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Hangzhou, October 5th (Xinchong) - The track and field competition of the Hangzhou Asian Games concluded on the 5th. In the last two events of the men's and women's marathon, Chinese athlete He Jie won the men's group championship in 2 hours, 13 minutes, and 02 seconds, marking the first gold medal in the history of the Chinese team's Asian Games in men's marathon; Zhang Deshun won the runner up in the women's marathon in 2 hours, 27 minutes, and 55 seconds.
中新社杭州10月5日电(记者 邢翀)杭州亚运会田径比赛5日迎来收官,在最后两个竞赛项目男女马拉松比赛中,中国选手何杰以2小时13分02秒夺得男子组冠军,这是中国队亚运史上首枚男子马拉松金牌;张德顺以2小时27分55秒夺得女子马拉松亚军。

That's around half a minute faster than runner-up Han Il Ryong from North Korea.

He Jie started professional marathon training in 2018 and joined the national team in 2021. This season, his performance has improved by leaps and bounds, running 2 hours, 7 minutes, and 30 seconds in the World Championships trials, breaking the national marathon record in China.

I am particularly excited to win this gold medal, and I feel a sense of relief. "He Jie said after the race that there is still a certain gap between the Asian level and the world level of marathon, and his winning the championship is more important because it has given encouragement and confidence to Chinese marathon athletes. It proves that we Chinese athletes can also win the Asian Games championship, and I will achieve another good result at the Paris Olympics."

Yang Shaohui, who won the third place, said that after seeing He Jie leading in the last few kilometers, he decided to adopt a following tactic. I don't want to bring the people behind him to put pressure on him. I think if he can win the championship, I can also make it to the top three. This is more perfect. Getting to the top three will have a great impact on Chinese athletes participating in the Paris Olympics and other international competitions."


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