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中考英语 考纲词汇 W






wait[weɪt]vt. & vi. 等;等候

I don't mind waiting for people. 我不介意等人。

I often wait for her to finish work. 我经常等着她下班。

waiter['weɪtə(r)]n. 侍者;服务员

The waiter came to take our order. 服务员来请我们点菜。

I tipped the waiter five dollars. 我给了侍者5美元小费。

waitress['weɪtrəs]n. 女侍者;女服务员

She is a waitress in a restaurant. 她是饭店的女服务员。

I'll ask the waitress for the bill. 我要让女服务员拿账单来。

wake[weɪk](woke, woken) vi. 醒来 vt. 唤醒

He didn't wake until the UFO disappeared. 直到UFO消失时他才醒来。

The thief made a noise and woke up the old man. 小偷发出了响声,惊醒了老人。

walk[wɔːk]vt. & vi. & n. 步行;散步

He likes to walk around in bare feet. 他喜欢光脚走来走去。

I like to take a walk after dinner. 我喜欢晚饭后散步。

wal [wɔːl]n. 墙

I would knock heavily on your wall. 我会重重地敲你家的墙。

The landscape of the Great Wall is like a dragon. 长城的全景像一条龙。

want[wɒnt]vt. & vi. 要;想要;需要;必要

Ann wants to be a nurse when she grows up. 安长大后想当护士。

I wanted to break the world record. 我想打破世界纪录。

war[wɔː(r)]n. 战争

They may help others learn more about the war. 他们可以帮助别人更多地了解战争。

We can say goodbye to wars forever. 我们可以和战争永远说再见。

warm[wɔːm]adj. 暖和的;热情的

The earth could be getting warmer by itself. 地球本身可以变暖。

It is warm enough. 天气很暖和。

warn[wɔːn]vt. 警告;告诫

It is my duty to warn you against smoking. 我有义务警告你不要吸烟。

I tried to warn her, but she wouldn't listen. 我设法告诫过她,可她就是不听。

wash[wɒʃ]vt. 洗涤;洗

Please wash your hands. 请洗手。

You'd better wash your clothes. 你最好把衣服洗干净。

waste[weɪst]vt. & vi. 浪费 n. 浪费;废物

They didn't waste food. 他们没浪费食物。

Our teachers tell us not to waste time. 我们老师告诉我们不要浪费时间。

watch[wɒtʃ]vt. & vi. 观看;注视;当心 n. 手表;表

The watch was a gift from my father. 这块表是父亲给我的礼物。

I am watching TV play at home. 我正在家看电视剧。

water['wɔːtə(r)]n. 水 v. 浇水

Ice turns into water when the temperature is above 0℃.气温在零摄氏度以上时,冰变为水。

He went out to water the plants. 他出去给植物浇水。

wave[weɪv]vt. 挥手;招手;挥动 n. 波;波浪

He waved the waiters out of the tent. 他挥手让服务员们退到帐篷外。

A wave washed the two children away. 波浪把两个孩子卷走了。

way[weɪ]n. 路;路线;路途;方法;手段

He heard the news on his way to the cinema. 在去电影院的路上,他听到了这个消息。

It is a way to get more oxygen. 这是吸收更多氧气的方式。

weak[wiːk]adj. 弱的;差的;淡的

The little boy is so weak that he can't lift the heavy box. 小男孩没力气,举不起这个沉重的箱子。

I'm weak in spoken English. 我的英语口语不太好。

wealth[welθ]n. 财产;财富

His great wealth brought him no happiness. 他的巨大财富并未给他带来幸福。

Health is above wealth. 健康比财富更重要。

wear[weə(r)](wore,worn) vt. 穿;戴

My sister is going to wear a new dress to the party. 我姐姐打算穿一件新衣服去参加聚会。

He wore a hat and an overcoat. 他戴着帽子,穿着大衣。

weather['weðə(r)]n. 天气

What good weather! 天气真好!

What was the weather like this morning? 今天早上天气怎样?

Wednesday['wenzdeɪ, 'wenzdi]n. 星期三

Shall we meet on Wednesday or Thursday? 我们是周三还是周四见面啊?

The shop is closed on Wednesday afternoon. 这家商店星期三下午不营业。

website['websaɪt]n. 网站

They made their own websites. 他们建了自己的网站。

Zuck turned his small website into a famous network. 扎克把他的小网站变成一个著名的网站。

week[wiːk]n. 星期

The son wrote home once a week. 儿子每星期给家里写一封信。

I used to go to the cinema every week. 我过去每星期都去看电影。

weekday['wiːkdeɪ]n. 工作日

Don't you go to the office on weekday? 难道你工作日不上班吗?

This train runs on weekday. 这班火车工作日天天有。

weekend[ˌwiːk'end]n. 周末

Every weekend, they can relax in their living room. 每个周末他们可以在起居室消遣。

How did you spend your last weekend? 上周末你怎么过的?

weigh[weɪ]vt. 称……的重量;重

How much did Martin weigh at the age of five? 马丁5岁的时候有多重?

When did you weigh last? 你上次是什么时候称体重的?

weight[weɪt]n. 重量

You will have a big weight loss. 你体重会减去很多。

What is your weight? 你的体重是多少?

welcome['welkəm]n. 欢迎 adj. 受欢迎的 vt. 欢迎

I told him he wasn't welcome in my home. 我告诉他我家不欢迎他。

We will rebuild the panda house to welcome the pandas. 我们将重建熊猫馆以欢迎熊猫。

wel [wel](比较级better,最高级best) adj. 健康的 adv. 好地;令人满意地;完全地 n. 井 int. (表示同意、惊讶等)好;


I'm not very well today. 我今天身体不适。

I know you'll do well. 我知道你会干好的。

west[west]n. 西部;西方 adj. 西方的;向西的

The West Lake is noted for its scenery. 西湖以其风景而著名。

The sun was sinking in the west. 夕阳西下。

western['westən]adj. 西方的

We can't totally depend on Western know-how. 我们不能完全依赖西方技术。

Do you know Western table manners?你知道西方的餐桌礼仪吗?

wet[wet]adj. 湿的;潮的;多雨的

Cat would eat fish and would not wet her feet. 猫儿想吃鱼,又怕湿了脚。

He put the wet clothes on the line to dry. 他把湿衣服晾在绳子上了。

what[wɒt]pron. (表示疑问)什么;(表示建议)怎么样 adv.(表示感叹)多么;(表示疑问)什么 conj. 引导宾语从句

Do you know what time it is? 你知道现在是几点吗?

What do you usually do in your leisure time? 你业余时间一般做些什么?

when[wen]conj. & adv. 当……的时候;什么时候

He gets very bad-tempered when he's tired. 他累的时候就爱发脾气。

You will be living on your own when you grow up. 当你长大了要独立生活,自食其力。

where[weə(r)]adv. 在哪里

Could you tell me where I can buy this book? 你能告诉我在哪里可以买到这本书吗?

He asked the policeman where the post office was. 他问警察邮局在哪里。

whether['weðə(r)]conj. 是否

I don't know whether he's alive or dead. 我不知道他是死是活。

I'm not sure whether there are living things on other planets or not. 我不确定其他星球上是否存在生命。

which[wɪtʃ]adj. & pron. 哪一个(些)

Which is the best route to take? 哪一条是最佳路线?

Which province is the warmest one in winter? 哪一个省冬天最暖和?

while[waɪl]conj. 在……的时候;正当……时 n. 一会儿

He was sleeping while I was reading a magazine. 当我看杂志的时候他正在睡觉。

Shall we play basketball for a while now? 我们现在去打一会儿篮球怎么样?

white[waɪt]n. 白色 adj. 白色的

He was wearing a white shirt. 他穿着一件白衬衫。

He has white hair. 他满头银发。

who[huː]pron. 谁

Who is the boy in the cap? 那个戴帽子的男孩是谁?

This is the man who wanted to see you. 这就是要见你的那个人。

whole[həʊl]adj. 整个的

Mum, must I stay there the whole day? 妈妈,我必须整天待在那里吗?

I will get a better view of the whole town. 我会看到整个城镇的景色。

whom[huːm]pron. 谁(who 的宾格)

Do you know the kid with whom Bob is talking over there?你认识和鲍勃说话的那个男孩吗?

Whom are they talking with? 他们在和谁说话?

whose[huːz]pron. 谁的

There is no name on the book. Whose is it? 这本书上没有名字,是谁的?

Whose schoolbag is this? 这是谁的书包?

why[waɪ]adv. 为什么

Why did you dial the number twice? 你为什么拨两次号?

Why did you vote for Maggie? 你为什么把票投给了玛吉?

wide[waɪd]adj. 宽的;广泛的

He has a wide mouth. 他有一张大嘴。

He was so well-known for his wide knowledge. 他因为博学而声名大振。

widely['waɪdli]adv. 宽阔地;广泛地

Computers are used widely in our daily life. 计算机在我们日常生活中得到广泛应用。

The song is becoming widely popular. 这首歌正在广泛流行开来。

widen['waɪdn]vt. & vi. 拓宽

She wants to widen her knowledge of the industry. 她想扩充自己在这一行业的知识。

When are you going to widen the streets? 你们打算什么时候把这些街道拓宽?

wife[waɪf](复wives) n. 妻子

His wife telephoned to say his son had a bad cold. 他妻子打电话说他的儿子得了重感冒。

She's his second wife. 她是他的第二任妻子。

wild[waɪld]adj. 野生的;荒凉的

There were many wild animals near the caves. 有许多野生动物在洞穴附近出没。

We lit a fire to keep wild animals off. 我们生起篝火防止野兽接近。

wil [wɪl]aux. (表示将来)将;会 vi. (表示同意、允诺)愿意;(表示提问)是否愿意;……好吗 n. 意志

He will come in a week. 他将于一周后返回。

Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。

win[wɪn](won,won) vt. & vi. 获胜;赢得

If Tom wins the game, we'll give him a surprise. 如果汤姆能赢,我们会给他一个惊喜。

Who's won the first prize in the competition? 谁在竞赛中拿了一等奖?

wind[wɪnd]n. 风

There is a strong wind today. 今天大风。

The north wind blew for weeks. 北风刮了几个星期了。

window['wɪndəʊ]n. 窗户

The boy broke the window yesterday afternoon. 昨天下午这个男孩子把窗户打碎了。

He stopped in front of her window. 他在她的窗前停了下来。

windy['wɪndi]adj. 有风的;起风的

It was so windy that I could hardly keep my feet. 风 很大,我几乎站不稳脚跟。

It is very windy and dusty here. 这里风沙很大。

wine[waɪn]n. 酒;葡萄酒

You've drunk so much wine. You mustn't drive. 你喝了太多酒,不准开车。

Driving after drinking wine isn't allowed in China. 在中国禁止酒后驾车。

wing[wɪŋ]n. 机翼;翅膀

Its wing spread is 3 meters. 它的翅膀展开有3米。

The wing of the plane broke off. 飞机的一个机翼脱落。

winner['wɪnə(r)]n. 获胜者

Who's the winner of the basketball match? 这次篮球赛的获胜者是谁?

The winner's time was 10.5 seconds. 获胜者用的时间是10.5秒。

winter['wɪntə(r)]n. 冬天;冬季

My favourite season is winter. 我最喜欢的季节就是冬天。

In deep winter, he could not do without a pair of gloves.在隆冬时节,他不能没有一双手套。

wisdom['wɪzdəm]n. 智慧

Experience is the father of wisdom. 经验是智慧之父。

He might have the wisdom of life. 他也许掌握了人生的智慧。

wise[waɪz]adj. 聪明的;明智的

They are wise enough to deal with their own problems. 他们很聪明,足以自己解决问题。

It's not wise of you to give up at this moment. 你在这个时候放弃是不明智的。

wish[wɪʃ]n. 愿望;祝愿 v. 希望;想要;祝愿

I will send your parents my best wishes. 我会给你父母送去诚挚的祝福。

How I wish I could sleep longer!我多想能再睡一会儿!

with[wɪð]prep. (表示伴随) 与……一道;跟……一起;(表示具有)带有;具有;(表示手段或方法)以……;用……;和;有;


She always shares things with others. 她有东西总是和别人分享。

You should drink some tea with honey. 你应该喝点蜂蜜茶。

within[wɪ'ðɪn]prep. 在……范围之内

This is a task well within your ability. 这完全是你力所能及的工作。

We finished the house within half a year. 我们在半年内盖好了这幢房子。

without[wɪ'ðaʊt]prep. 没有

He is able to read this without the aid of a dictionary.他能够不用字典就读懂这个。

They can communicate without words. 他们可以不借助语言进行沟通。

wolf[wʊlf](复 wolves) n. 狼

A wolf tried to attack me. 一匹狼试图攻击我。

It is said that there are wolves in this forest. 据说这片森林里有狼。

woman['wʊmən](复 women) n. 妇女;女人

She is the most beautiful woman teacher in China. 她是中国最美的女教师。

He tested ten healthy men and women. 他测试了10位健康的男性和女性。

wonder['wʌndə(r)]vt. 对……疑惑;惊奇 vi. 怀疑;想知道 n.奇迹;奇观

I wonder what it is like to be an astronaut. 我想知道作为一名宇航员是什么样子的。

The great wall is a man-made wonder. 长城是人造的奇迹。

wonderful['wʌndəfl]adj. 美妙的;精彩的;太好了

He had a wonderful idea. 他有了一个好主意。

The vase is wonderful. 这个花瓶棒极了。

wood[wʊd]n. 木头;木材;(复)树林

If you can't find any wood, use earth. 如果你找不到任何木头,用泥土。

Is this wood dry enough to burn? 木柴干得可以烧了吗?

wooden['wʊdn]adj. 木质的

There is a wooden church. 这里有一座木教堂。

The floor was made of wooden blocks. 地板是用木块拼成的。

word[wɜːd]n. 词;单词;话

What's the meaning of the word? 这个单词的意思是什么?

He did not say a word. 他一言不发。

work[wɜːk]vt. & vi. 使工作;使运作;操作 n. 工作;劳动

How will she deal with the work? 她将怎么处理这个工作?

He works hard till late night to pass the exam. 为了通过考试,他努力学习到半夜。

worker['wɜːkə(r)]n. 工作者;工人

I asked a worker to help me repair my old house. 我请了一个工人帮我修整老房子。

I want to be a social worker when I grow up. 我长大了想当一名社会工作者。

world[wɜːld]n. 世界

Micro blogging is sweeping across the world. 微博正风靡全世界。

University of Oxford is one of the top universities in the world. 牛津大学是世界上顶尖大学之一。

worry['wʌri]vi. 担心;烦恼 vt. 使烦恼;烦扰 n. 烦恼;担忧

Don't worry about it. 别担心。

This worry is enough to drive one mad. 这烦恼足以令人发狂。

would[wʊd]aux. 愿意;会 v. 将(will 的过去式)

He did not think he would marry Jane. 他觉得他是不会和简结婚的。

Would you risk everything? 你愿意冒任何险吗?

wound[wuːnd]n. 创伤;伤口

Blood was pouring from the wound. 血从伤口中流出。

Her wound closed up after a week. 她的伤口一周后愈合了。

wounded['wuːndɪd]adj. 受伤的

They took the wounded soldiers into a small temple. 他们把受伤的士兵抬进了一座小庙。

A soldier was wounded in the exchange of fire. 一名士兵在交火中受伤。

write[raɪt](wrote, written) vt. & vi. 写;写作;写信

Write down the subject that you are interested in. 写下你感兴趣的科目。

I wrote something wrong just now. 我刚写错了。

writer['raɪtə(r)]n. 作家

He was one of the best writers in the 19th century. 他是19世纪最优秀的作家之一。

The writer is watching TV in the study. 作者正在书房看电视。

wrong[rɒŋ]adj. 错误的;不正常的;有病的

There is something wrong with my computer. 我的电脑坏了。

We went to the wrong way. 我们走错了路。


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