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[听力每日练习]听力每日练习 listen 4980 Healthy habits

1--I think I'll write a book.2--Wh...04-29

[听力每日练习]听力每日练习 listen 4979 Changing lifestyle

1--You are looking really healthy late...04-29

[听力每日练习]听力每日练习 listen 4978 You have some serious luggage under your eyes

1--You have some serious luggage under...04-29

[听力每日练习]听力每日练习 listen 4977 Is there anything in the fridge I can eat before dinner

1--Mom, is there anything in the frid...04-29

[听力每日练习]听力每日练习 listen 4976 International cookbook

1--Whoa! This chicken is really spicy!...04-29

[听力每日练习]听力每日练习 listen 4975 Do you like ethnic food

1--Do you like ethnic food?2--I do! M...04-29

[听力每日练习]听力每日练习 listen 4974 Would you like a piece of birthday cake

1--Would you like a piece of birthday...04-29