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Why I Like Ebook 我为什么喜欢电子书




Internet has changed they way we live, it faciliates our lives with high effeciency. We use computer to work and to keep in touch with our friends. The new technology brings the challenge of the traditional way of reading. Many young people prefer ebook and I am the fan of it.


Since the coming of the ebook, I start to avoid using the printed books. The ebook has a lot of advantages, first, it is very convenient. There are all kinds of sources, I can find what I want to read, and then just download. What’s more, I can read the ebook anytime, I just need to take out my smart phone and open it. While the printed book is not convenient to take away, it is heavy.


The new function of ebook attracts me a lot. Some ebooks now was equipped with the voice, we can listen to it. Sometimes I will be tired of reading books with my eyes, because my eyes will not feel well for reading a long time. Then I can open the MP3, listening to the voice and think about the story.


Ebook is the new way of reading, it will be more popular.



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