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欲望都市第四季 床头吵床尾和 The Good Fight





[00:00.00] 12.08.02 08:42:03



[00:36.00](性爱专家凯莉布雷萧 并且勇于发问)


[00:49.12](寄给:艾登萧 转交:布雷萧)

[00:50.100]Someone once said that two haIves make a whoIe. 有人曾说两个一半 等于一个完整的个体

[00:59.56]And when two haIves move in together... 当两个人同住一个屋檐下时 等于一大堆东西

[00:59.36]it makes a whoIe Iot of stuff.

[01:05.84]Hey, what's--

[01:05.44]Pop-tart, where you been and what have you been doing? 你去哪里、做了些什么?

[01:07.40]l got coffee and papers... 我去买咖啡和报纸

[01:12.20]but l think the more pressing question is, what have you been doing? 但更迫切的问题是 你做了些什么?

[01:16.88]Made myself an area. -我为自己挪出一个空间 -看得出来

[01:18.08]Yes, l can see that.

[01:19.68]l needed a space for my work papers and stuff, you know, so... 我需要地方放底稿和工具 可以吗?

[01:22.12]is that okay? 当然… 只不过你挡住浴室的门了

[01:23.24]Yeah, sure, yes. lt's just...

[01:26.84]you're blocking the bathroom door.

[01:28.44]Yeah, but you got another one. Who needs two? 谁需要两个浴室门?

[01:29.32]l do, me. 我需要,我喜欢两个浴室门

[01:33.40]Me, the one who loves her two bathroom doors.

[01:34.56]Why do you need two doors? -为什么你需要两个浴室门? -如果我赶时间

[01:37.84]Sometimes l'm in a hurry and it's just quicker to go, ping, out that one...


[01:41.32]-and it's my escape route in case. -ln case what? -是我的逃生路线,以防万一 -什么万一?

[01:43.52]ln case rapists come in my bedroom window... 万一强暴犯从窗户爬进来… “咻”我一下就溜了

[01:46.88]l see them in the mirror and then, phew, l'm gone.

[01:47.88]There's a whole lot of phewing going on in that bathroom. 那浴室还真多“咻”的情况

[01:52.88]lt's just gonna be like this until we're able to take over the apartment next door... 在我们接管隔壁的公寓之前 都会是这个样子

[01:54.84]then we can load the stuff in.

[01:58.76]And would that be happening in the next five minutes please, God? 五分钟之内会发生吗?

[02:01.84]Closing at the end of next week. 下周末就可以搬过去

[02:04.80]Hello, Petey. 皮特,有什么大不了? 只不过是箱子而已,对吧?

[02:07.96]Really, what's the problem, right? lt's just boxes, right?

[02:12.16]A plant! 一个盆栽,他把一个活的东西 带进我的公寓

[02:11.36]The man brought a living thing into my apartment.

[02:15.80]l don't do plants. l kill everything l bring in there. 我不种植物 每株都会被我害死

[02:17.60]You said yes to moving in, he moved in. -你答应,他就搬进来了 -他占用了所有的空间

[02:20.40]But he's taking over whole areas.

[02:23.20]This is why l've never lived with a man. 这就是我不跟男人同居的原因

[02:25.76]This, and the fact that l want them out an hour after l climax. -我高潮后一小时他们就走人 -你让他们待一小时?

[02:26.28]You let them stay a whole hour?

[02:30.24]You'd be surprised how many are ready to go again after a quick catnap. 你会很惊讶休息片刻之后 还能再战几回的次数

[02:32.24]And there's no walls, there's nowhere to hide. 没有墙壁,无处可躲 每次我一进家门他就对我说

[02:35.72]As soon as l walk in, he's all up with:

[02:38.28]''Who'd you see? Where'd you go? Who'd ya meet? What'd ya know?'' “你和谁见面、去了哪里 有什么新鲜事?”

[02:41.80]What l know is, l need time to decompress. 我需要时间沉淀,一个人独处

[02:43.64]Just be alone. 免不了要做些调整 经营一段感情并不容易

[02:45.16]But there have to be some adjustments. Relationships are hard.

[02:48.24]You guys, l miss walking into my apartment... 我想念走进公寓时 空无一人的安静

[02:52.60]with no one there and it's all quiet...

[02:55.76]and l can do that stuff you do when you're totally alone... 可以做那些 当你独自在家时做的事

[02:60.88]things you would never want your boyfriend to see you do. 那些你绝不希望被男友看见 正在做的事

[03:02.32]Like masturbate? -好比说自慰? -我的SSB

[03:04.36]My S.S.B., my Secret Single Behavior. 我私密、独特的行为

[03:07.80]Like, l like to make a stack of saltines. 我喜欢把苏打饼干叠成一堆 涂上葡萄果酱

[03:09.20]l put grape jelly on them.

[03:13.68]l eat them standing up in the kitchen reading fashion magazines. 站在厨房流理台上 边吃边看时尚杂志

[03:16.24]Why standing up? -干嘛要站在流理台上? -很怪,但感觉很棒

[03:18.16]lt's weird, but it just feels great.

[03:18.76]l like to put Vaseline on my hands... 我喜欢在手上涂凡士林 然后戴上保养手套

[03:21.72]and put them in Borghese conditioning gloves...

[03:23.40]while watching infomercials. 收看购物广告的节目

[03:27.20]Before l was married... 我结婚之前 每晚习惯坐在镜子前

[03:26.92]l used to study my pores in a magnifying mirror for an hour each night.

[03:30.08]仔细察看我的毛细孔一小时 我怕崔会认为这很怪

[03:31.08]But l'm afraid Trey will think it's weird.

[03:34.44]He would. You can't do that stuff in front of men. 他会的 你不能在男人面前做那种事

[03:36.32]What about you, Lolita? 你呢?有没有不愿意 让男人撞见的事?

[03:39.72]Anything you do you wouldn't want a man to see?

[03:41.92]No. -没有 -我相信她

[03:44.40]You know, l believe her.

[03:48.68]Hey, didn't we make a rule about those things at lunch? 我们不是定了午餐的规矩吗?

[03:50.76]lt's my boss, l have to take it. 是我的老板,我一定要接 我是莎曼珊琼斯

[03:54.04]Samantha Jones.

[03:55.40]Richard, it's Sunday. 李察,今天是星期天 好吧,我一小时后到


[03:60.32]l'll see you in an hour.

[04:02.56]He wants me to drop something off this afternoon. 他要我今天下午 送一份文件过去

[04:03.68]Nice. 真好,要享受 “一飞冲天,午后愉悦”?

[04:06.04]A little skyrockets in flight, afternoon delight?

[04:10.36]No, it's just work. -不,只有工作 -才怪

[04:12.36]Hardly, you're sleeping with him. -你跟他上床了 -你告诉她们了?

[04:14.04]You told them?

[04:16.40]l also like to gossip on the phone while secretly pumicing my calluses. 我用浮石磨茧的时候 喜欢讲电话聊八卦

[04:19.60]So, how is he? 他怎么样?别省略细节 我现在是个春心荡漾的孕妇

[04:19.08]And spare no detail, l'm a horny pregnant person.

[04:24.04]l don't want to talk about it. 我不想谈

[04:27.24]Samantha likes a guy. -莎曼珊喜欢上一个男人了 -我没有

[04:29.12]-l do not. -You do! You do!

[04:32.48]Or you would tell us all the dirty details. 你有,否则你会跟我们分享 所有咸湿细节

[04:35.40]My God, we're gonna have to ice skate home. 我的天,我们得溜冰回家了 地狱刚才已冰封起来

[04:36.68]Hell just froze over.

[04:40.76]Okay, you want details? 你们想听细节?行

[04:44.16]He's got the most perfect dick l've ever seen. 他的命根子是我见过最完美的

[04:48.12]Long, pink, amazing. 长长的、粉红色、令人惊艳 十分“秀色可餐”

[04:50.20]lt's dick-a-licious.

[04:53.28]All right, so, what should l do about Aidan's stuff? 我该拿艾登的东西怎么办?

[04:58.84]l'm gonna have the girls over for dinner. -凯莉她们要来家里吃晚餐 -听起来很有趣,哪一天?

[05:01.64]That sounds like fun. What night?

[05:02.24]Just the girls. 只有我们女生

[05:04.28]l'm trying to get my day planner back together. 既然现在不用生孩子了 我有许多空闲时间

[05:08.00]l have much more free time since we left the baby track.

[05:10.36]Some apartments are cIuttered with physicaI stuff... 有些公寓堆满物质上的东西 有些则是精神上的情绪

[05:13.08]others, emotionaI stuff.

[05:15.36]lt's a big readjustment. 这是个很大的重新调整

[05:18.04]l've wanted a baby ever since l was a little girl. 我从小就想要个孩子 我们有育婴房却没有宝宝

[05:19.32]We have a baby room and no baby.

[05:25.08]l've got some good news. 我有个好消息

[05:28.16]Bram Pomander thinks he's snagged us orchestra seats... 布列波曼德说他帮我们弄到 下礼拜舞台剧

[05:32.96]to The Producers next week. “金牌制作人”的前排座位

[05:37.44]Charlotte, yes, we're disappointed. 夏绿蒂,没错,我们很失望 但生活还是要过下去

[05:39.80]But life goes on.

[05:40.72]We still have to find a way to have a giggle. 我们仍必须想办法重拾欢笑

[05:43.76]Come on, give me a smile. 来,笑一个给我看

[05:57.40]Hold on! Potential investors in Munich.

[05:57.48]l wish l knew how to say ''fuck you'' in German. 等等,在慕尼黑的投资人 德文“去你的”要怎么说?

[05:60.96]Fick mich.

[06:01.36]Fick mich.

[06:07.56]lmpressive. 令人佩服,你怎么会说德文?

[06:07.44]Why do you speak German?

[06:10.60]A gal has her reasons. 女人总有她的理由,那不是 “去你的”,而是“上我吧”

[06:12.84]Actually, that wasn't ''fuck you,'' it was ''fuck me.''

[06:14.00]That's a negotiation ploy l haven't tried before. -我以前没试过那种谈判伎俩 -别开玩笑了

[06:15.40]Who are you kidding? -杂志的版面设计呢? -签名、盖章、寄出去了

[06:17.60]Where's the layout for the L.A. Magazine spread?

[06:21.36]Signed, sealed, delivered.

[06:23.76]And one more thing. 还有一件事

[06:26.44]It was perfect. 它很完美 长长的、粉红色、令人惊艳

[06:29.20]Long, pink, amazing.

[06:35.88]l thought about you all weekend. 我整个周末都在想你

[06:38.64]Let me see if l can give you something to think about all evening. 也许我可以给你一项服务 好让你想整个晚上

[06:46.40]Bring out that gorgeous dick. 掏出你那迷人的命根子

[06:47.80]You're gonna get down on your knees right here? 你要在这里帮我口交? 万一我的助理撞见你怎么办?

[06:50.40]What if my assistant should see you?


[06:59.100]l dropped my portfolio. 我的文件夹掉了 捡起来可能要花一点时间

[07:04.12]That may take some time to pick up.

[07:15.20]Das ist einen sch?nen perfekten Schwanz.

[07:26.08]Whoops. Better get those, while you're down there.


[07:30.96]lf l had known you were gonna turn out to be so not a loser... 假如我知道 你不是一个很逊的家伙

[07:34.52]l would have run home after work and changed. -我下班之后会换件衣服 -或者起码擦上清新的体香剂

[07:36.60]Or at least put on some fresh deodorant.

[07:42.76]Careful. l was a much younger man... 小心点,我第一次和你 定下这个约会时年轻多了

[07:44.84]when we started setting up this blind date.

[07:48.04]You're the one who kept canceling to go to.... 是你一直取消,说要去… 哪里?

[07:49.84]Where were you? 第一次是西班牙和罗马 第二次是卢森堡和雅典

[07:51.40]First time, Spain and Rome...

[07:52.32]the second time, Luxembourg and Athens.

[07:54.16]WaIker Lewis, fIuent in five Ianguages, traveIed the worId... 渥克路易斯,精通五种语言 环游世界,是国务院的口译员

[07:58.04]as a State Department interpreter.

[08:02.88]Seriously, Miranda... 说真的,米兰达 这是我最棒的初次约会…

[08:02.56]best blind date l have ever had...

[08:06.80]in the continental U.S.A. 在美国本土

[08:23.72]What? 怎么了?在我去布鲁塞尔之前 有任何不能再见你的理由吗?

[08:23.64]Listen, any reason l can't see you again before l go to Brussels?

[08:30.00]He is so cute and funny and sexy. 他可爱、风趣又性感

[08:33.88]And l really want to have sex with him. But l don't know. 我真的很想跟他上床 但我不知道

[08:36.92]ls it okay to fuck one guy when you're pregnant with another guy's baby? 当你怀着一个男人的孩子 可以和另一个男人做爱吗?

[08:40.40]lf one more person asks me that today.... 要是今天有人再问我一遍…

[08:42.20]l mean, l'm not in a relationship with the father of the baby or anything. 我并没有和孩子的父亲交往

[08:48.36]l've rarely heard that used as a plus, but go on. 我很少听到那理由被当成 一个好处,不过继续说吧

[08:50.84]lt's just.... ls it tacky? 那很恶劣吗? 除了恶劣之外,那安全吗?

[08:53.36]And beyond tacky, is it safe?

[08:56.44]Let's assume he's a really great fuck. -假设他性能力卓越 -很多男人也是

[08:56.12]Because so many men are.

[08:59.12]Could all that poking shake the baby loose or something? 那些冲刺动作会震动到胎儿吗

[09:02.60]No, that's silly. 那太傻了 已婚夫妇一直都有性生活

[09:04.60]Married couples have sex all the time.

[09:06.44]But what if he's huge? -但万一他很巨大呢? -很多男人也是

[09:09.04]Again, 'cause so many men are.

[09:11.16]Could the dick dent the baby? -命根子会让胎儿凹陷吗? -你以为酒窝是怎么来的?

[09:13.04]Where do you think dimples come from?

[09:15.92]That is so cute. -真是幽默 -我尽量

[09:18.68]l try. 我真的得趁现在和他上床

[09:17.60]Okay, l really need to have sex with him now.

[09:21.56]Next time he comes back in town, l'll be too big and he won't want to. 下次他回来时 我肚子太大他就不想要了

[09:25.32]Nothing puts a man off sex like pregnancy. 没什么比怀孕更让男人倒胃口

[09:31.60]This is my last chance. 这是我最后的机会

[09:34.32]Last chance for sex. -最后享受性爱的机会 -你又不是快要死了

[09:35.08]You're not on death row.

[09:38.36]Yes, l am, dead woman fucking. 我的确是,无法做爱的女人

[09:39.08]lt's your body, your life. You do what's best for you. 这是你的身体、你的人生 怎样对你最好你就怎么做

[09:42.52]Easier said than done. 说时容易做时难

[09:44.36]You can't even ask Aidan not to talk when you walk in the front door. 你连叫艾登别在你进门时说话 都办不到

[09:48.60]Hi, Mrs. Cohen! Hold on a second. 你好,柯恩太太

[09:51.20]Here, let me help you. 等一下,让我帮你,来吧

[09:54.48]Hold on, here we go.

[09:58.56]Hello. Okay?

[09:59.64]That's a crazy outfit. 你这身装扮真是疯狂

[10:01.24]Okay, Mrs. Cohen, this is my friend, Miranda.

[10:04.52]-这是我的朋友米兰达 -你好,柯恩太太

[10:06.52]Hello, Mrs. Cohen.

[10:10.00]Listen, you tell your boy l'm not leaving for 30 days. 转告你男朋友 我30天之后才会搬走

[10:14.48]What? 什么?但我们再过一星期 就要迁进去了

[10:17.64]But we're closing in a week.

[10:17.56]Read the contract! 看清楚合约

[10:21.92]I didn't think Mrs. Cohen couId move any sIower... 我本来认为柯恩太太不可能 移动得更慢,但显然她可以

[10:24.76]but apparentIy she couId.

[10:31.84]Gal, what's up? 怎么样?你去哪里? 有什么新鲜事?

[10:32.64]Where you been? What do you know?

[10:38.28]Brace yourself, partner. 做好心理准备,伙伴 我去了外面

[10:40.40]l been outside, and what's up... 新鲜事是隔壁的老太婆通知我

[10:43.16]is Old Lightning Rod next door informs me...

[10:48.84]she will not be leaving for 30 days. 她要再过30天才会搬走

[10:54.92]l was afraid she was gonna do that. Fuck! 恐怕她真的会这么做

[10:55.100]Fuck! 妈的,那我们现在该怎么办?

[10:57.28]What the fuck are we gonna fucking do now?

[11:04.16]Thank you. 谢谢…你也讨厌这种情况 我真是如释重负

[11:05.36]You hate it, too, l'm so relieved!

[11:06.92]l thought you'd already changed into a pod. 我以为你已经变成一个蚕茧

[11:09.00]Invasion of the SingIe Snatchers. 单身女子掠夺者的入侵

[11:13.12]Of course l hate it. 我当然讨厌这种情况 我们不能过这样的生活

[11:15.00]We cannot live like this.

[11:21.64]l mean, l got all my boxes in the hall. You can't get in the fucking door. 整个客厅都是我的箱子 你在门外进不来

[11:24.56]l know, did you see me? 你看到了?

[11:25.64]-Every time! Every single time! -We gotta get this stuff out of here. -每一次都这样 -我们得把东西搬出去

[11:28.72]We could make some room for it if we cleaned out your closet. 如果清理你的衣橱 就可以挪出一些空间

[11:36.28]Careful! 小心

[11:39.84]Okay, damn, my ears. -好,该死,我的耳朵快聋了 -听我说

[11:41.52]Listen to me. 我在浴室的地板上 铺了干净的毛巾

[11:43.72]l have laid out clean towels on the floor of the bathroom.

[11:45.40]Gently place the shoes and boxes on them. 把鞋子和盒子轻轻地放上去

[11:58.12]l forgot l had these. 我都忘了我有这双鞋了 一切渐入佳境

[11:59.20]Things are looking up.

[12:03.68]How many pairs of shoes does one person need? 一个人需要多少双鞋子?

[12:03.72]That is not the way to get out of this alive. 你不想活了?

[12:08.16]l figure l'm gonna need about half this space. 我想我大概需要一半的空间

[12:12.92]l figure you've gone mentally ill. -我想你是精神有问题 -这些衣服你大部分都没穿

[12:13.12]-You never wear most of this stuff. -Yet!

[12:18.20]l never wear most of this stuff yet. Someday l will. 是还没穿,大部分的衣服 我都还没穿,我总有一天会穿


[12:23.08]Like this? 你打算什么时候 穿这件衣服去什么地方?

[12:24.48]When and where were you planning to wear this?

[12:28.76]Don't do that. Don't mock the clothes. 不要这样,别嘲弄衣服

[12:32.32]And for the record, have worn it. 郑重声明,这件我穿过

[12:33.100]December, '99, Union Square... 1999年12月 联合广场,新书签名会

[12:36.72]book signing.

[12:40.08]We gotta start somewhere. -总要从某一件开始 -我爱这件衣服

[12:43.04]Come on, l love this outfit.

[12:46.68]That's when I reaIized I was hoIding onto a Roberto CavaIIi outfit... 我发现我正拿着一件 罗伯托卡瓦利的名牌上衣

[12:48.92]and throwing away my reIationship. 而要抛弃我的感情

[12:52.92]-Okay, it goes! -Good. -好吧,丢掉 -很好

[12:54.32]Bye. 拜拜


[13:05.32]Hey, Pete! 住手,皮特,快放开…

[13:07.00]Stop it! Pete, stop it!

[13:10.40]-Pete, my God! -Pete, hey!


[13:14.96]Don't show it to me, don't even show it to me! 别拿给我看

[13:16.64]l think l saw turquoise. 我好像看到蓝绿色 最好不是我想的那双

[13:17.68]That better not be the pair l think!

[13:21.92]Goddamn it! 该死

[13:24.64]That dog owes me $380. -那只狗欠我380块 -好

[13:28.12]-Fine. -You can't buy it, it's circa 1996! 已经买不到了 它大约是1996年制的

[13:31.84]Goddamn it! 它是一只狗,你那些垃圾 堆得满地都是,它能怎么样?

[13:34.56]He's a dog, what's he supposed to do with all your shit lying around here?

[13:39.92]My shit wouldn't be lying around if we weren't making room... 要不是因为你的垃圾 堆得满地都是而得挪出空间

[13:41.48]because your shit is lying around. 我的垃圾也不会堆得满地都是

[13:44.92]You got more shit lying around than l got. -你的垃圾比我多 -你看这个地方

[13:48.16]What? Look at this place.

[13:49.76]lt's loaded with your shit. 全都摆满了你的垃圾 看看这间浴室

[13:50.44]Just look at this bathroom!

[13:53.64]Look at all your shit in my bathroom. 看看你放在我浴室中的垃圾

[13:57.32]Who needs five almost-empty Speedstick deodorants? 谁需要五瓶几乎用完的 体香剂?你是购物狂吗?

[13:60.08]What are you, a crazy bag man?

[14:03.88]They're different smells! -它们的味道都不一样 -你什么时候擦过麝香这瓶?

[14:04.56]And when have you ever worn musk?

[14:07.76]Look at this stuff, you got old razors, Rogaine.... 看看这些玩意儿 有旧的刮胡刀、生发水…

[14:11.92]Wait a minute. You use Rogaine? -我不知道你用生发水 -这是预防的

[14:13.80]-l didn't know you needed-- -lt's preventative!

[14:15.32]-ls your hair falling out? -l don't want to talk about it! -难道你的头发… -我不想谈了

[14:18.20]It seems it's not onIy women who have Secret SingIe Behavior. 似乎不只是女人 有私密、独特的行为

[14:22.16]This is my stuff! Don't be going through my stuff. 这是我的东西,别翻我的东西

[14:24.76]You were more than happy to go through my stuff. -你倒是很喜欢翻我的东西 -你的东西、你的浴室

[14:28.64]Your stuff, your bathroom.

[14:30.40]You always do that, you never want to let me in. 你总是这样 你根本不想让我搬进来

[14:31.80]l don't ''always do'' anything. 我没有总是怎样 再说我已经让你搬进来了

[14:36.32]And l have let you in.

[14:38.28]You're fighting with me about a stupid fucking outfit! 你为了一件无聊的衣服 跟我吵架

[14:42.36]Shut up! 闭嘴,那是罗伯托卡瓦利 我很爱它却还是把它丢掉了

[14:41.72]lt's Roberto Cavalli.

[14:45.76]l threw it away and l love it!

[14:45.72]-What more do you want? -Shut up? -你还想怎么样? -闭嘴…?

[14:50.12]-Shut up! -Yes, shut up! 对,闭嘴

[14:53.12]You're telling me to shut up? -你叫我闭嘴? -拜托,闭嘴

[14:55.00]Please, just shut up!

[14:58.16]l'm so sick of hearing you talking all the time! 我真的很厌恶你老是讲个不停 难道你都没有闭嘴的时候吗?

[14:60.84]Don't you ever just shut up?

[15:03.12]-l'm gonna take a walk. -No. 我要去散步


[15:06.80]l'm taking a walk!

[15:09.88]You can stay here with your boxes of shit and your shoe-eating dog... 你可以和你那箱垃圾 以及会咬鞋的狗留在这里

[15:11.56]and you can knock yourself out putting on the Rogaine and the Speedstick! 擦生发水和体香剂,擦个过瘾

[15:21.64]This is why l need a second door! 这就是我需要第二道门的原因

[15:27.16]l heard that! 我听到了

[15:31.68]I used to think those peopIe who sat aIone at Starbucks... 以前我总认为独自坐在星巴克 使用笔记型电脑的人

[15:32.12]writing on their Iaptops were pretentious poseurs. 都很矫揉造作、装模作样

[15:37.44]Now, I know. 现在我明白了 他们最近都和某人同居

[15:37.44]They're peopIe who have recentIy moved in with someone.

[15:39.52]As I Iooked around... 不知道其中有多少人跟我一样 刚和人吵完架

[15:42.00]I wondered how many of them were mid-fight...

[15:43.80]Iike myseIf.

[15:47.68]The thing about fighting in reIationships, as opposed to Madison Square Garden... 感情生活中的争执 最麻烦的就在于没有裁判

[15:52.64]no referee. 没人告诉你哪句话太过火 或何时该休兵

[15:53.92]There's no one to teII you which comments are beIow the beIt...

[15:54.44]or when to go to your separate corners.

[15:56.100]As a resuIt, someone usuaIIy gets hurt. 结果通常就会有某个人受伤

[16:01.20]And it seems, the cIoser a coupIe gets... 似乎两个人靠得越近 他们之间就有越多阻碍

[16:04.28]and the more ''stuff'' they have between them...

[16:05.04]the harder it is to figure out exactIy why they are yeIIing. 也就越难理解 为何要大呼小叫

[16:10.20]When it comes to reIationships... 说到感情,我不禁纳闷 我们到底在吵什么?

[16:11.52]I couIdn't heIp but wonder...

[16:12.20]what are we fighting for?

[16:19.48]Hello, my darling. 亲爱的,我回来了

[16:22.76]l'm home!

[16:28.00]What are you.... ls that a surprise for me? -那是给我的惊喜吗? -是的

[16:31.40]Yes, it is.

[16:30.88]Don't get all excited, it's just a little silly something. 别太兴奋 只是个傻气的小玩意儿

[16:33.76]-What is it? -Open it. -是什么? -打开看看

[16:42.32]lt's a cardboard baby. 这是个纸板婴儿

[16:45.52]l saw it in the window of a novelty store next to the hospital. 我在医院旁边一间 新奇商店的橱窗看到的

[16:47.28]See, now we can relax because we have one. 现在总算可以放轻松 因为我们已经有个宝宝了

[17:01.04]Oh, dear. 天啊…这应该很有趣才对

[17:01.48]lt was supposed to be funny.

[17:03.08]l thought we'd have a chuckle. 我以为我们会莞尔一笑

[17:06.68]Don't talk to me. 不要跟我讲话

[17:08.80]See, it was a novelty store. 那是一间新奇商店,店员说…

[17:12.68]And the clerk said that they sell....

[17:13.24]But to CharIotte, it was definiteIy hitting beIow the beIt. 但对夏绿蒂而言 这个行为已经犯规了

[17:19.44]If the meat is about a quarter of an inch thick.... 如果肉是四分之一英寸厚…

[17:23.08]And across town, Miranda decided it was time... 在城的另一头 米兰达决定该是戴上手套

[17:24.00]to put on the gIoves and come out swinging. 放纵一下的时候了

[17:29.56]Leave a message. 渥克,我是米兰达 在你星期一去布鲁塞尔之前

[17:31.76]Hi, Walker, Miranda.

[17:33.32]Before you leave for Brussels on Monday, how about getting together Friday night?

[17:34.64]星期五晚上见个面如何? 在我家,打电话给我

[17:37.48]My apartment, call me.

[17:38.80]Pregnant or not, Miranda had needs and decided to stop fighting them. 无论怀孕与否米兰达都有需求 她决定随心所欲、顺其自然

[17:47.44]And surprisingIy, Samantha deveIoped... 令人意外的是

[17:49.36]some Secret SingIe Behavior of her own. 莎曼珊培养了某种 私密、独特的行为

[18:01.04]Seven hours and a IandsIide of Iattes Iater... 七个小时和无数杯拿铁之后

[18:05.52]I vibrated home, prepared to admit how siIIy I'd been. 我不安地回家 准备承认我有多愚蠢

[18:13.20]That was... 直到我发现 他并不打算承认他有多愚蠢

[18:14.100]untiI he wasn't prepared to admit how siIIy he'd been.

[18:27.92]He yelled, then l yelled. 他大吼,然后我也大吼

[18:31.96]lt's been three days, and nothing. 已经三天了 我们一句话也没说

[18:33.48]Not a word. And l'll be damned if l say l'm sorry first. 如果我先道歉我就下地狱

[18:37.56]Trey and l hardly ever yell. 崔和我很少大吼,白种盎格鲁 撒克逊新教徒不吼,这是遗传

[18:39.32]We're Wasps. Wasps don't yell, it's genetic.

[18:41.20]-Would anyone like more salad? -No, we're done, what's the main course? -有谁还要沙拉吗? -不用了,主菜是什么?

[18:45.36]Relax. Chew. You'll get laid. You're not meeting until 10:00. 别急,慢慢嚼,你会跟他上床 你和他十点才要见面

[18:51.84]Beef with Thai noodles. 泰式牛肉炒面

[18:53.68]Richard is thinking of opening a hotel in Thailand. 李察想在泰国开一家饭店

[18:59.60]Sweetie? 亲爱的,喜欢男人没什么不对

[18:59.20]lt's perfectly okay to like a guy.

[19:01.88]For the last time, the only thing l like about Richard... 我再说最后一次 我唯一喜欢李察的东西

[19:04.40]is his big, throbbing, rock-hard, perfect dick. 就是他粗大、抽动 如岩石般坚硬、完美的命根子

[19:11.92]Forgot it was ladies' night. -我忘了今晚是淑女之夜 -崔,你不该出现的

[19:12.60]Trey, you're not supposed to be here.

[19:16.48]-Good evening, everyone. -Hello. 你们好

[19:18.60]-Hi. -Hello, Mrs. 你好,老婆,看来还在生气

[19:22.48]Still mad, l see.

[19:25.64]-l suppose she told you about the baby. -No, l didn't. -我猜她跟你们说了宝宝的事 -不,我没有

[19:29.32]l never want to think about it again. 我再也不愿去想这件事

[19:32.44]See... 我本来试图逗夏绿蒂开心…

[19:32.60]-l was trying to make Charlotte laugh-- -lt's not funny!

[19:35.68]-一点也不好笑 -或许她们会觉得好笑

[19:35.68]Wait a minute now, maybe they'll think it's funny.

[19:39.96]See, we were so tense about not being able to have one... 我们之间的关系 因为无法生孩子而十分紧张

[19:42.36]that l gave Charlotte a cardboard baby. 所以我送夏绿蒂一个纸板婴儿 很好笑吧?

[19:45.92]lsn't that funny?

[19:53.92]Carrie, you're funny. 凯莉,你很风趣 一个纸板婴儿,很好笑吧?

[19:54.08]Cardboard baby, that's funny, right?

[19:57.24]l mean, it's not funny ''ha-ha,'' but silly. 不会让人捧腹大笑,但很傻气

[20:03.80]See, they sell them in novelty stores... 新奇商店里有卖

[20:07.12]and other people buy them, and the clerk said that it was funny. 别人也有买 店员说这蛮好笑的

[20:11.84]-Maybe you have to see it. -Don't you bring that thing in here! -也许你们应该看一下 -不要把那东西拿出来

[20:15.88]lt's silly. -它很傻气 -我不觉得

[20:17.32]Not to me it isn't!

[20:18.12]How would you feel if l gave you a cardboard cut out of a big flaccid penis? 要是我送你一个软趴趴的 纸板阴茎你作何感想?

[20:22.80]lt's not so funny now, is it? 现在不好笑了吧? 不准拿出来,否则我杀了你

[20:25.20]Don't you bring that flat baby in here, l will kill you!

[20:28.96]How dare you talk to me like that in front of them? -你竟敢这样跟我说话? -她们都知道你阴茎的问题

[20:30.36]They know about your penis problems! They're sick of hearing it!

[20:34.32]There we were, right in the middIe of a Wasp nest. 我们正在白种盎格鲁 撒克逊新教徒的家中

[20:38.60]This is unforgivable! 这真是不可原谅

[20:37.80]No, what's unforgivable is you denying me my baby... 你因为被宠坏而不让我当妈妈 才是不可原谅

[20:42.00]because of your own selfish, spoiled needs.

[20:45.36]-l'm spoiled? -Yes! 我被宠坏?你才被宠坏了 自从我们搬回…

[20:44.16]You are spoiled!

[20:48.08]Ever since we moved back in here, it's been nothing but ''baby, baby''!

[20:49.44]-What about me? -Richard, hello. 我是莎曼珊琼斯

[20:51.76]李察,你好 不,你打来不会太晚

[20:54.80]No, it's not too late to call.

[20:56.48]Everything but a baby! -我只要孩子 -我们要走了

[20:59.20]-We're gonna go. -Good!

[21:00.100]Don't you talk to my friends like that! Without a baby, they're all l have! 好极了

[21:02.20]别那样跟我朋友说话 没有孩子,她们是我的唯一

[21:05.28]And what am l? -那我算什么? -你是给我纸板婴儿的男人

[21:06.84]You are the man who gave me a cardboard baby!

[21:11.72]-lt was funny! -No, it wasn't! -那很好笑 -不好笑

[21:14.20]Goodnight! 再见

[21:26.12]Okay, what's so important that it couldn't wait until-- 什么事这么重要不能等到…

[21:30.24]This. 这个

[21:35.24]Let's get something straight. 让我们把话说清楚 我一点也不想要那个

[21:37.08]l want no part of that.

[21:40.44]That turns everything into a big screaming mess. 那只会把事情搞得一团糟

[21:43.20]We are work and sex, nothing more. 我们之间只有工作和性爱 没别的了

[21:48.08]Now... 现在麻烦你把裤子脱掉 让我瞧瞧你的命根子

[21:50.60]kindly take off those pants and show me your dick.

[22:01.84]l'll show you mine if you show me yours. 如果你让我看,我就让你看

[22:22.56]That's what l'm talking about. 我就是这个意思

[22:48.92]Seeing a bantamweight championship fight Iike CharIotte and Trey's... 见识到夏绿蒂和崔的 羽量级争吵

[22:54.20]made me feeI thankfuI that Aidan and I were stiII in the banter weight division. 让我庆幸我们还在斗嘴阶段

[22:57.80]l'm sorry. -我很抱歉 -我也很抱歉

[22:60.36]l'm sorry, too.

[23:04.16]That night, I sIept in my cIothes. 那晚,我合衣而眠

[23:15.40]Trey and his baby sIept in the guest room. 崔和他的宝宝睡在客房

[23:18.76]And CharIotte no Ionger cared what Trey thought. 而夏绿蒂再也不在乎崔怎么想

[23:31.20]Fuck me! 上我吧!仿佛没有明天

[23:30.80]Fuck me like there's no tomorrow!


[23:35.44]For her Iast meaI, the condemned woman had seconds... 在她的最后一餐中 这位女死囚拥有了第二次…

[23:39.80]and thirds. 和第三次高潮

[23:44.68]Samantha met the dawn after a night of S.S.B. 经过一夜SSB 莎曼珊迎接了日出

[23:46.36]Sexy Swimming Behavior. 性感地游泳

[23:60.52]Dance with me. -跟我跳舞 -我是怎么说的?

[24:02.80]What did l say?

[24:06.88]l'm your boss. 我是你的老板,这是命令

[24:09.92]lt's an order.

[24:21.56]Richard.... -李察… -跳舞吧

[24:59.88]Samantha finaIIy threw in the toweI. 莎曼珊终于投降

[25:01.84]AII this time, she'd been trying to make him... 她一直努力 只把他当成完美的命根子

[25:03.52]just a perfect dick, fighting her feeIings...

[25:06.12]that he might be the perfect Richard. 而抗拒他可能是 完美的李察这种想法

[25:25.60]And back at the Bradshaw-Shaw residence... 回到布雷萧与萧的住所 它仍然一如往常

[25:27.68]it was pretty much business as usuaI.

[25:29.96]What's up? Where you been? Who did you see? 怎么样?你去哪里? 和谁见面?

[25:44.76]Buddy, l need you to do something.

[25:46.36]-我需要你做一件事 -什么事?


[25:51.32]l've never lived with anybody before you, so don't know how to say this correctly... 我从未和人同居过,所以 我不知道怎么说才对,但是…

[25:57.72]but l need you to not talk to me... 我希望你整整一个小时 不要和我讲话

[26:01.56]for one whole hour.

[26:01.76]l know that sounds pretty selfish... 我知道那听起来很自私

[26:04.76]but it's just what l need. ls that okay? 但这正是我所需要的,可以吗

[26:10.56]Okay, good. 太好了

[26:12.92]We don't have any other rooms yet... 我们还没有别的房间 所以我要把这拉起来

[26:14.68]so, l'm gonna close these...

[26:17.88]and then it's like l'm not here. 就好像我不在这里

[26:20.08]For one whole hour, l'm not here. 整整一个小时,我不在这里

[26:24.96]Thanks. 谢谢,我爱你

[26:29.52]l love you.

[27:01.84]So, what are you doing out here? 你在外面干嘛?

[27:11.16]That's the thing about needs, sometimes when you get them met... 需求这回事就是这么奇妙 有时候当你的需求被满足

[27:15.32]you don't need them anymore. 你就不再需要它们了

[27:19.80]As our 30 days wore on... 虽然那三十天过得很缓慢

[27:22.08]Aidan and I miracuIousIy managed to not kiII each other. 艾登和我奇迹似地 没有杀了对方

[27:25.00]But, as I predicted... 但是,如同我所预料的…

[27:29.28]the pIant was not so Iucky. 那盆栽就没这么幸运了

[27:54.72]Subtitles provided by SOFTlTLER


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