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At Cao Cao's instruction, Liu Bei was about to set off for a punitivethe task upon Zhang only after the latter's repeated entreatments and resolutions to mend his ways. For safety, he left consultantChen Deng to assist Zhang.

One day Zhang invited his subordinate officers over. "My elder brother instructed me before he left to stay away from wine for fear I may fail my duties to guard the city. Let's have an final drinking party today, and starting from tomorrow, we will quit drinking and concentrate on the job." With these words said, he began toasting everyone.

When neither of his toasts was accepted by Cao Bao, Zhang flaredup. By then , Zhang was already drunk. He had Cao flogged fifty times. After the party was over, the resentful Cao sent one of his men to Lv Bu, the enemy general, asking him to attack the city that night while Zhang was drunk.

Lv came with 500 horsemen. They successfully took the city. When Zhang woke up with a start, the city was gone. He fought his way out of the enemy troops and fled the city, leaving his elder brother's family behind. When he met Liu, he felt so shame-faced that he unsheathed(拔出鞘) his sword meaning to commit suicide, only to be stopped by his elder brother.



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