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Education Report教程汇总和更新


Critics See Secular Education Under Attack in Turkey土耳其的普通教育遭受攻击This is the VOA Lear... [查看全文]

2014-12-23VOA慢速英语: 申请美国大学的建议,第三部分

Tips for Applying to US Colleges, Part ThreeTips for Applying to US Colleges, Part ThreeFor the third part of o... [查看全文]

2014-12-23VOA慢速英语: 奥巴马宣布提高美国印第安人的教育

Obama Announces Initiative to Lift Up Young Native Americans奥巴马宣布提高美国印第安人的教育This i... [查看全文]

2014-12-15VOA慢速英语: 写记叙文:如何选择词汇

Writing the Narrative Essay: How to Find the WordsThis is the VOA Learning English Education Report.In this 2013... [查看全文]

2014-12-15VOA慢速英语: 汉语会代替英语成为全球通用语言吗?

Will Chinese Replace English as the Global Language?汉语会代替英语成为全球通用语言吗?In this phot... [查看全文]

2014-12-08VOA慢速英语: 全世界通晓英语的人数增长

Understanding of English Improves Worldwide全世界通晓英语的人数增长The world’s understanding o... [查看全文]

2014-12-01VOA慢速英语: 韩国学生面临大学考试的压力(双语)

South Korean Students Stressed Over College Entrance Exam韩国学生面临大学考试压力This is the VOA... [查看全文]

2014-11-24VOA慢速英语: 美国的留学生(双语)

US Hosts Record Number of Foreign Students美国统计在美留学生Almost 900,000 international students... [查看全文]

2014-11-20VOA慢速英语: 组织论文(双语)

The ways to write college papers写大学论文This is the VOA Learning English EDUCATION REPORT.这... [查看全文]

2014-11-18VOA慢速英语: 中国向香港开放上海证券市场

ChinaOpens Shanghai Stock Market to Hong Kong中国向香港开放上海证券市场From VOA Learning English,... [查看全文]