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65.To Listen 倾听 ;
5.You hear me? 6.You listen good. 7.Listen carefully. ;5.你听到我的话吗? 6.你好好听着. 7.注意听.
8.A:Do you copy? B:Yeah,I copy. ;8.A:你听清楚了吗? B:有,我清楚了.
9.A:Can you hear me? B:I read you loud and clear. ;9.A:听得到我的说吗? B:(你的声音)清晰又 响亮.
10.A:Have I made myself clear? B:Clear as a bell. ;10.A:我说得够明白了吗? B:像铃声那么清晰 明白.
11.Did you hear a goddamn word I said? ;11.你他妈的听进我半句 话了没有?
12.You didn't hear a thing I said. ;12.我说的话你一句也 没听进去.
66.Dazed 心思不定 ;
1.His mind wanders. 2.His head's in the clouds. ;1.他的心神不定. 2.他的心在云端飘摇.
3.Sorry,my mind is elsewhere. ;3.抱歉,我正在想其他的 事.
4.He's in another world. ;4.他心不在焉. 他的心在另一个世界.
5.I'm delirious. Is this a dream? ;5.我迷糊了,这是梦吗?
6.I was so out of it. What time is it now? ;6.我刚才精神恍恍惚惚, 现在几点了?
7.He's running around like a chicken with its head cut off. ;7.他像只无头苍蝇乱闯.
8.She's a real dizzy broad. 9.I need to find myself. ;8.她是昏头昏脑的笨女人 9.我必须寻找失落的自我
10.He's not with it. ;10.他无法领悟话中的 意思.
11.He has no clue. ;11.他懵懵懂懂,不晓得 自己在做什么.
12.The driver has many things on his mind. 13.He got lost in the shuffle. ;12.这个司机驾车心不 在焉. 13.他迷失在困惑里.
14.Wake up and smell the coffee. 15.He doesn't know what's going on. ;14.清醒过来,认清现状. 15.他对现况茫无所知.
16.He's totally lost. 17.Hey,snap out of it! ;16.他已全然迷失. 17.嘿,清醒点儿!
18.Pal,you're in for a rude awakening. ;18.老兄,你美梦快破碎了
67.Cause & Effect 因果 ;
1.The slushy roads contributed to the accident. ;1.泥泞的道路是导致车祸 发生的主因.
2.What was the outcome? 3.Results are what count. ;2.结局如何? 3.结局如何才重要.
4.That's a story without an ending. 5.The result remains to be seen. ;4.那是个没有结局的故事 5.结果如何尚待观察.
6.All's well that ends well. ;6.只要结局好, 管他过程如何.
7.Here it is. The moment of truth. ;7.来了. 这是真相揭晓的时刻.
8.You prefer him over me.So that's what it all boils down to. ;8.你宁可舍我而取他. 原来这才是真相.
9.It's sink or swim. 10.The first year of marriage is always sink or swim. ;9.这是个不成即败的问题 10.结婚第一年不是如鱼 得水,就是反目成仇.
11.I hate to say I told you so. 12.See now? ;11.我不愿说我早已警告 过你. 12.你瞧,我说的话没错吧
13.How do you think I ended up here? 14.The whole thing turned sour. ;13.你以为我是如何变成 这么潦倒的? 14.整个局面都恶化了.
15.You acted like a horse's ass.Now you will pay for it. ;15.你的行为愚昧,现在 去承受后果吧.
16.This picture didn't come out right. ;16.这张相片冲洗的效果 不好.
17.Your future is rooted in your past ;17.你未来的成败福祸, 导源于往日的作为.
18.Serves him right. 19.Do unto others,as you would have them do unto you. ;18.他活该. 19.要人如何待你,就该 如何待人.
20.Whatever goes around comes around 21.He'll get his. ;20.因果循环,报应不爽. 21.他迟早会遭报应.
22.It's pay now or pay later. ;22.这笔债迟早都得还.
23.There's a law of consequences in everyone's life. ;23.每个人的生命中都有 因果律.
24.You reap what you sow. ;24.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆. 你怎么种就怎么收.
25.The sins of our carefree,younger days usually come home to roost later in life. ;25.少年种罪过, 老来食恶果.
26.Past mistakes will come back to haunt you. ;26.过去所犯的错误,会像 鬼一样反过头来缠你.
27.You made your own bed. (Now lie in it.) ;27.你造的孽, 自己去承受吧.
68.Analysis 分析 ;
1.That statement is clearly self-contradictory. ;1.那句话很明显自相矛盾
2.You can tell a lot by a person's voice. ;2.一个人的谈吐可以泄露 许多内情.
3.His behavior betrayed his intentions. ;3.他的举止泄了他的底.
4.Who's the likely suspect. 5.The face is the index of the mind. ;4.谁是最大的嫌犯呢?] 5.相由心生.(观面知心.)
6.The face tells the story. 7.The eyes are the mirror of the soul. ;6.面孔会泄露实情. 7.眼乃灵魂之窗.
8.That's not unlikely. 9.Mark's analysis is a real eye-opener. ;8.那并非不可能. 9.马克的分析使人洞悉 症结所在.
10.He must have some logical reason. ;10.他这样做一定有他 的道理.
11.A tree's health depends on its roots The same is true of your teeth. ;11.树之健康有赖于其根. 这道理适用于你的 牙齿.
12.He's a formidable opponent. 13.History repeats itself. ;12.他是惹不起的劲敌. 13.历史会重演.
14.Don't make the same mistake twice. 15.The tree is known by its fruit. ;14.不要重蹈覆辙. 15.凭所结出的果子,可以 断定一棵树的好坏.
16.The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. ;16.子女与父母之秉性 相去不远.
17.Like father, like son. ;17.有其父必有其子.
18.Inflation is justification for raising our prices. ;18.因为通货膨胀,提高 售价并无何不妥.
69.To Considered 给予考虑 ;
1.The thought has crossed my mind. 2.I've got that covered. ;1.我曾有过那种念头. 2.那个我已考虑在内.
3.I have it under control. ;3.我已全面控制了.
4.I'm already planning it in my mind. 5.It never hit me. ;4.我早有盘算. 5.我从来没想过这种事.
70.To guess 猜测 ;
1.A:Guess what this is B:I give up. What is it? ;1.A:你猜这是什么? B:我猜不来, 到底是什么呢?
2.Take a guess. 3.It's just a hunch. ;2.你猜吧. 3.这只是一种直觉.
4.This is purely hypothetical. 5.It's just guesswork. ;4.这纯粹是个推论. 5.这只是猜测.
6.Guess who? 7.No kidding? 8.What a surprise! ;6.你猜我是谁? 7.是吗? 8.太令人惊讶!
9.How about that! 10.Fancy that! ;9.没想到竟是如此了得! 10.意想不到!
71.Intention 存心 ;
1.Just what do you want? 2.What are you getting at? ;1.你到底要怎样? 2.你在暗示什么?
3.What are you implying? ;3.你在影射什么? 你是否在指桑骂槐.
4.What in the world are you talking about 5.Hey,what's the big idea? ;4.你到底要说什么呢? 5.嘿,你这是什么嫂主意?
6.What are you trying to prove? 7.Stop that!I know what you're up to. ;6.你想证实什么呢? 7.少来!我知道你在玩 什么把戏.
8.You'll find out all in due time. 9.I'll tell you soon enough. ;8.不久你会明白. 9.我很快会告诉你.
10.All he cares about is the dough. 11.He wants the same thing we do. ;10.他所在乎的就是钱. 11.他的目的,与我们 不谋而合.
12.I'm not out to con you. ;12.我没存心要坑你.
13.I didn't mean any harm.I just wanted to help. ;13.我只想帮忙, 并没恶意.
14.Does he mean well? 15.It's no coincidence It was prearranged. ;14.他的用意良善吗? 15.这绝非偶然, 乃是预谋.
16.You planned that! 17.You're doing that on purpose. ;16.那是你预先安排的! 17.你故意要这么做.
18.That was no accident.He did it deliberately. ;18.那并非意外, 而是他故意做的.
72.Wise,Foolish 愚智 ;
1.Kids are a lot smarter these days. 2.You're perceptive. ;1.这年头的小孩聪明多了 2.你很有理解力.
3.You catch on quickly 4.He's a real bright guy. ;3.你的领悟力高. 4.他极其聪明.
5.She's not a slow child. 6.He's no dummy. ;5.她这孩子的学习能力 并不低. 6.他不傻.
7.I'm mot as dumb as I look. 8.A dummy isn't dumb all the time. ;7.我并不像我的相貌一样 蠢. 8.笨人也有灵光的时候.
9.Boy,nothing gets by him. 10.Don't get fresh with me. ;9.乖乖,什么都逃不过他 的眼法. 10.不要跟我耍嘴皮子.
11.You're a sharp one. 12.Say,you're getting pretty sharp. ;11.你很精. 12.我说啊,你俞来俞精了
13.Don't get wise with me. 14.A lot you know! ;13.不要跟随我耍聪明. 14.你懂得可真多!
15.You're a smart aleck. 16.You're a real smarty-pants. ;15.你是个自以为聪明的 笨蛋. 16.你这自作聪明的小子.
17.How did you get so smart? 18.You're too clever. ;17.你怎会变得如此聪明 呢? 18.你聪明过度.
19.You're the right stuff. ;19.你是一块好料子.
20.If you were any smarter you'd be famous. ;20.如果稍微再聪明一点 儿的话,你早就成名了
21.Go ask him. He thinks he knows it all. 22.You have fine edge. ;21.去请教他吧,他自以为 无所不知. 22.你很敏锐.
23.You're smarter than a whiz. 24.You are so average. ;23.你比天才更聪明. 24.你太平庸了.
25.He's a little soft in the head. 26.There are a lot of turkeys in this town ;25.他的脑筋有点儿不太 灵光. 26.这个镇上有许多蠢人.
27.He's the dumbest kid in town. 28.He's a blockhead. ;27.他是镇上最蠢的孩子. 28.他是个愣傻子.
29.Talk about dense! 30.Some people are so simple-minded. ;29.说起迟钝,他真是 无人可及. 30.有些人心地太单纯.
31.He's brainless. 32.You dummy! ;31.他没脑筋. 32.你这蠢东西!
33.He has shit for brains. ;33.他蠢得要命.
34.You pea brain! How could you be so stupid? ;34.你这白痴!你怎会笨成 这样呢?
35.Don't you get it? It's so simple! 36.Boy,were we stupid! ;35.这么简单你也不懂? 36.乖乖,我们实在太笨了
37.He's all brawn and no brains. ;37.他四肢发达头脑简单.
38.The students outwitted the teacher. ;38.这位老师被学生愚弄 了.
39.He studies all weekend.He's such an egghead. ;39.他整个周末都在念书. 他是如此的一个书呆子.
40.Offhand,I'd say he's stupid. ;40.要我不假思索而言, 我会说他并不聪明.
41.You're a reject. 42.That's kind of corny. ;41.你是个淘汰品. 42.那很可笑.
43.You should broaden your horizons. 44.A little knowledge is a dangerous thing ;43.你实在应该出去开开 眼界. 44.一知半解很危险.
45.Knowledge is power. 46.Ignorance is bliss. ;45.知识就是力量. 46.无知便是福.
73.To Be Reasonable 要有理性 ;
1.Step outside yourself and see what's going on. 2.Be smart! ;1.撇开你个人的立场,来 看清楚到底是怎么回事? 2.放聪明点儿!
3.Wise up. 4.Figure it out. 5.Think. ;3.要放聪明些. 4.要衡量事理. 5.多思考.
6.Use your common sense. 7.Don't get too personal. ;6.运用你的常识作判断. 7.不要变得太主观.
8.Think with your head not with your heart. ;8.理智些,不要感情用事.
9.Don't let your emotions get the best of you. ;9.不要让你的情绪胜过 理智.
10.Go easy. 11.Don't flip your lid. 12.Stay cool. ;10.不要冒失. 11.不要被兴奋冲昏了头. 12.保持冷静.
13.Don't get excited. 14.Don't go crazy. 15.He's sobered up. ;13.不要太激动. 14.不要发狂. 15.他已看明真相.
16.You are not thinking rationally. ;16.你的想法缺乏理性.
17.You're starting to say dumb things! ;17.你开始说浑话了!
18.Keep both feet on the ground. 19.You've lost your perspective. ;18.要脚踏实地. 19.你已失掉衡量事理的 能力.
20.I'm going to talk some sense into her ;20.我去劝她几句. 我去说她几句.
21.It's a sensible approach. 22.He's a rational person. ;21.这是合理的方法. 22.他是有理性的人.
74.Insensible 不讲道理 ;
1.That doesn't follow. 2.It's absurd. ;1.那说不通. 2.这荒诞不经.
3.It's illogical. 4.I don't follow the logic of this. ;3.这违反逻辑. 4.我听不出所以然来.
5.I see no point in washing the car twice. 6.It's unlikely. ;5.我看不出车子洗两次 有什么道理. 6.没这可能.
7.His behavior defies logic. 8.That doesn't mean shit to me. ;7.他的行为有悖情理. 8.那对我来说没个屁道理
75.Comparison: Best & Worst 良窳比较 ;
1.Here are the before and after pictures of her weight loss. ;1.这是她减肥前后的比较 照片.
2.The prices are comparable. 3.That's a whole different issue. ;2.这价钱差不多. 3.那是两码子事.
4.That's just a false analogy. ;4.那种引喻失当.
5.On a scale of one to ten how do you rate her? ;5.以一到十作评分标准, 你给她几分?
6.How do they stack up against your brand? ;6.这种产品比起你惯用 的牌子来如何.
7.That two-bit shop is no match for a corporation as big as ours. ;7.那家小铺子比起我们 的大公司来,是小巫见 大巫.
8.What I did was small potatoes compared to what you did. ;8.我的成就比起你的来, 无法比拟.
9.His brilliance is second to none. 10.His performance was mediocre. ;9.他的才干无出其右. 10.他的表演并不叫座.
11.His school work is okay. ;11.他在学校的成绩还过 得去.
12.He's an average player at best. ;12.充其量他只是个普普 通通的球员.
13.When it comes to eating he's the best there is. ;13.论起吃,他被公认食量 最大.
14.His painting is so good he's in a class by himself. ;14.他独树一帜的图画是 如此地好.
15.There is no comparison. 16.He is the best of the best. ;15.这无法比拟. 16.他是上上之选.
17.They are the cream of the crop. 18.The cream always rises to the top. ;17.他们都是人中豪杰. 18.锥处囊中,必脱颖而出
19.They are the pick of the crop. 20.He's the worst of the worst. ;19.他们是上选的人才. 20.他是顽劣之尤.
21.He's an inch shy of being seven feet. ;21.他只差一寸就七尺高.
22.This car is long on looks but short on performance. ;22.这部车子中看不中用.
23.The advantages outweigh the disadvantages. ;23.利多于弊.
24.His love for money verges on greed. ;24.他爱财已接近贪婪的 边缘.
76.Same Difference 无相异之处 ;
1.Everything in life is relative.There are no absolutes in life. ;1.生命的一切都是相对的 没有绝对的事.
2.What difference does it make? ;2.这有什么区别?
3.The difference is so small it's almost imperceptible. ;3.差别很小, 几乎难以看出.
4.I just can't tell them apart. ;4.我简直无法区分他们.
5.The distinguish between these two is blurred. ;5.这两者泾渭难分.
6.It's six of one and half a dozen of the other. ;6.这不是半斤八两吗?
7.These are all one of a kind. 8.What a big difference it makes! ;7.这些都各不相同. 8.前后的差异可真大!
9.Time and place can make a difference. ;9.情况常因时、地之不同 而异.
77.Trivial Or Important 不重要、重要 ;
1.It's such a trivial matter. 2.What's that got to do with it? ;1.这是鸡毛蒜皮的小事. 2.这和我们正在讨论的 有什么关系?
3.That's not even an issue here. ;3.你现在所说的, 根本不是关键点.
4.Stop making a mountain out of a molehill.It's just a tiny cut. ;4.这只是小伤口,用不着 大惊小怪.
5.It's just a tempest in a teapot. 6.It's not that critical. ;5.不用担心,这没什么大 不了. 6.这并非十万火急之事.
7.Don't make a big thing about it. 8.Let's get down to business. ;7.别小题大作. 8.咱们来谈正事.
9.Let's get down to the nitty-gritty. 10.Don't let the tail wag the dog. ;9.现在咱们来讨论细节. 10.不要本末倒置.
11.This is an important chapter in her life. ;11.这是她生命中重要的 一章.
12.This matter deserves our undivided attention. ;12.我们应该全神贯注 这件事.
13.First things first. 14.It seems he has other fish to fry. ;13.要事先办. 14.好像他有更重要的事 要做.
15.Money is not the issue here, Ethics are. ;15.现在谈的不是钱的问 题,中心题旨是伦理 道德.
16.That's the keyword. 17.Knowledge is a pursuit above all others. ;16.那是一句关键性的话. 17.万般皆下品, 惟有读书高.
18.He places movie-making above everything else. ;18.他把拍摄电影看得比 什么都重要.
19.It means a lot to me. 20.It's do or die. ;19.这件事情对我意义 非凡. 20.做不成就没饭吃.
21.It's a matter of life and death. ;21.这是生死攸关的问题.
22.Her internship will either make or break her. ;22.她的实习不成则败.
23.That branch is the cornerstone of our company. ;23.那家分行是支撑本公 司的大臂膀.
24.It's a truly news making event. ;24.这是一个制造大新闻 的事件.
25.It's a historic event. ;25.它是历史性的一件 要事.
78.Quality 质地 ;
1.Quality suffers when you rush things. 2.They did a hatchet job on that film. ;1.赶工则粗制滥造. 2.那部影片他们乱搞一气
3.Nowadays,things made in America aren't that durable. ;3.现在美国货不像从前 那么耐用.
4.I'm ashamed to be seen in this rinky-dink car. ;4.我开这种破车,不好 意思被人家看见.
5.That's a crazy way to make a typewriter 6.This jack is a Mickey Mouse tool. ;5.打字机哪有这么烂的 制造法呢? 6.这个千斤顶简直是玩具
7.Their standards just don't live up to our expectations. ;7.他们的水准离我们的要 求差太远.
8.You're just not up to par. ;8.你还不够水准.
9.Don't buy the imitation.It's usually cheaply built. ;9.不要买仿造品,通常它 们都是粗制滥造.
10.That car is expensive,but it's top of the line. ;10.那部车子很贵,但它的 品质却最优良.
11.This is the top choice of experts. 12.Don't sacrifice quality for quantity. ;11.这是专家的首选. 12.不要重量而轻质.
13.I wouldn't settle for anything less. ;13.我不会自贬身价,降格 以求.
79.Quantity 数量 ;
1.Just give me an itty-bitty piece of cake. ;1.只给我一小块蛋糕就好
2.We're running low on sugar. 3.There's nothing left ;2.我们的糖快用光了. 3.半点儿也不剩了.
4.We need to refill it 5.He's test score came up short. ;4.我们需要再装满它. 5.他的得分未达标准.
80.To Be Worth It 值得 ;
1.This trip paid off. 2.It's been well worth the trip. ;1.这趟路值得走. 2.这一趟路没白跑.
3.It's trade-off. 4.It's not worth a bean. ;3.这是抛砖引玉. 4.这一文不值.
5.It was more trouble than it was worth. ;5.那实在吃力不讨好.
6.This is worth dying for. ;6.这值得卖命.
7.Five hundred thousand bucks is nothing to sneezed at. ;7.五十万美金岂能 嗤之一鼻.
8.This is worth all the tea in China. ;8.这个价值连城.
81.Perception, Realization 理解,体会 ;
1.Human perception is very easily fooled. ;1.人们的理解力易受愚弄
2.He was caught with his pants down,so to speak. ;2.他可以说是当众出丑.
3.I don't care what you call it!Stealing is still stealing. ;3.不论你怎么说, 偷就是偷!
4.In case you haven't noticed,this is your wake up call. ;4.假如你还没注意一到, 这可以当警钟提醒你.
5.I should've known better. 6.He finally came to his senses. ;5.我不应如此懵懂. 6.他终于醒悟过来了.
7.It's as clear as a bell now. 8.It finally clicked. ;7.现在我想通了. 8.灵光乍现, 使我心领神会.
9.I finally see the light. 10.I'm not a bit surprised. ;9.我终于看出端倪. 10.我一点儿也不觉得 意外.
11.This program was a bad deal from the beginning. ;11.这项计划一开始就是 个馊主意.
12.Hindsight is always 20/20. ;12.事后诸葛亮,当然是 精确无比.
82.Foresight, Shortsighted 远见,短视 ;
1.Oh,I knew it all along. ;1.啊,我早就知道会发生 这种事.
2.He may be short,but he's not shortsighted. ;2.他或许矮了些,但眼光 可不短.
3.He's on top of things. 4.He's always on the ball. ;3.洞悉一切情况. 4.他总是比别人先着一棋 他总是比别人快马一鞭
5.You're a man of vision. 6.His opinions are very-insightful. ;5.你是有远见的人. 6.他的意见洞烛先机.
7.His ideas are very forward-thinking. 8.Today's visionaries are tomorrow's future ;7.他的想法很超前. 8.今日之梦想,将成为 明日之事实.
9.I'm one step ahead of you.I did it already. ;9.我已早你一步,把这件 事处理好了.
10.All you think about is today. ;10.你只考虑眼前.
11.He's so shortsighted. 12.He lacks foresight. ;11.他太短视. 12.他缺乏远见.
13.You're too materialistic. 14.You're too shallow. ;13.你太俗气. 14.你太肤浅了.
15.They can't see the forest for the trees 16.He's headstrong and thick-skulled. ;15.他们贪近利而不见 远益. 16.他倔强又顽固.
17.Some people,you just can't talk sense into them. ;17.有些人简直无可理喻.
83.Premonition 预感 ;
1.I've got a hunch. 2.I just have a gut feeling about it. ;1.我有个预感. 2.我对它有一种难以言喻 的直觉.
3.There's a connection here.I just know it. ;3.我就晓得这两者间一定 有所牵连.
4.I knew my instinct was right. ;4.我早就知道,我的直觉 错不了.
5.I've got a nose for these things. 6.It doesn't smell good. ;5.我的下意识对这种事最 敏感. 6.情势不妙.
7.I sense something wrong. 8.Something must have gone wrong. ;7.我感到有什么事不对劲 8.一定是出了什么岔子.
9.Something's just not right,but I can't put my finger on it. ;9.我知道有什么事不对劲 但我不能明确地指出是 什么.
10.Something's gonna happen.I can feel it in my bones. ;10.我从骨子里可以觉察 到快出事了.
11.Something big is going on. 12.My guts tell me I can do it. ;11.有件事正在酝酿中. 12.本能告诉我,我做得来
84.Symbolism 征候 ;
1.It was a sign. 2.Is that a good sign? ;1.这是个征兆. 2.那算好兆头吗?
3.She embodies everything that's good in humanity. ;3.她集人性光辉于一身.
4.That's an encouraging sign. ;4.那是个令人鼓舞的讯号
5.It's just the tip of the iceberg. 6.This spells trouble in my book. ;5.那只是冰山一角. 6.依我看来这是出问题了
7.Can't you see the writing on the wall? ;7.难道你看不出大难临头 的警告吗?
85.Choice 选择 ;
1.Do I have any choice 2.What choice do I have? ;1.我有选择的余地吗? 2.除此之外我别无他法.
3.You have a lot to choose from. 4.Would you pick two out of three? ;3.有很多人好让你挑. 4.请你从三个当中选出二 个来好吗?
5.Do I have any say in this matter? 6.Never give her too large a choice. ;5.这件事有我说话的余地 吗? 6.绝对不要给她太多选择
7.The choice is yours. 8.You decide. ;7.随你选择. 8.你决定吧.
9.Take your choice. 10.What's it gonna be? Yes or no? ;9.你爱哪个就挑哪个. 10.你的决定是什么? 要还是不要?
11.Beggars can't be choosers. 12.Take it or leave it ;11.当乞丐哪有挑三捡四 的权利? 12.要不要随你的便.
13.Well? 14.Make your choice and make it quick. ;13.你作何决定? 14.你快点儿拿定主意吧.
15.Let's wait and keep our options open. ;15.咱们再等下去,继续敞 开有选择余地的大门.
16.Don't rule out any options. ;16.不要排除任何选择的 机会.
17.What's the second alternative? 18.He leaves me no option. ;17.另一个变通的办法是 什么? 18.他逼得我铤而走险.
19.Don't we have any way out? 20.There's no room for maneuvering. ;19.我们别无出路? 20.没办法谈拢了.
21.We're in a no win game. 22.It's a long shot. ;21.我们碰上僵局. 22.这个胜算不大.
23.Your best bet is to confess. ;23.我看你最好还是认了 吧.
24.The devil made me do it. ;24.这并非我的本意,是 魔鬼驱使我做的.
86.Decision,Indecision 决定,优柔寡断 ;
1.It's your choice. 2.It's up to you. ;1.由你自己决定. 2.一切都取决于你.
3.It's your call. 4.I'll leave it to your discretion. ;3.要怎么办全看你了. 4.这件事我让你来做决定
5.I'll defer to his wishes. 6.He's still wavering between the two plans ;5.我会遵照他的意思. 6.他还在两计划中游移 不定.
7.Go ask your father. He has the final say ;7.去问你爹好了, 他说了算.
8.You can't continue to flip flop your mind. ;8.你不能老是翻来覆去.
9.I'm tired of his blowing hot and cold about the budget proposal. ;9.他对预算案的赞成与否 变幻不定令人厌烦.
10.Is that your final word on this matter 11.I can't make up my mind. ;10.这是你最后的决定吗? 11.我拿不定主意.
12.Let's hold off a bit. 13.That's a tough call ;12.我们再等一下. 13.那是难以决定的事.
14.She's fickle, childish and shallow 15.Don't make me choose. ;14.她善变、幼稚又肤浅. 15.不要为难我.
16.He who hesitates is lost. ;16.谁踌躇不前就注定是 输家.
17.He's on the fence on this issue.He refuses to commit himself either way. ;17.他对这件事还没作 决定.他拒绝做任何 方面的承诺.
18.Let's flip a coin to see who goes first. ;18.咱们来抛铜板决定谁 先去.
19.That's a big jump you're talking about. ;19.你所说的是个巨大的 转变.
20.It's a one-way road to death. ;20.这是有去无回的死路 一条.
21.The heat is on. Take action. 22.Hesitation may kill us all. ;21.情况危急,快采取行动 22.犹豫会害死大伙儿.
23.I made a decision, but it was a bad call. ;23.我做了决定,没想到竟 是一着错棋.
24.How do you know where to draw the line? ;24.你知道几时该叫停吗?
25.When do I say no? ;25.到哪种程度我才应该 拒绝呢?
26.There's no guarantee either way. ;26.这两者中你做任何 一个都没胜算.
27.One way or the other,we'll get it done. ;27.不是这样,就是那样, 总之我们都得把它做 好.
28.Make up your mind and just go with it 29.Deal! ;28.下定决心,勇往直前. 29.一言为定!
30.It's a deal! 31.It's a date! ;30.就决定这么办吧! 31.说好了可别改变主意.
32.We gotta make a move. 33.End of discussion. ;32.我们必须采取行动了. 33.讨论到此结束.
34.Case closed. 35.Period! ;34.这件事情就此决定, 不必多说. 35.言尽于此!
36.I am very decisive. 37.I'm not wishy-washy ;36.我是果断的人. 37.我不是三心两意的人.
38.Despite the pros and cons,I'll do it ;38.虽然有这些优劣点, 我仍然要做.
39.That was a snap decision. 40.I don't see why he changed his tune. ;39.那个决定下得蛮快的. 40.我看不出他改弦易辙 的原因.
41.Don't change horse midstream. 42.Just let it be! ;41.阵前易将,兵前大忌. 42.随它去吧! 听任它发展吧!

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