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地道美语听力播客:Feeling Lonely



Moving to a new city can be a lonely experience. When I first moved to Los Angeles, I didn’t know anyone and it was hard to strike up new friendships . I’m a pretty sociable person, but it’s still hard meeting new people and even harder to make lasting friendships .
I’ve never been a lone wolf , so being in a new city out on my own was a new experience. Sometimes I liked doing solitary things, but after awhile, I yearned to be around other people. I would go to busy places to people-watch . I would see families walking by, groups of friends hanging out together, and couples arm-in-arm , and wished I was walking along with them. When you’re feeling lonely, it sometimes feels like there’s a wall between you and everyone else, a wall that’s not easy to break down .
Slowly, I started to meet people at my new job and to see them outside of work. Having this companionship and camaraderie , especially with people I had a good rapport with, was a welcomed change. In time, I made some good friends and I no longer dreaded the weekends.
But, I’ve never forgotten how hard it was in those first months to be a stranger in a new place!

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