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The conflict between Israel and Palestine continued to intensify on the 8th, and the Israeli army and the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) fought fierce battles in various places including the Gaza Strip. So far, more than 1,000 people have been killed and more than 4,000 injured on both sides. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to "raze" the Hamas-controlled territory to the ground, but acknowledged a "long and difficult war" ahead.

According to the latest report of The Times of Israel on October 8, local time, in the new round of Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Israeli death toll exceeded 700, and at least 2,156 people were injured. According to the Jerusalem Post, the Israeli Embassy in the United States reported that 2,243 people were injured in the conflict in Israel, more than 300 of them seriously.

On the evening of October 8, local time, Palestinian health authorities released data showing that since the 7th Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip has resulted in 424 Palestinian deaths, and more than 2,300 people were injured. According to figures released by the Palestinian health Ministry, 78 children and 41 women were killed in the clashes. In addition, Palestinian health authorities said that the Israeli bombing has displaced more than 20,000 people in the Gaza Strip.


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