并不担忧 谢谢


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