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BBC News:尼日利亚宣布解除疫情危机 美国气象局表示九月全球平均气温达到历史最高值 美国抓获连环凶手




BBC News with Jerry Smit.

Jerry Smit为您播报BBC新闻。

The United Nations' human rights chief says the Islamic State militants may be guilty of war crimes. Evan Shimonovic said atrocities against the Yazidi people might amount to attempted genocide as they had been given no alternative except to convert to the group's form of Islam or be killed. From the UN in New York, here's Nick Bryant.

联合国人权机构负责人表示伊斯兰武装分子可能犯有战争罪民。Evan Shimonovic说伊斯兰武装分子对否认伊斯兰教交易的雅兹迪教派群众进行屠杀,他们或者认同教义或者被杀。Nick Bryant在纽约联合国发回报道。

Islamic State's ideal of justice is to commit murder; it is the antipathy of human rights - that's a damning verdict of Evan Shimonovic, the UN human rights chief, who's just returned from a week long fact-finding mission to Iraq. During his visit, Mr. Shimonovic met countless victims of the Islamic State brutality. A father whose four sons were murdered because they refused to convert to Islam, a young boy who survived a mass execution in which his father and brothers have been murdered despite being hit with six bullets himself, a 12-year-old girl who escaped sexual slavery.

伊斯兰教的教义就是谋杀,这是反人类的表现,是Evan Shimonovic最严厉的判决。Evan Shimonovic是联合国人权机构负责人,刚刚从为期一周伊拉克调查任务回国。在他访问期间Evan Shimonovic见证了无数伊斯兰恐怖组织受害者。一位父亲的四个儿子都死在了伊斯兰武装分子手里,原因就是拒绝皈依伊斯兰教。一个小男孩儿父亲和其他兄弟都遭谋杀,自己身中六枪却坚强的活了下来,还有一个12岁的小姑娘成功逃脱了沦为性奴的厄运。

Huge explosions and tense small arms fire and airstrikes have been seen in the Syrian town of Kobani, where Kurdish fighters had been holding out against the Islamic State militants. The US military has attacked targets in and around Kobani. The fierce fighting comes as the Iraqi Kurdish fighters say they are preparing to cross into Syria to support their fellow Kurds after been allowed transit by Turkey.


The president of Ghana John Mahama has said vital international supplies and resources to tackle Ebola are beginning to arrive in the three worst-affected countries, Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. President Mahama who is chairman of the regional block E., said there need to be proper coordination between agencies to prevent duplication. He said other West African countries needed to learn lessons from Nigeria, which is now been declared free of Ebola.

加纳总统John Mahama表示对抗埃博拉疫情的重要国际供应和资源即将到达埃博拉疫情最严重的三个国家,分别是几内亚,利比亚和塞拉利昂。总统Mahama作为该封锁区域主席表示那里机构之间需要有适当的协调防止灾难再次上演。他表示其他西非国家需要从尼日利亚吸取经验,现在尼日利亚已经被宣布疫情结束。

In a war that knows no boundaries, so we need to keep preparing for any eventuality. Nigeria was able very quickly to snuff it out and I think that that was very positive move that, we all need to learn from how they managed to track and trace and quarantine people and be able to deal with, with the virus.


The Chilean authorities have arrested one of the best known supporters of the former military leader Augusto Pinochet. Christian Abbey is suspected to have involvement to the murders of 13 political prisoners. G. L. reports.

智利当局已经逮捕支持前军事领导人Augusto Pinochet最著名支持者之一。Christian Abbey因涉嫌参与谋杀13名政治犯被捕,G. L.发回报道。

Mr. Abbey is charged with being part of a group of officers who had abducted, tortured and killed 13 opponents of the Pinochet regime at a military camp on the Chilean coast. The killings took place between 1973 and 74, shortly after General Pinochet took power in a coup. Another nine former officers have also been charged. Mr. Abbey, who denies involvement, was one of General Pinochet's bodyguards and served as a minister in the final years of his government. He visited General Pinochet around a dozen times while the general was under house arrest in Britain between 1998 and 2000.


World News from the BBC.


US climate officials say global average temperatures last month were the hottest since records began, and this year is on course to become the warmest ever. Rajini Vaijinason in Washington has more.

美国气候官员表示上个月全球平均气温是自记录以来最高气温,并且今年整体气温肯有可能成为历史上最高气温。下面是Rajini Vaijinason从华盛顿发回的详细报道。

The mercury has been rising at record levels according to meteorologists in the US. Last month the average global temperature was 60.3 degrees Fahrenheit, that's 15.7 degrees Celsius, making it the warmest September since records began 135 years ago. This hot spell has been part of a wider trend. Scientists say this proves global warming is accelerating apace.


Colombia has declared the murders of 34 left-wing political activists in the 80s and 90s crimes against humanity. Officials acknowledged that agents of the state had taken part in some of the killings which were carried out by right-wing paramilitaries. The victims belong to the Patriotic Union, a left-wing party.


Detectives investigating the murders of seven women in the American state of Indiana say the main suspect has told them he may have killed many more people over the last 20 years. Investigators say Daren Van, a 43-year-old sex offender confessed the killings when they questioned him about the murder of 19-year-old Africa Hardy at a motel in the town of Herment. Police said his information led them to find six other bodies in abandoned houses across northwestern Indiana. John Darty is the police chief of Herment.

在美国印第安纳州调查七名妇女谋杀案的侦探表示主要犯罪嫌疑人已经告诉他们称在过去20年里他杀害了更多人。调查人员称Daren Van是一位43岁性犯罪者,在调查人员问及在埃尔芒镇19岁非洲人哈迪时Daren Van对此供认不讳。警方表示根据Daren Van提供的信息又在印第安纳州西北部一所废弃的房屋里发现了六具尸体。John Darty从埃尔芒镇警察局发回报道。

He admitted his involvement in the Herment incident, and he had expressed an interest of notifying police of other criminal incidents he was involved with. This included an initial describing and then helping detectives locate three other victims in the city in Gerry. Three other female victims have been subsequently located in the city Gerry with the assistance of Mr. Van, bringing the total number of victims including ours to seven. The police chief of Herment.


And that's the BBC News.


BBC News with Jerry Smit.

The United Nations' human rights chief says the Islamic State militants may be guilty of war crimes. Evan Shimonovic said atrocities against the Yazidi people might amount to attempted genocide as they had been given no alternative except to convert to the group's form of Islam or be killed. From the UN in New York, here's Nick Bryant.

Islamic State's ideal of justice is to commit murder; it is the antipathy of human rights - that's a damning verdict of Evan Shimonovic, the UN human rights chief, who's just returned from a week long fact-finding mission to Iraq. During his visit, Mr. Shimonovic met countless victims of the Islamic State brutality. A father whose four sons were murdered because they refused to convert to Islam, a young boy who survived a mass execution in which his father and brothers have been murdered despite being hit with six bullets himself, a 12-year-old girl who escaped sexual slavery.

Huge explosions and tense small arms fire and airstrikes have been seen in the Syrian town of Kobani, where Kurdish fighters had been holding out against the Islamic State militants. The US military has attacked targets in and around Kobani. The fierce fighting comes as the Iraqi Kurdish fighters say they are preparing to cross into Syria to support their fellow Kurds after been allowed transit by Turkey.

The president of Ghana John Mahama has said vital international supplies and resources to tackle Ebola are beginning to arrive in the three worst-affected countries, Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. President Mahama who is chairman of the regional block E., said there need to be proper coordination between agencies to prevent duplication. He said other West African countries needed to learn lessons from Nigeria, which is now been declared free of Ebola.

In a war that knows no boundaries, so we need to keep preparing for any eventuality. Nigeria was able very quickly to snuff it out and I think that that was very positive move that, we all need to learn from how they managed to track and trace and quarantine people and be able to deal with, with the virus.

The Chilean authorities have arrested one of the best known supporters of the former military leader Augusto Pinochet. Christian Abbey is suspected to have involvement to the murders of 13 political prisoners. G. L. reports.

Mr. Abbey is charged with being part of a group of officers who had abducted, tortured and killed 13 opponents of the Pinochet regime at a military camp on the Chilean coast. The killings took place between 1973 and 74, shortly after General Pinochet took power in a coup. Another nine former officers have also been charged. Mr. Abbey, who denies involvement, was one of General Pinochet's bodyguards and served as a minister in the final years of his government. He visited General Pinochet around a dozen times while the general was under house arrest in Britain between 1998 and 2000.

World News from the BBC.

US climate officials say global average temperatures last month were the hottest since records began, and this year is on course to become the warmest ever. Rajini Vaijinason in Washington has more.

The mercury has been rising at record levels according to meteorologists in the US. Last month the average global temperature was 60.3 degrees Fahrenheit, that's 15.7 degrees Celsius, making it the warmest September since records began 135 years ago. This hot spell has been part of a wider trend. Scientists say this proves global warming is accelerating apace.

Colombia has declared the murders of 34 left-wing political activists in the 80s and 90s crimes against humanity. Officials acknowledged that agents of the state had taken part in some of the killings which were carried out by right-wing paramilitaries. The victims belong to the Patriotic Union, a left-wing party.

Detectives investigating the murders of seven women in the American state of Indiana say the main suspect has told them he may have killed many more people over the last 20 years. Investigators say Daren Van, a 43-year-old sex offender confessed the killings when they questioned him about the murder of 19-year-old Africa Hardy at a motel in the town of Herment. Police said his information led them to find six other bodies in abandoned houses across northwestern Indiana. John Darty is the police chief of Herment.

He admitted his involvement in the Herment incident, and he had expressed an interest of notifying police of other criminal incidents he was involved with. This included an initial describing and then helping detectives locate three other victims in the city in Gerry. Three other female victims have been subsequently located in the city Gerry with the assistance of Mr. Van, bringing the total number of victims including ours to seven.

The police chief of Herment.

And that's the BBC News.


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