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Lily Allen is disgusted by a rape joke made at her expense by male comedians Russell Brand, Jimmy Carr and Jonathan Ross.


The "Trigger Bang" singer, 38, reflected on the experience which occurred on The Big Fat Quiz of the Year in 2007 and went viral after rape allegations against Brand, 48, made headlines in September.

这位演唱《Trigger Bang》的38岁歌手在2007年的《Big Fat Quiz of The Year》中讲述了自己的经历。9月份,48岁的布兰德被指控强奸后,这段经历迅速走红。

At the start of the show, Ross, 62, moved Allen — "the only sexually attractive young lady” on the panel — away from panelists Brand and Noel Fielding to the "sexless zone."


He reasoned that the seat change was to protect her.


“And then Lily may go home with her dress still on,” Ross said, to which The Great British Bake Off co-host replied: “How dare you – we’re not rapists.”


Carr, 51, then asked why he was wearing a cape “if [he] wasn’t a rapist,” with Fielding, 50, explaining that his cape was actually a Jack the Ripper cape.


"He wasn’t a rapist, he was a...” Fielding replied, before Brand added: "Serial murderer."


“There's a difference. There is no direct corollary between rapes and capes, it’s just a rhyme. Leave him alone," the Forgetting Sarah Marshall actor continued.


In an interview with Grazia on Monday, Allen called the experience "horrendous."


“[There was a clip] where I was on a chat show with Russell Brand and Noel Fielding and Jonathan Ross. And there are comments, I think, about me being raped or something. And I laugh along with it. In retrospect, that’s really horrendous," she told the publication.


She added: “It makes me uncomfortable, but I don’t think I felt that at the time, because it was the culture.”


Representatives for Brand, Carr, Fielding and Ross did not respond to PEOPLE's requests for comment by the time of publication.


In September, Brand was accused of rape, sexual assault and physical and emotional abuse by five women — four who remained anonymous — including a 16-year-old, according to a joint investigation by The Sunday Times, The Times and U.K. current affairs show Channel 4 Dispatches.


The media outlets reported — in an article published by The Times  and during an episode of Dispatches  — that the incidents allegedly occurred during 2006 and 2013 when the comedian, 48, was a presenter for BBC Radio 2 and Channel 4 and a Hollywood film actor.


The comedian denied the allegations in a video shared to social media, saying that he "absolutely refutes" the claims and described them as "extremely egregious and aggressive attacks."



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