
2022-06-28 17:35:21  每日学英语


If digital mourning cannot replicate the experience of a traditional Tomb-Sweeping Day, it’s also clear that young Chinese are increasingly accustomed to expressing their grief via online platforms and other virtual spaces.如果说数字哀悼无法复制传统清明节的经历,那么也很明显,中国年轻人越来越习惯于通过网络平台和其他虚拟空间表达他们的悲痛。

When a public figure passes away, it has become common for members of the public to leave notes, messages, and other expressions of grief on social media platforms, not only out of a desire to remember the deceased, but also as a kind of resistance to forgetting.当一位公众人物去世时,公众在社交媒体平台上留下便条、信息和其他表达悲伤的方式已经变得很常见,这不仅是出于纪念死者的愿望,也是为了抵制遗忘。




These posts and accounts are places of camaraderie and mass bonding. But they also raise an important question: After we die, what becomes of our digital heritage?这些帖子和账号是友情和集体纽带的场所。但它们也提出了一个重要问题:我们死后,我们的数字遗产会变成什么?

Narrowly defined, digital heritage refers to the portion of an individual’s digital assets passed on to relevant beneficiaries as part of their estate after death.狭义地说,数字遗产是指一个人的数字资产在去世后作为其遗产的一部分转交给相关受益人的部分。

In a broader sense, it also includes public assets, such as digital information and materials that have lasting value and merit preservation for future generations, according to UNESCO.据联合国教科文组织称,从更广泛的意义上讲,它还包括公共资产,如数字信息和材料,这些信息和材料具有持久的价值,值得为后代保存。

All digital content from our lives can be classified as part of our personal digital heritage. That includes computer-based documents; messages, photos, and videos on social media; email exchanges between individuals; paid-for services, e-books and movies; posts and datasets on knowledge sharing platforms; records and tokens in video games or online games; publications and products for sale on commercial platforms; and music and artworks on personal websites. This content, which can be traded and distributed just like real objects and money, are all part of a person’s digital assets.我们生活中的所有数字内容都可以归类为我们个人数字遗产的一部分。包括基于计算机的文档;社交媒体上的消息、照片和视频;个人之间的电子邮件交流;付费服务、电子书和电影;知识共享平台上的帖子和数据集;视频游戏或网络游戏中的记录和代币;在商业平台上销售的出版物和产品;以及个人网站上的音乐和艺术作品。这些内容可以像实物和货币一样进行交易和分发,它们都是个人数字资产的一部分。
