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托福独立写作真题范文 | 如何提升学生的学习兴趣 ?






  In what way can high school teachers better improve students’ study interests?

  1. Applying more technology in class

  2. Explaining the close connection between what they are learning and the world

  3. Arranging students to work in group assignments

  Choose one of them and explain the reasons. Use specific details and examples to support your answer.


  Most high school students often find studying rather boring, most likely because the textbooks are too plain and teachers’ lecturing is not engaging. Some teachers hence employ various technology and organize group discussions to engross students in class. In fact, neither of the two methods is viable. A teacher should primarily explain to students how the knowledge in class is closely connected with the real life.




  * Viable adj. 可行的

  * Engaging adj. 引入入胜的


  Firstly, it doesn’t take a leap of imagination topicture how chaotic a class would be during group discussions. Instead of remaining seated, some students may move around to exchange papers while others are in a heated with frequent digressions. The noises they make may “disturb” those free riders in a group - those who are glued to their phone and contribute nothing to the discussion. Teachers, sophisticated or otherwise, can hardly intervene in such a troubled environment, and if teachers fail to keep the group assignments well organized, what is the point of arranging group assignments? And if most students are doing irrelevant things, how can their study




  * Digression n. 离题

  * Sophisticated adj. 干练的

  * Intervene v. 干预

  * Be glued to 黏在;盯着


  Secondly, due to the distractions, the application of modern technology, like some electronic gadgets, is no better than the arrangement of group assignments. To clarify, the use of multi-media tools in class, which seems to be fresh at first glance, may intrigue students, but over time, owing to the aesthetic fatigue, students minds might wander off as teachers switch among blackboards, screens and textbooks. Not to mention, what students really interested in may not be the knowledge integrated in the slides or videos, but the gadgets used instead.


  写作时除了句间的衔接,段落与段落间的衔接也有,三选一驳回的两段间的衔接不妨就在中心句写明两个选项的对比,即A 不比B 好到哪里去。


  * Fatigue n. 疲劳;v.使疲劳

  * Wander off 漫游;闲逛


  It thus follows that showing the real-world connection to the lesson is the most desirable way to interest students. As high school students always hope to glimpse the world outside the ivory tower, teachers should take advantage of such hope and try to relate their subject to how it can be applied in a workplace or everyday life. After knowing what they are learning mirrors real-life context, students can be more motivated to learn new concepts and skills. My personal experience as a writing teacher is a telling example of this point. My students always nod off when I am using some big words like logical or critical thinking, and they wouldn’t be energized simply because I play a video or ask them to discuss with each other. Contrarily, they are more intrigued when I tell them that a well-articulated resume can talk their way into a promising job or an Instagram post with many punchlines can increase their followers.




  * Nod off 打瞌睡

  * Well-articulated 说的清楚的

  * Promising 有前景的

  * 通过xxx方式完成某事

  verb+one’s way+preposition+something


  With the aforementioned points made, the first and the third options can be quick dropped, and the second option, which better caters to student’s genuine needs, is obviously more productive in improving students’ study interests.


  * genuine need 切实的需求

  * drop v. 略过,不予考虑


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