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BBC News :大鼻子情圣德帕迪约避税入俄籍 获普京拥抱




BBC news with Jonathan Izard.


In his first live national address since June, president Bashar al-Assad of Syria has again condemned the opposition as foreign terrorists while offering what he described as a political solution to the conflict. President Assad said his initiative to end the violence would involve a national reconciliation conference to write a new constitution. James Reynolds reports from neighbouring Turkey.


Bashar al-Assad spoke for almost an hour in front of more than 1000 supporters gathered inside the Damascus opera hall. "We will continue to fight terrorism", President Assad told the audience, which appeared to take great pleasure in each of his words. Mr Assad repeated his assertion that the opposition in Syria was being led by what he called "foreign terrorists" organized by al-Qaeda. He offered to hold talks with an opposition acceptable to him, not with what he called "puppets" created by the west. As he ended his speech, dozens of supporters surged onto the podium to try to embrace him. The president struggled to leave the stage.

在大马士革大剧院,阿萨德向1000多名支持者发表近一个小时的讲话。“我们将继续与恐怖主义作 战,”总统阿萨德向支持者表示,众人显然对阿萨德的每句话都陶醉万分。阿萨德重申说,叙利亚反对派目前在基地组织策划下的“外国恐怖主义者”的领导人。他 希望能与可以接受的反对派进行谈判,而不是与所谓西方控制下的“木偶”们谈判。在讲话结束时,及数名支持者冲上讲台试图拥抱阿萨德。总统费了好大劲才离开 讲台。

The US state department described President Assad's speech as another attempt to cling to power that did nothing to advance the Syrian people's goal of a political transition. The Opposition National Coalition in Syria also dismissed the speech.


A spokesman in Turkey Halid Hoca said President Assad wanted to scupper international efforts led by the United Nations mediator Lakhdar Brahimi towards a negotiated end to the conflict.


"Assad is denying the initiative of Mr Lakhdar Brahimi. He is refusing the political solution. So he is sending a message to international committee that he will not compromise with the international committee to sit with the Syrian opposition and discuss the situation."


A Pakistani soldier has been shot dead during an exchange of fire with Indian troops across the line of control that divides the disputed region of Kashmir. India denied Pakistani allegations that its forces crossed into Pakistani-controlled territory and attacked a Pakistani army post. The Indian military said it returned fire after coming under attack from mortars.


Central banks and regulators have for the first time agreed rules on the minimum quantities of cash or saleable assets that banks must hold in an effort to prevent another international financial crisis. Here's our business correspondent Theo Leggett.


The new rules have been drawn up in response to the banking crisis which began in 2007 and led to the collapse of leading international firms such as Bear&Stern and Lehman Brothers. The idea is to ensure that in future banks have enough ready cash and other assets which can easily be sold and turned into cash to enable them to survive an emergency for 30 days without having to call on government support. They form part of a package of reforms being put into place by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision which sets international rules for the industry. Over the next few years, banks will also be required to build up their core financial reserves in an effort to reduce the risk of them overextending themselves by lending too much.

新规定的制定是为了应对2007年的银行业危机,这次危机导致主要的国际银行诸如贝尔斯登和莱曼兄弟破产。其出发点是为确保银行未来拥有足够的现金 等资产,可以轻易售出并转化为现金,从而帮助银行在无需政府帮助的情况下度过30天的应急期。这些规定是一揽子改革政策的一部分,将由负责为金融业制定国 际准则的巴塞尔银行监管委员会落实到位。未来几年间,为了阻止银行过度贷出,各银行将按规定制定各自的核心金融储备。

BBC news.

Riot police in Kuwait have used tear gas and stun grenades against protesters demanding that the newly elected parliament be dissolved. Police said the demonstration in Kuwait city was not authorized. Several people were arrested.


Two people are reported to have been shot dead in a tiny Uzbek enclave of Sokh which is entirely surrounded by Kyrgyzstan. Reports said that hundreds of Sokh residents angry over an electricity dispute attacked Kyrgyz border guards and took a number of Kyrgyz citizens hostage. The border was then closed. Talks to resolve the situation are said to be under way.



The French actor Gerard Depardieu who's accepted a Russian passport in protest at a proposed wealth tax in France has visited the harsh central Russian region of Mordovia. Mr Depardieu who's angry at the French government's attempts to raise the top rate of tax to 75% will pay just 13% income tax if he lives in Russia for at least 6 months a year. Our Moscow correspondent Daniel Sandford reports.


The day began with overnight television pictures of Gerard Depardieu embracing and then dining with Vladimir Putin and off camera receiving his new passport though apparently not from the president himself. Then after a short flight, the passport was being shown off to a welcoming committee in Mordovia. The small Russian region is best known for the important role it played in Starlin's GULAG system. Gerard Depardieu ate pancakes, was given two kittens, and said everything was very beautiful.

当天的夜间新闻显示杰拉尔·德帕迪约拥抱了总统普京,然后两人一起用餐,随后画面转到他的新护照,尽管很明显并不是总统本人颁发给他的。然后护照就 被拿到摩尔多瓦的欢迎委员会上展示。俄罗斯的这个小地方因斯大林的古拉格系统而出名。杰拉尔·德帕迪约吃着煎饼,还得到两个小猫,他说一切都非常美好。

Sepp Blatter, the head of world football's governing body FIFA has condemned the AC Milan player Kevin-Prince Boateng for leaving the pitch after being racially abused by fans. Mr Blatter said running away was not a solution and that teams risked losing the match if they followed the example of Boateng and the rest of the AC Milan side during a recent friendly in Italy. Mr Blatter provoked criticism in 2011 by suggesting that racist incidents in football could be settled with a handshake.

世界足球官方机构FIFA的主席塞普·布拉特指责AC米兰球员凯文·普林斯·博阿滕在遭受 粉丝种族主义侮辱后离场。布拉特称离场无法解决问题,如果各球队在最近意大利的友谊赛中都效仿博阿滕和AC米兰的其他成员,那么他们就有输掉比赛的危险。 布拉特2011年称足球中的种族主义问题可以通过握手的方式解决,由此引来一片指责。


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