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原版英语对话1000个:1037 England and Japan



Todd: Clare, you're from England.
Clare: That's right.
Todd: How would you compare England and Japan?
Clare: Well, I think, let's take price-wise, they're actually quite similar. Well, not, maybe not England as a whole but, say Japan and London is very similar, I found in supermarkets, in housing, and things like that. In other respects, the people are certainly different. I mean, British people are renowned to be very polite as Japanese people are too, and Japanese people are very helpful as well, probably more so than British people I would say. Mm, what else?
Todd: What about the weather?
Clare: The weather? Well, it's been raining a lot in Japan recently so we could say that it's quite similar, although actually, when I was e-mailing my parents, they've been going on about how there hasn't been much rain the past couple of months and how they think there is going to be a drought. That typical British stereotype of the weather is not true at the minute and it's probably wetter in Japan, but yeah, I think that climate wise it's quite similar in terms of temperature. It's definitely much more humid here than at home.

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