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你有正确使用防晒霜吗 Did You Use Sun Cream In the Right Way




When summer comes, every girl will paste sun cream, in the purpose of protecting their skin. It is said that the one who has the red or blond hair and the white skin has more chances to get skin cancer if the person is exposed in the sun for a long time. Using sun cream in the right way can better protect themselves.


Though most people use sun cream, less people use it in the right way. People get use to paste sun cream and then go out of the house immediately. This is the wrong way. Sun cream should be pasted at least half an hour ahead before you are exposed to the sun. People also need to paste it every few hours, because the sun will dry sun cream and let it lose its function.


Even though we know how to better use sun cream, it is not good to be exposed in the sun for a long time. In Australia, people are also called to put on clothes and hat on the beach. Only in this way will we reduce the chance to get skin cancer.




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