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中国学生在加拿大买豪宅 Chinese Student Bought Villa in Canada




Recently, the canadians felt so surprised about a Chinese student, because he had bought a villa there. It costs a large amount of money and the student needed to pay off the debt for about 200,000 RMB every mouth. The media tried hard to make search for more information about the student, but failed.


The villa was very big and luxury, and it was equipped with all kinds of amusements and cookers. Its former owner is a billionaire, what’s more, the neighborhoods are all big shots. The Canadians were so shocked that a student could buy the house that none of them could afford. They even doubted whether the source of the money was legal.


In last century, Chinese economy developed so fast. Many people became rich and made their children live the good life. So these children were called rich second generation, most of whom were send to study abroad. There is no doubt that the new owner of this villa must have a rich father, who can support him to buy this great house.


The Canadians feel so envious about this young boy, at the same time, they are very impressive of the development of Chinese economy.



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