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They say that money doesn’t grow on trees but there’s a tree in the middle of Honolulu that is making over 400,000 dollars a year for its owners by just being a tree—a very beautiful tree.

Hitachi Tree 2

If you live in Japan, then there’s no doubt you are familiar with the tree in the picture above. It is the symbol of Hitachi Ltd., the giant electronics company based in Tokyo, Japan. Hitachi started using the tree as a corporate symbol back in 1973, and it has appeared in the company’s TV commercials and print ads since then.

The Hitachi tree, as it is endearingly called, is located in Moanalua Gardens in Honolulu, Hawaii. The park was part of a private estate when Hitachi originally got the rights to use the tree’s image for a payment of US$20,000 dollars a year. However, after the last heir to the estate passed away the property was sold to a real estate company called Kaimana Ventures. Under the new contract with Kaimana Ventures, Hitachi agreed to pay US$400,000 per year until 2016—four million dollars in all. Though I can’t confirm it, I’m pretty sure this makes it one of the top earning trees in the world.

The Hitachi tree is a monkeypod tree which is native to tropical regions of Central and South America. This particular monkeypod tree was brought back to Hawaii from Africa as a seedling and planted by Samuel Mills Damon over a century ago.

If you are looking for something to do on your a last day of a vacation in Hawaii, you should visit the Moanalua Gardens on your way to the airport. The park is only about ten minutes from Honolulu International Airport. I can’t think of a better way to end a vacation in Hawaii than with a relaxing stroll around the park.


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