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高中英语作文:My country 我的祖国





  Hi, this is li hua, in holiday I participated in the sino-us student summer camp, for American students have a further understanding, most American students go to school at eight o 'clock in the morning, they usually before school this time some sports, such as running, playing badminton, in their courses in school is very wide, and have dabbled in terms of Chinese history teacher special, it makes me very is proud that our country also really into the world, and the world also start to listen to China, afternoon when teachers often will take the students do some practice, because they think that practice is the best teacher.In the United States, teachers should pay more attention to student's character, they think that a person can learn bad, but must have good manner.In this camp, I recognize the sino-us differences, also more students to learn my firm, work for our country in the future, make the country stronger.



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