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英语角-圆桌会议 Round Table:博士后整容:明明可以考才华,偏要靠脸?




Topic1 Chinese Sci-fi Wins Hugo AwardThe Three-Body Problem, a science-fiction book written by Chinese author Liu Cixin, has won the Hugo Award for Best Novel, the first Chinese science-fiction book winning the award. Why can the book win the award? Does that mean a bright future of Chinese sci-fi books has come?

Topic2 Scenic Spots in China Raise Ticket Price AgainThis year has seen another price increase for many tourist spots in China as many of them have kept prices unchanged for the past three years.

According to a 2007 regulation promulgated by the National Development and Reform Commission, tourist spots cannot hike their prices in the three years after the price is set.

And now, as many scenic spots have passed the three year "price rise restrictions", many have started applying to increase their ticket prices.

Has price hike become common practice? Is it justifiable?

Topic3 Post-doctorate Student Receives Plastic SurgeryA post-doctorate student won a free plastic surgery in a reality show organized by a cosmetics organization. He said the surgery has fulfilled his long-cherished wish, which has triggered criticisms from netizens. Is appearance really that important for everyone, including those highly educated talents?

Topic4 Choosing best living places for cats and dogsCats and dogs are the favorite and most commonly seen pets for people. But cats and dogs have different requirement for a living environment. How to pick an ideal place for them? The Paper has picked 15 Chinese cities and ranked them according to pets' different needs.

What are the requirements? And which city ranks higher?


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