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These Cats Have A Huge Collection Of Hats Made Out Of Their Shed Fur


The cuteness of cats is an endless topic, agreed? And how else could it be when their adorableness is infinite. Just think about their cute sleepy faces, childish curiosity when they explore the same places over and over again and hilarious reactions when you try to put some piece of clothing on them.


As cat owner Japanese photographer Ryo Yamazaki with his wife Hiromi came up with a creative way to deal with the shedded fur the cats leave all around the house, turning into a hobby of making adorable tiny hats. We featured it here at Bored Panda a while ago, but just take a look at how much their creations improved!

作为猫主人的日本摄影师良山崎与妻子Hiromi想出了一个创造性的方式处理猫留在房子里的毛,将它们变成一种可爱的小帽子。不久前,我们在Bored Panda网站上刊登了这篇文章,看看他们的创作有了多大的进步吧!

The couple has an Instagram account dedicated to their furry friends, where they pose with the adorable hats as well. Anything from the Viking helmet, pilot's hat or even Trump's toupee, you name it - the possibilities are endless and so is the pair's creativity.












More info: Ryo Yamazaki

图片来源:Ryo Yamazaki


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