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LECTURE 121 基本动词 MAKE 8





LECTURE 121 基本动词 MAKE 8


1. make fun of sb. or sth. / make fun ** 取笑,嘲弄

解 习语;词义溯源:对某人或某物制造[玩笑(fun)]

例 Don't pay any attention to what others say about your work. People always make fun of inventors and their ideas. They even teased Alexander Bell when he talked about his idea of making a telephone. Just keep believing in your idea and in the end you'll have the last laugh .

2. make good on sth. ** 履行约定,兑现承诺;还债

解 习语;词义溯源:使某物成为[好的、合理的(good)];make good (at)表示“成功”,参照make sth. good

例 One group of investors has filed a class action civil suit against the fund managers in Los Angeles district court. The suit, if successful, would force Greenland Investments to make good on its guaranteed 22% return by the end of the year or have its assets seized and distributed among its investors.

3. make good money ** 赚大钱,能赚钱

解 〈口〉习语;词义溯源:赚得[好价钱、高收入(good money)]

例 Son, I know your interest in basket weaving is genuine, but no matter how good you are at weaving baskets, you'll never be able to make a living from it. For the sake of your future family, come to your senses and give up the idea of making it a career. Choose a career where you can make good money.

4. make good time ** 以较快或适当的速度前行

解 〈口〉习语;词义溯源:制造[合适的、充分的(good)][节拍(time)]

例 Traffic was very light and we made such good time that we arrived about three hours earlier than expected. When we entered Pine Forest Restaurant, he looked at us and then did a double take . He couldn't believe we were there so soon.

5. make hay while the sun is shining ** 不要错过时机,抓紧时机行事

解 习语;词义溯源:太阳出来时制作[干草(hay)]

例 Hey, I've got a bright idea . There's going to be a big show down on the riverfront. The newspaper says over 300,000 people will attend the event and there won't be enough places to park cars. Let's make hay while the sun is shining: let's open our gate and let people park on our land for five yuan each!


(A) makes fun of

(B) make good on

(C) make good money

(D) make good time

(E) making hay while the sun is shining

1. A: You're a hairstylist? Do you ______ styling hair? B: Are you kidding? The only people who earn a lot of money in my profession are stylists who make a name for themselves . I earn enough to make ends meet —and that's all.

2. A: Don't make cracks about Brim's father being a garbage collector. He gets very angry if anybody ______ his father's job. B: What? I would never ridicule anybody's father, no matter what they did.

3. A: Look, it only makes sense to take advantage of this beneficial situation. We should install our television cables now while the telephone company is constructing their new underground tunnels. B: Right. By installing the cables now we can save the cost of digging up the ground again next year. That's ______.

4. A: All we're asking of the management is that they fulfill the promises they made during the contract negotiations. Until they ______ them, we will remain on strike. B: But management claims they never agreed to the things you're demanding.

5. A: Driving at night has its pluses and its minuses. On the plus side, you can ______. On the negative side, most fatal accidents occur at night. B: Safety is more important to me than progressing at a very good speed. I think I'll drive during the day.


1. (C)

2. (A)

3. (E)

4. (B)

5. (D)


I. 1. 别在意其他人怎么评论你的工作。人们总是会取笑发明家和他们的想法。亚历山大·贝尔谈论发明电话的想法时,人们也嘲笑他。不过,只要你对自己的想法有信心,你就能笑到最后。

2. 一群投资者在洛杉矶区法院向基金会的经理们提出集体民事诉讼。如果诉讼成功,格林兰德投资公司将不得不在年底兑现其保证的22%的回报率,否则投资者们就要查封和分配他们的资产。

3. 儿子,我知道你在编篮子方面很有天赋,但是不论有多么擅长,你都不可能靠它来生活。为了你将来要建立的家庭,清醒点,放弃靠它谋生的想法吧。选择一种能赚钱的职业。

4. 交通非常顺畅,我们开得非常快,比预期早到了约三个小时。我们走进松林餐厅的时候,他看了我们一眼,然后又看了一眼。他不敢相信我们那么快就到了。

5. 嘿,我有个好主意。河滨地区将有一个大型展览。报纸上说,将有30万人参加这次活动,到时候将没有足够的地方停车。咱们应该把握时机:咱们打开大门,让人们把车停在我们家,每辆车收取五元停车费!

II. 1. A:你是发型师?设计发型能赚大钱吗?B:你开什么玩笑?干我们这行只有出名的设计师才赚钱。我赚的钱只够应付开支——就这么多。

2. A:别讽刺布里姆的父亲当垃圾清理工。如果有人取笑他爸爸的职业,他会非常生气的。B:什么?我从不嘲笑任何人的父亲,不论他们做什么工作。

3. A:看吧,只有充分利用这个有利时机才有意义。现在电话公司正在建设新的地下隧道,我们应该趁机把电视电缆安装好。B:说得对。现在安装电缆可以节省明年再次挖地的成本。这就叫抓住良机。

4. A:我们对管理层的唯一要求是,兑现他们在合同谈判期间所做的承诺。在他们兑现之前,我们将继续罢工。B:但是管理层宣称他们从来没有同意过你们所要求的事情。

5. A:晚上开车有利也有弊。有利的方面是,你可以开得很快。而坏处则是,大部分致命的事故都发生在晚上。B:对于我来说,安全比快速行驶更加重要。我想我会在白天开车。


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