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[初中]全新英语语法14-1 动词不定式






14-1 动词不定式





We want to visit the factory.我们想去参观那家工厂。(一般式)

He seems to be reading the book.他好像在读那本书。(进行式)

I remember to have told you about it.我记得告诉过你这件事。(完成式)

I'm sorry to have kept you waiting long.对不起让你久等了。(完成式)

The car needs to be repaired before we go on a trip to Europe.在去欧洲之前,这辆车必须修理一下。(被动式)


动词不定式的否定式在不定式前直接加not,构成not to do结构;不带to的不定式在动词原形前加not,构成not do结构。如:

The teacher told us not to be late again.老师告诉我们不要再迟到了。

My father made me not play computer games too long.我父亲不让我玩太长时间的电脑游戏。



She seems to know all .她似乎什么都知道。

I hope to see you next week.我希望下周见到你。


Don't pretend to be working hard .不要假装在努力工作。

He seems to be thinking deeply ,without noticing me.他似乎陷入了深思,没注意到我。


I am sorry to have given you so much trouble.对不起,给你添了这么多麻烦。

Mary is said to have known the secret.据说玛丽已经知道了这个秘密。


Our classroom needs to be cleaned every day.我们的教室需要每天打扫。


The girl likes to play the piano .那个女孩喜欢弹钢琴。

He told me to drive carefully .他告诉我要小心驾驶。





To study hard is necessary.努力学习是有必要的。

To get up early is a good habit.早起床是个好习惯。

It is necessary to study hard.=To study hard is necessary.努力学习是有必要的。



It is a good habit to get up early.=To get up early is a good habit.早起床是一个好习惯。


To learn English well is not easy.学好英语是不容易的。


■It+be+名词+to do sth.如:

It is our duty to serve the people.为人民服务是我们的职责。

■It takes sb.+some time+to do sth.如:

It takes me two hours to do my homework every day.每天做作业花费我两个小时的时间。

■It+be+形容词+for sb.+to do sth.如:

It is dangerous for the children to play in the street.对孩子们来说在街上玩耍是危险的。

■It+be+形容词+of sb.+to do sth.如:

It is kind of you to help me with my English.你帮我学英语真是太好了。



The most important thing is to cut off the electricity .最重要的是切断电源。

Her wish is to be a teacher .她的愿望就是当一名教师。

She seems to be very happy today.今天她好像很快乐。


seem作连系动词,其后的to be不定式可以省略。如:

He seems to be ill.=He seems ill.=It seems that he is ill.他似乎生病了。



I can't afford to buy a car.我买不起汽车。

Remember to post the letter.记住把信寄了。

I hope to be staying with you.我希望和你住在一起。



I had no choice but to wait.除了等,我没有别的选择。

It had no effect except to make him angry.除惹他生气外,没产生任何效果。


I find it difficult to learn Japanese well.我发现学好日语不容易。

They found it impossible to get everything ready in time.他们发现把一切按时准备好是不可能的。


We have decided not to go.我们决定不去了。

He has promised to get me a position.他答应给我安插一个职位。

We want to hear all about his adventure.我们想知道他这场奇遇的一切。



I don't know what to do next.我不知道下一步该做什么。

I asked how to solve the problem.我问该如何解决这个问题。

He forgot where to buy such a book.他忘了去哪儿买这样一本书。



I have a letter to answer .我有一封信要回复。

Liu Ying was the girl to meet you .刘英就是来接你的那个女孩子。

I have some clothes to wash .我有些衣服要洗。

I have a wish to go to college .我有一个上大学的愿望。



We have much work to do .我们有很多工作要做。


Li Lei was the first student to come into the classroom this morning.今天早晨李蕾是第一个进教室的学生。


Do you have anything to do now?你现在有事情要做吗?


Go ahead,please.I have a friend to wait for.请先走吧,我还要等个朋友。

There's nothing to worry about.没有什么可担心的。


I had a dream to fly in the sky like a bird .我做了一个梦,梦里我像鸟儿在天上飞。


动词不定式短语作宾语补足语,放在宾语的后面,表示宾语是什么或怎么样。动词不定式短语作宾语补足语有to do和to be两种形式。

①谓语+宾语+to do

The doctor advised him to take a good rest.大夫建议他好好休息。

They warned me not to go this way.他们警告我不要走这条路。

Please remind me to post this letter.请提醒我寄这封信。

②谓语+宾语+to be

I find English to be very easy.我发现英语很容易。

I know him to be dependable.我知道他是可靠的。



The boss made the workers work over ten hours a day in the past.过去老板让工人们每天工作十多个小时。

The workers were made to work over ten hours a day.过去工人们被迫一天工作十多个小时。

I saw Li Lei fall down from his bike.我看见李蕾从自行车上摔了下来。

Li Lei was seen to fall down from his bike.李蕾被看到从自行车上摔了下来。


He often comes to help us (to)do some farming work.他经常来帮我们干农活。


(误)I hope you to come earlier.我希望你早点来。

(正)I hope you will come earlier.我希望你早点来。






To get there on time,we set out at five in the morning.为了按时到达那儿,我们早晨五点就出发了。

He goes there to enjoy the fresh air.他去那儿享受那里的新鲜空气。


to do,in order to do,so as to do都可作目的状语表示目的,意为“为了……”,但to do,in order to do的位置既可在句首,也可在句末;而so as to do只能在句末。如:

In order to build a house,he bought some wood and steel yesterday.=He bought some wood and steel yesterday in order to build a house.=He bought some wood and steel yesterday so as to build a house.为了建房子,昨天他买来了木料和钢材。



I went to the classroom,to discover it empty.我走到教室,结果发现教室是空的。

He grew up to be a famous doctor.他长大以后成为了一名有名的医生。

I opened the door to find the room empty.我打开门,结果发现房间是空的。

He woke up to find everyone gone.他醒来发现人都走了。




I hurried to the railway station yesterday,(only)to find that the train had left.昨天我急急忙忙赶到火车站时,发现火车已经开走了。

②用于“so+adj./adv.+as+to do”句型中。如:

The scenery is so beautiful as to attract many people here every year.这里景色非常美,每年都要吸引很多人来。

③用于“adj./adv.+enough+to do”句型中。如:

He ran fast enough to catch up with Li Lei.他跑得很快,结果赶上了李雷。

④用于“so+adj./adv.+a(n)+n.+as+to do”句型中。如:

This is so interesting a story as to interest children.这是个很有趣的故事,孩子们非常感兴趣。

⑤用于“such+adj./adv.+n.+as+to do”中。如:

She is such a good girl to help you make great progress.她是个非常好的姑娘,帮助你取得了很大的进步。

⑥用于“too+adj./adv.+to do”句型中。如:

They went too slowly to catch the early bus.他们走得太慢了,结果没能赶上早班车。



I'm very glad to hear that Li Lei has been elected secretary of the Party.听说李雷被选为了党委书记,我很高兴。

I'm sorry to have troubled you so much.对不起,给你添了这么多麻烦。



To be heated,liquid will change into gas.如果受热,液体就会变成气体。


动词不定式短语可接在as if/as though之后作方式状语。如:

He moved his mouth as if to say something.他的嘴唇动了动,好像要说什么事似的。



To tell the truth,I have no money with me.坦白地说,我身上没带钱。

Strange to say,his hair turned white during the night.说也奇怪,他的头发一夜之间变白了。



①to tell the truth老实地说,坦白地说

②to make a long story short简单地说

③glad/sorry/sad to say说来很高兴/难过/可悲

④needless/strange to say不用说/说也奇怪

⑤to return to the subject/our muttons言归正传

⑥to begin/start with首先

⑦to be sure的确,当然

⑧to pass to another subject换个话题

⑨to say nothing of更不用说

⑩to make matters/things worse更糟的是



How to stop polluting rivers is a big problem.怎样停止对河流的污染是一个大问题。(作主语)

The question is how to start the work .问题是怎样开始这项工作。(作表语)

I hardly know what to say before you .我几乎不知道在你面前该说什么。(作动词宾语)

He thought a lot about how to improve the crop .他对如何提高收成考虑了很多。(作介词宾语)



I don't know what to do.=I don't know what I'll do.我不知道我该做什么。

②下列动词discover,explain,find out,wonder常接“how+不定式”短语作宾语。如:

I discovered how to solve the problem.我发现如何解决此问题。

He explained how to use the parachute.他解释如何使用降落伞。

She found out how to work quickly.她找到加快工作速度的方法。

They wonder how to finish the job.他们想知道如何完成这工作。

③动词show,know只能跟 “疑问词+to do”作宾语,不能接动词不定式。如:

Will you please show me how to get to the nearest bank?你能告诉我去最近的银行怎么走吗?

I don't know what to do next.我不知道下一步该做什么。


(1)for sb.to do sth.

for sb.to do sth.短语在句子中可以作主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语等。如:

It is important for you to find a job.对你来说找份工作是重要的。(作主语)

It isn't right for people to laugh at others.人们嘲笑别人是不对的。(作主语)

It is important for us to learn English well.对我们来说学好英语是重要的。(作主语)

I consider it necessary for her to learn French.我认为她需要学法语。(作宾语)

The best thing is for us to make our own decision.对我们来说最好的事情是自己做决定。(作表语)

It's time for us to go to bed.现在是我们睡觉的时候了。(作定语)

There's no reason for you to be late.你没有理由迟到。(作定语)

There is a lot of work for us to do.有许多工作要我们做。(作定语)

He opened the gate for the car to enter.他打开大门让汽车进来。(作目的状语)

The lesson is too easy for them to read.这一课对他们来说太容易了。(作结果状语)


该结构中for后的sb.是动词不定式的逻辑主语,即to do这一动作的执行者。与此句型常用的形容词有:important,necessary,difficult,easy,impossible,wonderful等。如:

It is wonderful for us to have received so many gifts.我们收到了这么多礼物,真好。

It is impossible for him to solve the problem.对他来说解决这个问题是不可能的。

(2)of sb.to do sth.

of sb.to do sth.短语常用于“It's+形容词+of sb.to do sth”句型中。如:

It's silly of you to do such a thing.做这样的事你真傻。

It's wrong of the other children to make fun of you.别的孩子取笑你是不对的。


①此句型常用的形容词有:nice,kind,good,right,wrong,wise,silly,rude,polite,careless,foolish,brave,honest,lazy,selfish,clever,stupid,impolite,careful 等。

②在of sb.to do sth.结构中,sb.可与句中的形容词构成系表结构。否则就用for sb.to do sth.结构。如:

It is really kind of you to help me so much.对我帮助这么多你真是太好了。

you are really kind to help me so much.

It was silly of you to trust such a man.你竟然相信这样一个人,真是太愚蠢了。

you were silly to trust such a man.



— Have you decided to go abroad?你决定去国外吗?

— Yes,I have decided to.是的,我决定去。

— Are you and Mary getting married?你和玛丽快要结婚了吗?

— We hope to.我们希望如此。

If you don't want to speak at the meeting,you don't need to.如果你不想在会上讲话,你可以不讲。

My parents hoped I would study medicine,but I didn't want to.我父母希望我学医,但我不想学。

I meant to do it,but forgot to.我是想去做,但忘记了。

You may bring the dictionary with you if you want to.如果你要带词典的话,就带着吧。

I shall go if you wish me to.如果你希望我去,我就去。


— Would you come and spend holiday with me?你愿意来和我一起度假吗?

— I'd be glad to.我很愿意。

I meant to destroy it from the first,but I was afraid to.我一开始就想毁掉它,但我不敢。


If he doesn't want to go there,you can't force him to.如果他不想去那儿,你不能强迫他去。

He didn't come though we had invited him to.尽管我们已邀请他来,但他没有来。


— Would you like to go for a walk?你愿意去散步吗?

— Yes,I'd like to.是的,我愿意去。

— Would you like to come to dinner tonight?你今晚愿意来吃饭吗?

— I'd like to,but I am too busy.我愿意,但我很忙。

(5)在某些固定词组如ought to,have to,used to,be able to,be going to等后也可承前省略不定式中的动词。如:

— Should I start at once?我应当立刻开始吗?

— Yes,you ought to.是的,你应当立刻开始。

I would like to attend the meeting but I'm afraid I won't be able to.我愿意参加这个会,但我恐怕去不了。

Don't stop unless you have to.除非不得已,否则不要停下来。


①had better do sth.最好做某事

②would rather do sth.宁愿做某事

③cannot but do sth.只好做某事

④do nothing but do sth.只好做某事

⑤have nothing to do but do sth.只能做某事

⑥Why not do sth.?为什么不做某事?


I wrote this letter in order to persuade and encourage Mary.为了说服并鼓励玛丽我写了这封信。

I didn't know whether to sit or stand.我不知道是坐还是站。


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