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英语场景口语对话 房奴





Scene 134 房奴

❶ 成为房奴让我感到很沮丧。I am quite depressed at the thought of being a house slave.

对话 A: Why are you so sad? 你为什么这么难过?

B: I am quite depressed at the thought of being a house slave. 成为房奴让我感到很沮丧。

❷ 我不想成为房奴。I don't want to be a house slave.

对话 A: Why don't you buy a house? 你为什么不买间房子?

B: I don't want to be a house slave. 我不想成为房奴。

❸ 我连首付都付不起。I can't afford the down payment.

对话 A: I'm far away from being a house slave that I can't afford the down payment. 我离房奴可差远了,连首付都付不起。

B: Me, too. 我也是。

❹ 我每月一半的工资都要拿来付房子的抵押贷款。I have to pay half of my salary on the mortgage loan every month.

同类表达 I have monthly mortgage to pay, so I'd better manage my incomes and expenses. 我每月要还房屋贷款,所以我最好管理好自己的收支。

❺ 我可不当房奴,压力太大了。I can't be a house slave because it's too stressful.

对话 A: I can't be a house slave because it's too stressful. 我可不当房奴,压力太大了。

B: I can't agree more. 非常同意。

❻ 我工资的一半都花在租房上面。The spending on house rent accounts for half of my salary.

❼ 年轻人被挤出了住房市场。Young people are priced out of the house market.

同类表达 With today's housing price, young couple cannot afford to buy an apartment. 就现今的房价而言,年轻夫妇是买不起房子的。

❽ 我在接下来的20年里得背负房债。I will be in debt for the next twenty years.

❾ 你想加入“房奴”一族吗?Do you want to be a part of the house slaves?

这样回答 Of course not. 当然不想。

I think I will be in a few years. 我想几年后我也会这样。

❿ 世上有千万个像你这样的房奴。There are millions of house slaves like you in the world.


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