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《吸血鬼日记》With A Love Like You




With A Love Like You



i remember the day when we first got close
it was out on the beach under the warm sun
just breathing the air there was never a care
wishing our dreams could be a reality

now i notice when you touch me it don't feel the same no more
i feel the cold of winter in your hands
how i wish that i could say it
but i don't wanna fall apart
i wish that you could see the true reality

i'm over your eyes
i'm over your touch
and i'm over the promises that you've broken
when you call me at night
with the sound in your voice
and undo the reasons i had for leaving
when i'm out of "i love you"s and i'm out of "goodbye"s
you know how to hold me and dry my eyes
what should i do with a love like you?

so i keep holding on the best that i can
i'm hoping you'll see the situation
but i don't know how long i can handle the pain
i think it's time to face reality

cause i notice when you touch me it don't feel the same no more
i felt the cold of winter in your hands
i try to say the words but i can't get to the core
and i wish you could see the true reality

i'm over your eyes
i'm over your touch
and i'm over the promises that you've broken
when you call me at night
with the sound in your voice
and undo the reasons i had for leaving
when i'm out of "i love you"s and i'm out of "goodbye"s
you know how to hold me and dry my eyes
what should i do with a love like you? (love like you)

first it hurts then it don't
though my heart says it won't
with a love like you
boy it's wrong when it's right
i'm stuck in this fight
with myself over you
what am i supposed to do?

i'm over your eyes
i'm over your touch
and i'm over the promises that you've broken
(when you call me at night)
with the sound in your voice
and undo the reasons i had for leaving
when i'm out of "i love you"s and i'm out of "goodbye"s
you know how to hold me and dry my eyes
what should i do with a love like you?



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