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  • 软件大小:325kb
  • 资料等级:☆☆☆☆☆
  • 更新时间:2014-08-15
  • 文件类型:rar 格式
  • 下载次数:3779
  • 资料来源:互联网
  • 资料性质:免费资料
  • 附件说明

  A)单项填空 从A、B、C、0四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将答案写在答题卷上。

  21. Mr. Jiang, as _______ elderly man, took part in the Special Games for_______ elderly, and finished_______ second in the race.

  A. a; the; the B. an; the;/ C. an, an; the D. the; an;/

  22. Before the discussion, the host_______ the forms to all the students to fill in.

  A. tired out B. put out C. handed out D. ran out

  23. Practice makes perfect._______, you can improve your spoken English.

  A. On the way B. By the way C. In this way D. In the way

  24. -Do you mind me_______ in the dining hall? -Sorry. It's not_______.

  A. smoking; allowed B. smoking; allow C. to smoke; allow D. to smoke; allowed

  25.---You can't reach_______ something_______ someone's plate. ---OK, I won't.

  A. for; over B. to; over C. for; through D. to; through

  26.---How long_______ the film_______?

  ---For about an hour, yes, it finished an hour ago.

  A. has; been over B has; finished C. did;

over D. did; finish


  27.---What a thick fog!1 went the wrong way at the corner and finally got lost.

  ---It's easy to make a wrong turn here even under an ideal weather_______.

  A. conversation B. conclusion C. condition D. communication



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