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初中英语作文:Look at the Yangtze River




Today, we came to the city of Wuhu in Anhui, Wuhu Yangtze River side is a beautiful city.
Good morning, bright red rising sun, the horizon of Yunxia red. Zhaoxia magnificent in the vast Jiang Yinghong surface. Like a fairy of the Red Silk Cut, the river was very beautiful decorated.
At noon, the river looked like brown, but brown mixed in with red, bright sun Jiang sprinkle the surface of calm, as if littleKim . Jiang’s face a few occasional fluctuations, "Kim " in the microwave in the flash is so bright, so beautiful! 
Afternoon, I took a tool to catch fish and shrimp fishing to the river bank, waiting for the method I used can be for a long time and so on, until nothing. At this time, I am anxious, like ants on the hot pan, watching others happily with the light rain caught shrimp home, myHeart  Coolthe half. Suddenly, the turning point came, a small crab to climb the shore, I quickly rushed to put it in the past, a small animal feeding box, it can not be reconciled in two small pincers waving it!
The Yangtze River, there are Chinese sturgeon, Chinese alligator and other rare animals, rich in water resources in the Yangtze River to generate electricity, the Yangtze River on both sides of the climate is very suitable for crop growth. The Yangtze River, you is not only beautiful, but also is a great treasure house of natural.


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