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地道美语听力播客:Holiday Promotions



My boss asked me to come up with some holiday promotion ideas so that we can makeinroads into the gift-buying market . For us to stay competitive, our company has to increase retail sales for this important sales cycle . My boss is expecting some innovativeideas from me.
Since we’re an online business and not a brick- and-mortar store , we can’t just put signs in the window or do other types of traditional advertising. Lucky for us, though, consumers are increasingly computer savvy and are more likely than ever to buy online. That’s something we want to capitalize on.
Like other companies, we’re willing to slash prices to attract holiday shoppers. We have a large inventory and we don’t have to worry about running out of stock . The trick is, how do we increase sales without resorting to gimmicks ? Dressing up salespeople to look like Santa Claus may work for some businesses but not ours.
I’m just hoping that I can come up with some fresh ideas to jump-start this sales season. I know that my boss is counting on me.

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