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原版英语对话1000个:1058 Parenting Here and There



Todd: So, you've seen obviously life in France, family life in France, and now you've seen family life in America. Is there any differences?
Layla: Yes, there is a lot of difference about the education is different. The education in France, parents are more strict than here, but yeah, the lifestyle is different, too.
Todd: So you say that the parents are more strict in France. Like can you give an example? How are they more strict?
Layla: Like, here it's rare when parents say 'no' to their kids, and they say most of the time 'yes' for almost everything. But it's a good thing. It's a good thing, too, yeah.
Todd: So, you're saying the kids are spoiled?
Layla: A little bit, yeah. Sometimes.
Todd: What about like the daily routines of family life? Is there anything different about the daily routine?
Layla: Here in the U.S. we have a lot of au pairs, and a lot of nannies, and in France the parents - most of the time - one of the parents work, and the other takes care of the kids. And here, in the U.S., I notice that both parents work all the time. It's rare when the parents take care of the kids. They contract a nanny most of the time.
Todd: So, now that you've been an au pair for awhile, would you recommend being an au pair for other people?
Layla: Yeah, sure. Of courses. It's a very good experience, and it's very good for our resume, for people who want to finish their study, and to find work, and it's a good way to learn English.
Todd: OK, well, it was nice talking to you.
Layla: Thank you. You too.

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