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57 ancient tombs with mummies unearthed in Egypt

This undated photo released by the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities on Sunday, May 23, 2010, shows tombs discovered in Lahoun, near Fayoum, some 70 miles (100 kilometers) south of Cairo, in Egypt. [Photo/Agencies]

CAIRO - Archeologists have unearthed 57ancient Egyptian tombs, most of which hold an ornately painted wooden sarcophagus with a mummy inside,Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquitiessaid Sunday.

The oldest tombs date back to around 2750 BC during the period of Egypt's first and second dynasties, the council said in a statement. Twelve of the tombs belong the18thdynasty which ruled Egypt during the second millennium BC.

The discovery throws new light on Egypt's ancient religions, the council said.

Egypt's archaeology chief,Zahi Hawass, said the mummies dating to the 18th dynasty are covered in linen decorated withreligious textsfrom the Book of the Deadand scenes featuring ancient Egyptian deities.

Abdel Rahman El-Aydi, head of the archaeological mission that made the discovery, said some of the tombs are decorated with religious texts thatancient Egyptiansbelieved would help the deceased to cross through the underworld.

El-Aydi said one of the oldest tombs is almost completely intact, with all of its funerary equipment and a wooden sarcophagus containing a mummy wrapped in linen.

In 31 tombs dating to around 2030-1840 BC, archeologists discovered scenes of different ancient Egyptiandeities, such as the falcon-headed Horus, Hathor, Khnum andAmun, decorating some of the tombs.

The council said the findings were unearthed at Lahoun, inFayoum, some 70 miles (100 kilometers) south ofCairo.

Last year, some 53 stone tombs dating back to various ancient periods were found in the area.


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