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Suzanne Somers’s son Bruce is remembering his "brave warrior" mother one day after she died "peacefully at home.”

On Monday, Bruce, 57, shared a touching tribute to Suzanne alongside a photo of his mother giving him a kiss on the cheek, writing, “She soared higher than most can dream.”

“She protected those who didn’t have a voice. She asked the questions most didn’t know to ask,” he shared. “She shared her challenges and brought light to solutions. To so many she was a brave warrior who articulated their fears. She wasn’t fearless, but she faced them so we could learn.”

“She was a friend, a wife, a sister, a daughter, an entertainer, an icon, and a legend. But to me, she was just Mom,” he continued. “I had the privilege as the only person who could call her that. Growing up, it was us against the world. And then she took the world by storm.”

Of his mom’s death, the UCLA graduate — whose father is Suzanne's ex-husband Bruce Somers Sr. — shared that “it’s always too soon, no matter how prepared we may be” and reflected on the lessons he learned from the late star. 

“But she will live through me as she taught me to be kind, to be present, to love and be loved, to care, to express, and to always speak from the heart… because THAT is the voice of God,” he wrote. 

He concluded his message by directly addressing his mother, sharing, “Mom, you left me with all the tools, though I’ll still need your guiding spirit around me. I feel you and know you are there. But I will miss your sweet hand and caring eyes that would look deep into my soul for verification that everything was okay.” 

He then thanked her for being “the best mother any son could ever dream of,” adding, “I miss you already. Call me greedy, but 57 years wasn’t enough. And yet, I received more love than I could ever imagine. I love you so dearly.”

“Happy Birthday on what would have been your 77th birthday,” he concluded. “Please gorge on all the birthday cake you want while you make all the other angels sing, dance, laugh and cry. Today, Heaven is lucky. ”

Somers died on Sunday morning at the age of 76, her publicist R. Couri Hay confirmed to PEOPLE.
萨默斯的公关人员R. Couri Hay向《人物》证实,萨默斯于周日上午去世,享年76岁。

“Suzanne Somers passed away peacefully at home in the early morning hours of October 15th. She survived an aggressive form of breast cancer for over 23 years,” Hay wrote in a statement to PEOPLE shared on behalf of the actress’ family.

“Suzanne was surrounded by her loving husband Alan, her son Bruce, and her immediate family,” the statement continued. “Her family was gathered to celebrate her 77th birthday on October 16th. Instead, they will celebrate her extraordinary life, and want to thank her millions of fans and followers who loved her dearly.”


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