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美国文化脱口秀 第360期:考考你的美国常识!




7月4日是美国国庆。Spencer, Jenny教你美国国庆的正确打开方式,顺便帮你补脑可能不知道的美国基本信息。




Happy Fourth of July to you all: 祝大家国庆快乐

National Day: 国庆节,中国的国庆节在英文里可以这么叫

Independence Day: 独立日,美国的国庆节

Fourth of July: 美国国庆节的另一个叫法,就好比我国的"十一"

How many days do you have off?: 美国国庆你们放几天假?

You just get that one day off: 只有7月4日当天放假

In China, we get a one-week-long holiday for the National Day: 在中国,国庆放假有整整一周

If it falls on a Sunday, maybe you get the Monday off: 如果刚好是周日的话,那可能就周一放假

If you work for the government, there's a good chance you might get the day before or after off: 如果你在政府上班,那很有可能国庆前面或者后面一天也可以放假

Public servants: 公务员

For all of us regular Joes out there, we probably just get that one day off: 一般人基本上就只能放一天假

This year, Fourth of July happens to be on a Monday, so you have a long weekend: 今年的美国国庆正好在周一,凑成了个小长假



Founding fathers: 开国元勋

Founding states: 建国州

To found: 建立、开创

America's Founding Fathers include George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, James Monroe and, of course, Benjamin Franklin:美国定义的建国元勋有7位,George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, James Monroe and, of course, Benjamin Franklin

There're 7 of them, some of whom you might be familiar with: 建国元勋有不少,其中几位你可能也不陌生

George Washington: 乔治·华盛顿,美国第一任总统

Thomas Jefferson: 托马斯·杰斐逊,美国第三任总统

James Madison: 詹姆斯·麦迪逊,美国第四任总统

Benjamin Franklin: 100美金纸币上印着本杰明.佛兰克林的头像,所以美国人也把钱戏称为"Benjamins".



You can find these founding fathers on American money: 这些建国元勋都被印在美钞上

A little fun fact: Benjamin Franklin is the only one on dollar bills who was never a president: 小趣闻一则:本杰明·弗兰克里是唯一一位没当过总统却被印在美钞上的人


Stars and Stripes: 星条旗

There're 13 stripes on the American flag: 美国国旗上有13个横条

It's because when the country was founded,13 states went on board: 因为美国刚建国时有13个殖民地

The 50 stars on the flag represent the 50 states: 星条旗上50颗星,代表美国的50个州

Obviously, there weren't 50 states at first, so over the years, more and more stars have been added to the flag: 当然,一开始并没有50个州,建国后国旗上的星星才一颗一颗多起来

But we've always had 13 stripes on the flag, which represent the original colonies and states: 国旗上的横条一直是13条,它们代表最初的那13个州



Most of the founding states are in the Northeast: 大多数的建国州都位于美国的东北部

Do you know what the first state was?: 你知道是哪个州最先加入美联邦的吗?

Delaware was the first state: 特拉华州是第一个加入美联邦的州

There's no corporate tax in Delaware: 特拉华州没有企业税



Declaration of Independence: 独立宣言

Officially, the United States was founded in 1776: 美国正式建国是1776年

After the Revolutionary War, the founding fathers signed onto the Declaration of Independence: 革命战争过后,开国元勋签署了独立宣言



celebration: 庆祝、庆典

Americans celebrate 4th of July with barbecue: 美国人过国庆的时候会烧烤

picnic: 野餐

It's nice to just be outside, bask in the nice weather, watch the fireworks, eat some grilled delicacies and have a beer or two: 在户外享受好天气,看烟火,吃烧烤,喝上一两杯啤酒,多么美好啊

The weather is perfect for outdoor activities: 天气很适合户外活动

It could be a little too hot for some people and sometimes it gets rained out: 对有些人来说天气可能太热了,有时候不得不因下雨取消活动

Barbecue symbolizes American culture in many ways: 烧烤反应了美国文化的许多方面

carnage: 屠宰

Fourth of July celebration is a communal event: 美国国庆亲朋好友会相聚一堂

A typical celebration will be a gathering of family, friends and sometimes even neighbors in someone's backyard: 通常,家人、朋友,甚至邻居会相聚在某家的后院,共同欢度国庆节


Barbecue is also symbolic of manhood: 烧烤还象征着男子气概

"My wife takes care of the baking, but I hold down the grill": 我老婆负责烤甜品,烧烤是我的天下

secret recipe/marinade/sauce: 秘密配方/腌汁/酱料

"What's in the sauce?": 这酱里有什么?

"It's my daddy's secret. I'll never tell you": 这是我爸的秘密,我才不会告诉你呢

It's been passed down through generations: 都传了好几代了



You can go down to the National Mall: 你可以去国家广场走走

It's a big place that's grass: 国家广场就是一片大草地

It's in between the National Monument and the Capitol building: 它坐落于华盛顿纪念碑和国会大楼之间

The National Mall is at the center of DC: 国家广场位于华盛顿的中央

You lay out on the grass with your loved ones and watch the fireworks: 你可以躺在那里的草坪上跟亲朋好友一起看烟花

The most spectacular fireworks display on the 4th of July is in D.C.: 国庆烟花秀最绚丽的就要数华盛顿了

I grew up in Maryland, in a neighborhood that was only 15 minutes outside of D.C.: 我在马里兰州长大,但其实住的地方离华盛顿也就15分钟车程

D.C. stands for District of Columbia: DC指的是哥伦比亚特区 (口语中美国人说华盛顿就直接讲DC)

It could be to avoid confusion because there's also a state called Washington: 这么叫可能是为了防止引起误会,因为有一个州也叫华盛顿


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