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Hong Kong’s floor traders will vacate the city’s trading hall for the final time on Friday after the exchange operator shuts the premises permanently.


For the past decade, as the broking business digitalised and migrated into banks and securities houses, the once-lively activity on the trading floor has dwindled. In its final weeks, just a handful of traders have spent their days in the mostly empty hall that accommodates more than 1,000.


The decline set in rapidly more than a decade ago once trading was allowed off the floor.


When Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing formed in 1986 from the consolidation of four local bourses, all trades were conducted on the floor.

1986年,香港交易及结算所有限公司(Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing)的前身由4家当地证券交易所合并而来,当时所有交易都在交易大堂内进行。

It was not until a decade later in January 1996 that brokers were allowed to have one off-site terminal in addition to one in the trading hall — a landmark for the city’s brokers.


The number of terminals a broker or bank could house in their offices was gradually expanded until October 2000 when the cap was lifted, giving rise to a new era of trading floors in the office buildings around the city.


In January 2000, before banks and brokers were allowed to take their full trading businesses in-house, 22 per cent of trades were executed on the floor, according to figures provided by HKEX. By 2007 that figure had fallen to 1 per cent.


The Hong Kong trading floor was the last of its kind at a major stock exchange in Asia, and follows the closing of similar spaces in Tokyo and Singapore. London has also shuttered its trading floor, although the New York Stock Exchange has kept its floor open, largely for marketing purposes.



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