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四年级英语作文:This is me




 Hello! I am Zhou Xiaolin. I’m 11 years old. I study in the No.1 Primary School. I am quiet, kind and smart. I don’t like sports. But like reading books very much. My favourite dood is fish. Because it’s tasty and yummy. My favourite fruit is apples and bananas. Because they are sweet. Do you like Friday? Oh I like it very much. Because the weekend is coming. Who’s my favourite teacher? She’s Miss Zhu. She’s a unversity student. She’s young, tall and active. So her class is so much fun. On Sundays, I often do homework and play computer games. Saturday is fun for me! How about Sunday? I often read books and watch TV. It’s sweet for me! I love weekends. On weekends I often do housework, too. I can clean my bedroom, empty the trash, set the table and do the dishes. But I can’t cook the meals. This is me! Can you cook the meals? Are you helpful at home,too? Tell me, please?


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