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2021-10-19京翰·大连沙河口校区·巩固提高 一节课多少钱

you can do anythingyou can do anythingIf anyone tries to tell you that you can\'t work hard enough to fac... [查看全文]

2021-10-18京翰·武汉徐东未来校区·一对一辅导 效果怎么样

l always be there for youIn 1989 an 8.2 earthquake almost flattened America, killing over 30,000 people in less... [查看全文]

2021-10-18京翰·重庆北部新区-龙湖校区·辅导怎么收费 家长口碑好不好

Your Quiet HungerThere lies in the heart of every man and woman a quiet hunger:a longing for an earth shaking... [查看全文]

2021-10-18京翰·广州远景路校区·辅导课程有吗 是怎么收费的

SpringIn the morning, I'm walking along the street after rainy weather. The aroma of earth is coming to ... [查看全文]

2021-10-18京翰·武汉江夏校区·怎么辅导 辅导效果如何

如何增强自己的意志力Sometimes willpower is a lot like the television remote control — hard to find just when you... [查看全文]

2021-10-18京翰·成都东门校区(龙湖)·辅导怎么收费 位置在哪里

自由飞翔Free to Soar自由飞翔One windy spring day, I observed young people having fun using the wind to fly their... [查看全文]

2021-10-18京翰·重庆南坪校区·辅导班有没有 具体位置在哪联系电话多少

Mountain StoryA son and his father were walking on the mountains. Suddenly, his son falls, hurts himself and... [查看全文]

2021-10-17京翰·合肥百花井校区·一对一辅导 大概收费标准

Say “I Love You” 我爱你越是对自己的亲人,我们似乎对他们的要求越高一些,我们总希望他们是完美的,他们应当是最理解我们的。而越... [查看全文]

2021-10-17京翰·武汉光谷校区·课外补习班 家长口碑怎么样

一块金子的故事Once upon a time there was a rich village. The wealthiest of the villagers decided to hide a huge... [查看全文]

2021-10-17京翰·武汉青山校区·课外辅导补习 师资力量如何

我的初恋  【京翰·武汉青山校区地址】武汉市青山区,和平大道建设五路,健吾公馆B座2层。400-616-1015转分机4348#(温馨提示:400课程咨询... [查看全文]