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Iran and Sudan have announced the resumption of their diplomatic ties after a seven-year pause.

On October 9, local time, the Iranian Foreign Ministry issued a joint statement between Iran and Sudan. After several months of meetings and contacts between senior Iranian and Sudanese officials, the two sides decided to restore diplomatic relations to serve the common interests of the two countries.

Iran's Foreign Ministry also issued a statement on the same day, saying that Iran and Sudan decided to restore diplomatic relations in line with the interests of both countries. Iran and Sudan have agreed to take steps to open their embassies in the near future and arrange for the exchange of official delegations to explore ways to expand cooperation between the two countries.

The two countries agreed to prepare for the reopening of their embassies and exchanging official delegations.

Saudi Arabia cut diplomatic ties with Iran in 2016, and Sudan and other countries have since cut ties with Iran. Under the mediation of China, representatives of Saudi Arabia and Iran held a dialogue in Beijing in March this year, and the three countries signed and issued a joint statement announcing that the two sides agreed to restore diplomatic relations. Diplomatic relations between the two countries were restored on 6 April. In July, the heads of the foreign ministries of Sudan and Iran met for the first time since the two countries broke off diplomatic ties more than seven years ago.

Riyadh and Tehran have resumed their diplomatic relations under a China-brokered deal earlier this year.


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