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1001 复[合]梁 compound beam

1002 复合周期引擎 compound (or dual, or mixed) cycle engine

1003 复激发电机 compound dynamo

1004 复式引擎 compound engine

1005 1)复合规 2)涨缩表 3)复合压力计 compound gauge

1006 复激发电机 compound generator

1007 复合冲动[式]涡轮机 compound impulse turbine

1008 复激马达 compound motor

1009 复式压力计 compound pressure gauge

1010 复合反动[式]涡轮 compound reaction turbine

1011 复式蒸汽机 compound steam engine

1012 复[合]应力 compound stress

1013 复式涡轮机 compound turbine

1014 压缩空气 compressed air

1015 压缩空气引擎,气动引擎 compressed air engine

1016 压缩空气阀 compressed air valve

1017 压缩软木 compressed cork

1018 压缩氧 compressed oxygen

1019 可压缩性 compressibility

1020 压缩缸 compressing cylinder

1021 压燃机 compressing ignition (or CI) engine

1022 压缩 compression

1023 压缩效率 compression efficiency

1024 压缩点火引擎 compression ignition engine

1025 压缩曲线 compression line (or curve)

1026 压缩[冷冻]机 compression machine (or compression refrigerating machine)

1027 抗压构件 compression member

1028 压缩压力 compression pressure

1029 压缩程序,压缩过程 compression process

1030 压缩比 compression ratio

1031 压缩应力 compression stress

1032 压缩冲程 compression stroke

1033 压缩温度 compression temperature

1034 压缩试验 compression test

1035 压缩负荷 compressive load

1036 压缩应变 compressive strain

1037 抗压强度 compressive strength

1038 压应力 compressive stress

1039 压缩机 compressor

1040 制链器 chain cable compressor (or controller)

1041 计算机辅助设计 computer-aided design (CAD)

1042 计算机辅助设计及制图 computer-aided design and drafting (CADD)

1043 计算机辅助工程 computer aided engineering (CAE)

1044 计算机辅助放样 computer-aided lofting (CAL)

1045 计算机辅助制造 computer-aided manufacture (CAM)

1046 计算机辅助试验 computer aided testing (CAT)

1047 计算机控制 computer control

1048 计算机绘图 computer graphics

1049 计算机化 computerization

1050 计算机网络 computer network

1051 计算机输出缩影片,计算机输出微软片 computer output microfilm (COM)

1052 凹面填角焊接 concave fillet weld

1053 凹透镜 concave lens

1054 隐藏灯 concealed light

1055 暗线,隐藏布线 concealed wiring

1056 集中负荷 concentrated load

1057 浓差电位腐蚀 concentration cell corrosion

1058 同心绞线 concentrically stranded conductor

1059 同心电缆 concentric cable

1060 同心圆 concentric circles

1061 同心度 concentricity

1062 概念设计,构想设计 concept design

1063 混凝土包覆 concrete coating

1064 混凝土重力式钻油台 concrete gravity platform

1065 [钢筋]混凝土船 concrete (or ferro cement ) ship

1066 辅热(焊接) concurrent heating

1067 凝水泵 condensate pump

1068 冷凝 condensation

1069 冷凝设备 condensation plant

1070 冷凝率 condensation rate

1071 1)冷凝器,凝结器,复水器 2)电容器 condenser

1072 逆流冷凝器 contraflow condenser

1073 冷凝器泄压阀 condenser relief valve

1074 冷凝管 condenser tube

1075 复水管套圈 condenser tube ferrule

1076 凝汽机,附冷凝器[动力]机 condensing engine

1077 冷凝设备 condensing plant

1078 凝汽涡轮机 condensing turbine

1079 船况,情况,状态 condition

1080 状态曲线 condition curve

1081 传导 conduction

1082 井口导管(钻油台) conduction pipe

1083 传导性,传导度 conductivity

1084 导体 conductor

1085 槽,沟,管,导管 conduit

1086 导管接合箱 conduit box

1087 导[线]管套 conduit bushing

1088 导[线]管接合匣 conduit connection box

1089 导[线]管配件 conduit fittings

1090 锥形离合器 cone clutch

1091 圆锥规(轴,螺桨) cone gauge

1092 圆锥部(艉轴) cone part

1093 圆锥穿刺试验 cone penetration test

1094 1)塔轮2 )锥形滑轮 cone pulley

1095 锥形浮标 conical buoy

1096 锥头铆钉 conical pointed rivet

1097 锥形扫描 conical scanning

1098 锥形阀 conical valve

1099 锥形导槽 conic guide

1100 连接整补 connected replenishment (ONREP)

1101 连接弯头 connecting bend

1102 接线箱 connecting (or connection ) box

1103 连桥 connecting bridge

1104 连接管 connecting pipe

1105 连杆 connecting rod

1106 连接套管 connecting sleeve

1107 接线板 connection block

1108 接线匣 connection box

1109 接线图 connection diagram

1110 线端衔套 connection lug

1111 司令塔 conning tower

1112 残余碳素 conradson carbon residue (CCR)

1113 常数 constant

1114 汽缸常数 cylinder constant

1115 康[史登]铜线 constantan wire

1116 定流电焊机 constant current welding machine

1117 定能电焊机 constant energy welding machine

1118 定高平台型顶举平底船型钻探船 constant height platform type

1119 定额损失 constant loss

1120 定螺距 constant pitch

1121 [径向]等[螺]距螺桨 constant pitch propeller

1122 等压循环 constant pressure cycle

1123 定压阀 constant pressure valve

1124 定额 constant rating

1125 等反动率轮叶 constant reaction blade

1126 常定点控制 constant setpoint control

1127 定速调速器 constant-speed governor

1128 定冲程喷油泵 constant-stroke injection pump

1129 等温循环 constant temperature cycle

1130 [恒]定拉力绞车 constant tension winch

1131 定压电焊机 constant voltage welding machine

1132 等容循环 constant volume cycle

1133 拘束系数 constraint coefficient

1134 构造,结构 construction

1135 造船渠 construction basin

1136 结构图 construction plan

1137 侧面结构图 construction profile

1138 建造规范 construction (or detail) specification

1139 消耗材 construction (or running) store

1140 顾问工程师 consulting engineer

1141 耗性导管电热熔渣焊接法 consumable nozzle electroslag welding (CES )

1142 消耗品 consumable store

1143 消耗量 consumption

1144 耗煤量 coal consumption

1145 板条垫单面潜弧焊法 contact bar submerged arc welding (CBS)

1146 正平衡装置 contact dummy

1147 接触颚夹(焊接) contact jaw

1148 触点接通器 contact maker

1149 贴模法 contact molding

1150 贴模法(FRP) contact mold method

1151 接触器 contactor

1152 接触电阻 contact resistance

1153 接触[片]段 contact segment

1154 接触应力 contact stress

1155 接触面 contact surface

1156 1)容器 2)货柜 3)舱柜 container

1157 货柜驳船 container barge

1158 货柜导具 container guide fitting

1159 箱装法,货柜化 containerization

1160 货柜吊架 container lifting spreader

1161 货柜船 container ship

1162 货柜吊卸梁 container spreader

1163 容载系统 containment system

1164 污染 contamination

1165 临时检验 contingent (or occasional) survey

1166 强度连续性 continuity of strength

1167 连续动作控制器 continuous acting controller

1168 连续乙级天花板或内衬板 continuous "B" class ceiling or linings

1169 1)连续撒气 2)连续分供 continuous bleed

1170 连续铸造 continuous casting (CC)

1171 连续控制 continuous control (CC)

1172 直流电 continuous (or direct) current

1173 连续[使]用 continuous duty

1174 连续衬套 continuous liner

1175 连续构材 continuous member

1176 连续出力 continuous output

1177 连续处理(计算机) continuous process

1178 连续定额 continuous rating

1179 连续扫描 continuous scanning

1180 连续使用 continuous service

1181 连续常用出力 continuous service output (CSO)

1182 额定连续常用出力 continuous service rating (CSR)

1183 连续玻璃毡 continuous strand mat

1184 连续检验 continuous survey

1185 1)连续波 2)等幅[电]波 continuous wave (CW)

1186 连续焊接 continuous weld

1187 [整补站]轮廓灯 contour light

1188 1)等高线 2)轮廓线 3)等值线 contour line

1189 合约,契约 contract

1190 合约设计 contract design

1191 收缩 contraction

1192 断面缩率 contraction (or reduction ) of area

1193 主机降额最大连续出力 contract MCR

1194 承包商 contractor

1195 签约双方 contract party

1196 合约图 contract plan

1197 合约规范 contract specification

1198 逆流冷凝器 contra-flow condenser

1199 逆流热交换器 contra-flow heat exchanger

1200 逆流回热器,逆流式再生器 contra-flow regenerator

1201 导叶(螺桨) contra propeller

1202 对转螺桨 contrarotating propeller

1203 对转螺桨 contra rotating propeller (CRP)

1204 导叶式舵 contra rudder

1205 控制用空[气]压[缩]机 control air compressor

1206 控制用储气瓶 control air reservoir

1207 控制板 control board

1208 控制回路 control circuit

1209 控制指令 control command (or instruction)

1210 控制台 control console

1211 控制装置 control device

1212 控制设备 control equipment

1213 可调翼板 controllable fin

1214 [可]控[螺]距螺桨 controllable pitch propeller (CPP)

1215 可控可逆螺桨 controllable-reversible pitch propeller

1216 受控制区域 controlled area

1217 自动控制系统 controlled system with self-regulation

1218 控制量(自动控制) controlled variable

1219 控制器 controller

1220 控制器反应 controller response

1221 控制线 control line

1222 控制箱 controlling box

1223 控制装置 controlling gear

1224 控制机构,操纵机构 controlling mechanism

1225 控制室 controlling room (or station)

1226 控制心轴 controlling spindle

1227 控制阀 controlling valve

1228 控制板 control panel

1229 控制台 control platform

1230 控制点 control point

1231 控制继电器,控制电驿 control relay

1232 控制杆 control rod

1233 控制室 control room

1234 控制轴 control shaft

1235 控制信号 control signal

1236 控制站,控制室 control station

1237 控制面 control surface

1238 控制开关 control switch

1239 控制系统 control system

1240 控制台 control table

1241 控制组,控制单元 control unit

1242 控制阀 control valve

1243 控制阀箱 control valve box

1244 帆布软管 convase hose

1245 对流 convection

1246 对流加热器 convection heater

1247 对流散热器 convector

1248 权宜国籍船 convenient flag ship

1249 传统式输送设备 conventional transfer rig


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