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高中英语作文|Robbing red envelope





高中英语作文的练习需要长期不断的坚持,期间找准素材更能起到事半功倍的效果。以下是小编整理的高中英语作文|Robbing red envelope的资料,希望对你的英语作文练习有所帮助!

The spring Festival a traditional and magnificent festival, during which we have a lot of special customs .For each child, the most exciting thing is the red envelope. A red envelope with money symbolizes luck and wealth. With the development of the society, robbing the red envelope, which combines the red envelope with the modem technology, becomes a hit this year.
However, people's views on robbing the red envelope vary from person to person .Some hold the opinion that it's interesting and special to rob while others believe it's a waste of time and energy.
As far as I'm concerned, robbing red envelopes has changed the traditional way that the envelopes are always handed to younger generations and made everyone involved .Whether you are old or young, rich or poor, you can rob the red envelopes on the mobile phone as soon as someone gives it out .And it's more convenient for those who are far from their relatives to receive the envelope.
Moreover, it only takes a little money to take part in this activity, but we get much more fun from it. When involved in it, we strengthen the relationship between friends and relatives, enjoy the moment that we robbed the largest envelope and feel pleased to give the envelope out to more people. Also, it's a new way which riches our traditional culture .It makes more teenagers learn our culture in a special and available way.
In a word, enjoy your happy robbing! But be careful not to indulge in it. You'll find much more fun from it and learn how to receive and give happily.



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