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英语角-圆桌会议 Round Table:共享产权房能圆你的有房梦吗?




Topic1-Beijing to introduce shared or joint property ownership housing scheme

The Beijing municipality is planning to offer apartments with ownership shared between the homebuyer and government.

This is an effort to make housing more affordable as soaring prices have left many aspiring homeowners out in the cold.

Will more people be able to get a foot on the property ladder? And who is meeting the requirements to purchase property with shared ownership?

Motivational Monday

We'll give you a little nudge of motivation in our weekly segment called "motivational Monday"!

Topic2-Is difficult primary school homework making parents look bad?

Summer vacation in China comes with homework that's driving the parents of elementary students crazy. How has the homework of children become a challenge for parents? Why do parents feel obliged in completing homework for their children?

One primary school in Shanghai asked its first graders to observe the moon between 7 and 9 o'clock every night for a month—a task that an astronomer reckons "impossible".


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