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> 少儿英语 > 少儿英语教材 > 新世纪少儿英语 >  第7篇




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Lesson 1 Do you have a lucky number?

Today,there's a shool raffle.The first prize is a bike.

Close your eyes and take a number.

Do you have a lucky number?

Yes,I do.

The winner is...number four.Who has number four?

I don't.

I have number four!

You're the winner,Pete.

Does he have any nails?Yes,he does.

Does the have a hammer?No,he doesn't.

nails a hammer alue a piece of paper cookites an apple butter apiece of bread

Losson 2 They had some eggs.

Go and buy me some eggs and some matches,please.

Can I have some eggs and some matches,please?

Sorry.I have some eggs,but I don't have any matches.

They had some eggs,but they didn't have any matches.

Where are the eggs?

They're in my pocket.

Oh,dear.They were in my pocket!

Did they have any cheese or eggs?They had some cheese,but they didn't have any eggs.

have-had cheese eggs butter honey oranges strawberries beans carrots glue paper

Lesson 3 Mom and Katie had chicken.

Last week,the Clarks had lunch at a restaurant.

First,Mom,Dad and Katie had soup.

Then,Mom and Katie had chicken.Dad and Dan had steak.

Finally,they had dessert.

They all had strawberries and cream.

Thanks,Mom and Dad.That was delicious.

Did the dog have a hone yesterday? Yes,it did.

Did the dog have a biscuit yesterday?No,it didn't.

Yesterday a bone/a biscuit/a carrot

today breakfast/lunch/dinner

last week the measles/the flu/a toothache

Lesson 4 They arrived at five o'clock.

Grandma and Grandpa are staying with the Clarks.They arrived on Saturday.

Dan and Katie waited for them at the station.

They arrived at five o'clock.

They had presents for Dan and Katie.

Here you are.

Thank you!

A flute!

A squirt gun!

Dan and Katie liked their presents,but Mom didn't.

What did you do this morning?I brushed my leeth.

This morning brushed my teeth/mailed a package

yesterday evening stayed at home/played my flute

yesterday morning waited for a train/listened to the radio

Lesson 5 The cars stopped,too!

On Sunday,Grandpa and Katie walked into town.

There were a lot of people in the street.


What's happening?

There's a donkey in the street!

The donkey walked across the street.

It stopped in the middle of the street,so the cars stopped,too!

What did you then do on Suday? They pumped up their tires.

on Sunday pumped up their tires /watched TV

this morning looked at their photos/walked into town

yesterday evening stopped in the middle of the street/washed their hands

Lesson 6 Everyone laughed.

Grandpa and Katie watched the donkey.

Suddenly,a policeman arrived.

Whose donkey is this?

It's Mr.King's.Look!There he is!

Please move your donkey,Mr.King.

Mr.King pulled and sthe policeman pushed,but the donkey didn't move.

Everyone laughed.

What did you do yesterday?I helped Mom.

I helped Mom she baked some bread he fixed the car

it climbed up tree we moved Katie's bed they pushed Dan's car

Lesson 7 Grandpa had an idea.

Grandpa and katie watched Mr.king and the policeman.

What can we do?

We can't move this donkey!

Then,Grandpa had an idea.

Give it a carrot!

That's a good idea.

Here you are!

Sudenly,the dondey noticed the carrot .It jumped up...

...and it followed Mr.King across the street.

When did she turn on the TV? She turned on the TV at quarter past six.

turn on the TV at quarter past six arrive at the station at five o'clock

notice the bird's nest on Tuesday jump over the fence on Wednesday

cook dinner ten minutes ago visit Mrs.Jones two days ago

park in front of the station yesterday afternoon talk to Mrs.Jones this morning

Lesson 8 They went home on Friday.

Grandma and Grandpa went home on Friday.

Dan and Katie walked to the station with them.

On the way,Katie noticed a donkey in a field.

Look,Grandpa!It's Mr.King's donkey!

They arrived at the station at half past eleven.



Come back soon!

I went to school at half past eight.

go went school at half past eight a restaurant on Monday Englnd in 1996

the United states last year the moutains in the winter the library yesterday

the beach at eleven o'clock the movies at quarter past five work at twenty past eight

Lesson 9 February 12th is tomorrow!

What are you doing ,Katie?

I'm writing in my diary.

What did we do on January 4th?

I'll take a look.

We went to the movies.

What did we do on January 23rd?

You played soccer and I stayed at home.

What did we do on February 12th?

February 12th is tomorrow!


1st first 2nd second 3rd third 4th fourth 5th fifth 6th sixth 7th seventh

8th eighth 9th ninth 10th tenth 11th eleventh 12th twelfth 13th thirteenth

14th fourteenth 15th fifteenth 16th sixteenth 17th seventeenth 18th eighteenth

19th nineteenth 20th twentieth 21st twenty-first 30th thirtieth

What's the date?It's April 19th.

Lesson 10 Katie's diary:Dan woke up...

Last night,Dan woke up and heard a noise.

He sat up in bed and listened.

Then,he got up and came into my room.

We went downstairs.We were very scared.

There was someone in the kitchen.

Who is it?

It's me!was hungry,so I made some sandwiches.Do you wnat one?

What did Dan do yesterday morning? He woke up late.

wake up-woke up speak-spoke ride-rode write-wrote take-took eat-ate

yesterday morning woke up late this afternoon spoke to Professor Boffinlast

last weekend rode their bikes this morning wrote a letter

on Monday took Dan and Katie to school at noon ate some appleson

Lesson 11 Katie's diary:Mon got up..

This morning ,Mon got up early and went downstairs.

The kitchen was very messy,and the light was on.

Then,Dan,Dan and I came downstairs.

What do you want for breakfast?

We're not hungry.

We ate some sandwiches and drank some milk at three o'clock in the morning.

I can that.The fridge's empty!

Did he get up early? No,he didn't .He got up late.

get(up)-got(up) drink-drank run-ran swim-swam sing-sang sit -sat

get up early got up late drink tea drank milk

run to the park ran to school srwim in the lake swam in the ocean

sing a sad song sang a funny song sit on the chair sat in front of the fire

Lesson 12 Katie's diary:liz mrote a note.

This morning,in class,Liz wrote a note.She passed it to Lucy.

Lucy read it and passed it to me.

But Mr.Stone saw us and took the note.

Give that to me!

He throw it in the waste basket.

Lucy and Katie!Come and see me at four o'clock!

At noon ,Liz showed me the note.

It sid."Please pass this note on."

Want die they do after class? They threw the paper in the waste basket.

throw-thew fly-flew draw-drew do-did make-made see-saw

after class threw the paper in the waste basket

yesterday mrning flew their kites

at noon drew a picture of Miss Grant

yesterday evening did their homework

on Sunday make a snowman

this afternoon saw a movie

Lesson 13 He bought some flowers.

Yesterday,Professor Boffin bought some flowers.

He brought them home..

...and he gave them to Mrs.Boffin.

What beautiful flowers!

Happy birthday!

Look!Febuary 27th!I remembered your birthday this year.

My birthday was yesterday!

But thank you anyway!

Did She bring them any soda?No,she didn't.She brought them some milk.

bring-brought buy-bought break-brake drive-drove give-gave forget-forgot

bring them any soda brought them some milk buy a book bought a new dress

break the door broke the widow drive to the park drove to work

give Grandma a birthday card gave Grandma some flowers

forget his glasses forgot his umbrella

Lesson 14 Katie's diary:He hit his head.

Yesterday was Dan's unlucky day.

In the morning ,he his his head on the cupboard door.

Then,he cut his finger with the bread knife.

Mom put a bandage on his finger.

In the evening ,we had a lot of homework.

But Dan didn't mind.

I can't write,so I can't do my homework!

Mom usually cuts the bread in the morning.Yesterday,she cut the bread in the aftemoon.

cut-cut put(on)-put(on) read-read hit-hit

usually cuts the bread in the morning yesterday cut the bread in the afternoon

usually puts on his pajamas at nine o'clock yesterday put on his pajamas at seven o'clock

usually reads his book at home yesterday read his book on the bus

sometimes hits his head on the shelf yesterday hit his head on the cupboard door

Lesson 15 The lite flew high.

Last week,Dan and Katie bought a nwe kite.

It was very winday,so they flew it in the park.

The wind blew hard,and the kite flew high.

Sudenly,the string broke.Dan and Katie tried to catch it.

They ran very fast,but the kite flew far away.

Oh,no!Our new Kite1

How hard did the wind blow? The wind blew very hard.


the wind hard/blow the kites high/fly Katie fast/swim

Professor Boffin slowly/drive Dad late/get up Katie badly/hit her head

Lesson 16 They worked hard.

On Saturday,it rained heavily,so Dan and Katie stayed inside.

They made a puppet.

They worked hard for two hours.

They cut and glued pieces of paper.

Then,they carefully painted the puppet's face.

At last,the puppet was reday!

Look!If donces very well!

Mom usually sings well,but yesterday the sang badly.

sings well sang badly drives carefull drove dangerously

work slowly worked quickly rains lightly rained heavily

Lesson 17 Have you been to school?

Where have you been,Dan?You're very late!

I was at the movies.

The movies?

Yes.It was a great movie.

Dan!Have you been to school today?

Yes,I have.Mom.

My class went to the movies with Miss Grant!

Oh,yes.Sorry,Dan.I forgot.

That's OK,Mom.

Have you been to school?Yes,I have.

Have you been to town? No,I haven't.


school town the market the movies the library the beach th estation the fair the dentist's


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