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Mary:Could I have my hair dyed?

Hairdresser:Certainly. Which color do you want to dye it?

Mary:I want the latest fashion. Can you make some suggestions?

Hairdresser:Right now, many girls are dying their hair blonde。

Mary:I don’t think that would suit me very well. Blonde is kind of erratic。

Hairdresser:Then what do you think about pink?

Mary:Oh, no. I think it better to be a natural Chinese with natural Chinese hair? Have you got a good brand of hair dye?

Hairdresser:Yes. We have several brands. Which one do you prefer.

Mary:I want the best one。

Hairdresser:First, you need a shampoo. It makes it easier for your hair to be dyed…Well, let’s dunk your hair in the water.Your hair will be thoroughly cleaned that way。

(one hour later)

Mary:After this dye job, it feels like I look younger。

Hairdresser:Your hair is definitely fresh and shinier-looking。


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