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Lady Gaga:禁欲可保艺术创造力






Lady Gaga is known for her skimpy outfits and sexually-charged performances, but she says she fears having sex with a partner could deplete her artistic energy.

"I have this weird thing that if I sleep with someone they're going to take my creativity through my vagina," the performer said in an interview with Vanity Fair magazine that was released on Monday.

Lady Gaga is not the only pop star to laud the value of abstinence, but she may be among the first to tout it as a boost to creativity. Miley Cyrus, the Jonas Brothers, and American Idol-winner Jordin Sparks have all worn "promise rings" to symbolize a pledge of chastity until marriage.

Even Bristol Palin, the daughter of former Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin, has become the face of an abstinence campaign after she became pregnant at the age of 16 and gave birth to a son.

Lady Gaga is on the cover of the September issue of Vanity Fair. A photo spread of the "Poker Face" singer clad in little other than a rhinestone choker, accompanies the interview. Gaga also speaks about drug use and family.

美国流行艺人Lady Gaga大胆、火辣的着装与表演风格已是无人不知,无人不晓;但她却称担心与他人发生关系会侵蚀其艺术创造力。
在杂志《名利场》周一刊出的采访中,Lady Gaga表示:“我有一种很奇怪的感觉,如果我与别人发生关系,这将会令我失去创造力。”
Lady Gaga并非是第一个大谈禁欲好处的艺人,但说禁欲有益于提升创造力,她却可能是第一人了。麦莉・赛勒斯(Miley Cyrus)、乔纳斯兄弟组合(Jonas Brothers)以及《美国偶像》冠军乔丁・斯帕克斯(Jordin Sparks)均戴婚前保持贞洁的“承诺戒”(promise ring)。


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