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英语美文朗读 第491期 The best revenge in life is massive success





Sometimes a setback is a set up for the greatest blessings of all times.

You will grow through what you go through. It's called character. Instead of you complaining about how challenging and how crazy your life is right now, the question becomes this: Are you willing to go through it?

Life is seasonal. That means, that no matter what you go through, it cannot last. Seasons guarantee change, seasons give hope, nothing remains the same in a season, seasons are always temporary, and the key to life is outlasting the season. When you are in a dark moment, sometimes you think that's a permanent address. But never make a permanent decision to try and solve a temporary problem. You go through a very tough moment, I mean hell on earth, believe me, you've got a choice. Am I gonna make a permanent decision at this point, or am I gonna outlast this season and make it through this dark moment?

If you break, the fight isn't over. The fight is just beginning. You have the opportunity to get stronger. To show the world what you are really made of.

When you come through that kind of experience and are able to reclaim your life, It strengthens you. you come back with a certain kind of power, and you'll never be the same again.

Stay the course. You listening? Stay the course. Stop wanting everybody to play sorry for you like you're the victim. Be more responsible for your choices.

Most people won't take on responsibility, most people won't say I'll make that happen. Most people don't have that kind of guts. But see, I'm saying to you that when you acknowledge that, "Hey it's me. I'm the one that's going to turn this around. This opposition won't stop me from doing what I want to do. It can temporarily cripple me, but it will not determine my reality."

Don't ever say when you're going through some rough time, "I'm going through a really bad tragic time." No. Say, "I'm going through a character-building experience." There's certain things, when you go through those things, and you come up out of those things, you come up a different kind of person. Different spirit, different power, different energy. I'm doing this because I wanna make my mama proud of me. I'm doing this because I want my children to have a better life than what I had. I'm doing this because all my life I've been told I'd be a loser, that I wouldn't make it. I'm doing this to make them a liar. I believe like Frank Sinatra, he said, "The best revenge in life is massive success."

Speakers: Tyrese Gibson, Myles Munroe, Jocko Willink, Les Brown


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