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听电影学英语:返老还童 14

所属教程:听电影学英语 返老还童




  [00:03.96]-Did he? -Did he what? - 他有没有? - 有没有什么?

  [00:04.84]Die in his sleep? 在睡梦中过身?

  [00:08.24]He died, um, sitting in his favorite chair... 他过身时坐在椅子上

  [00:12.80]...listening to his favorite program on the wireless 听着他最爱的广播节目

  [00:14.76]He must have known something 他一定有预感

  [00:23.72]My husband’s the British trade minister and we’ve been here for 1 4 months 我先生是贸易局局长 我们待在这里有14个月了

  [00:27.60]-Good God. -He were supposed to go to Peking... - 天啊 - 我们应该去北京

  [00:31.68]...but, um, it never seemed to work out 不过一直没有去成

  [00:36.44]Have you been in the Far East? 你去过远东吗?

  [00:38.32]No. I’ve never been anywhere, really 没,其实我哪儿都没去过

  [00:40.32]I mean, outside of harbors 除了港口以外

  [00:41.44]And where is it that you’re from? 你打哪儿来?

  [00:49.68]I didn’t know there was another 新奥尔良只有一个

  [00:53.36]And she told me about all the places she had been, and what she had seen 她告诉我她去过的地方 还有她看过什么

  [00:58.12]And we talked till just before the dawn 我们一直聊到破晓之前

  [01:05.56]And we went back to our rooms... 然后我们各自回房间

  [01:07.16]...to our separate lives 过着各自的生活

  [01:14.60]But every night, we’d meet again in that lobby 不过每晚都会在大厅见面

  [01:25.04]A hotel in the middle of the night can be a magical place 半夜的酒店是个神奇的地方

  [00:00.00]by: 更多电影原声MP3尽在人人听力网 /English/movie_mp3/

  [01:30.84]A mouse running and stopping 老鼠在跑,然后停下来

  [01:36.32]A radiator hissing 暖气发出嘶嘶声

  [01:39.60]A curtain blowing 窗帘被风吹开

  [01:44.56]There’s something peaceful, even comforting... 让人觉得很宁静,甚至很安慰

  [01:46.44]...knowing that the people you love are asleep in their beds... 因为你爱的人都睡着了

  [01:50.68]...where nothing can harm them 什么都不会伤害他们

  [01:57.00]Elizabeth and I would lose track of the night... 我和伊莉莎白都会聊很久

  [01:58.36]...until just before daybreak 直到破晓之前

  [02:05.04]I think I may have given you the wrong impression 我想我给了你错误印象

  [02:07.80]Beg your pardon? 什么?

  [02:09.00]Well, married women don’t customarily sit around... 有夫之妇通常不会三更半夜

  [02:12.16]...in the middle of the night with strange men in hotels 在酒店和陌生男子聊天

  [02:14.64]I wouldn’t know what a married woman does or doesn’t do 我不知道有夫之妇会做什么

  [02:25.12]Good night 晚安

  [02:28.20]Murmansk 摩尔曼斯克

  [02:32.24]"I’ve met somebody, and I’ve fallen in love." 我遇到一个人,我爱上她

  [02:36.04]Mom? 妈?

  [02:40.80]That was over 60 years ago 那是60多年前的事

  [02:44.12]Did you love him, Mother? 你当时爱他吗?

  [02:44.56]What does a girl know about love? 小女生怎么会懂得爱情?

  [03:20.96]Well... 你好

  [03:25.56]Oh, you look splendid, just as you are 你这样子就很帅了[03:25.96]...I’m not dressed 我没有盛装打扮

  [03:32.52]Don’t waste any time bothering about the wine or the cheese in Murmansk... 别浪费时间喝酒食乳酪

  [03:35.36]...because they’re really completely ordinary... 因为其实很普通

  [03:39.48]...but the caviar and the vodka... 不过鱼子酱和伏特加

  [03:43.36]...are sublime and plentiful 简直就是人间美味

  [03:50.76]So.... 所以

  [03:57.36]Savor it 仔细品尝

  [04:00.32]-Mmm. -And don’t eat it all at once 不要一次食完

  [04:03.20]Because that way, there’s nothing left to enjoy 这样一来就没有享受可言

  [04:07.28]And now take a little swallow of vodka while it’s still in your mouth 含着鱼子酱,喝一口伏特加

  [04:27.56]You haven’t been with many women, have you? 你没跟很多女人上过床?

  [04:31.72]Not on Sundays 星期天没有

  [04:37.04]No, ma’am 没有

  [04:45.28]When I was 1 9... 我19岁那年想成为

  [04:47.12]...I attempted to become the first woman ever to swim the English Channel 第一个游过英吉利海峡的女人

  [04:55.04]Really? 真的吗?

  [04:56.88]But the current that day was so strong that... 不过那天的海流太强

  [05:00.88]...for every stroke I took, I was pushed back two 我每划一下,就被冲退两下


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