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Spoken American English 3 ;
1. To Reprimand 斥责 ;
1.Shame on you! 2.What possessed you to do that? ;1.真丢脸! 2.你被什么迷了心窍, 竟做得出这种事?
3.How reprehensible! 4.Your behavior was inexcusable. ;3.应该好好地骂一顿! 4.你的劣行无可推诿.
5.Don't you pull this stunt now. 6.Look at what you've done. ;5.你少来这一套. 6.看你干了什么好事?
7.Behave yourself! 8.Do you know how late it is? ;7.放规矩点儿! 8.你知道现在有多晚了吗
9.Lay it on him. 10.Why are you snapping at me? ;9.去骂他一顿. 10.你干嘛对我穷叫个 不停?
11.Let him have it with both barrels. 12.Give him all you've got. ;11.让他吃不完兜着走. 12.拿出你全部力量去 对付他.
2. To Punish 处罚 ;
1.You broke the neighbor's window. Now go tell them and face the music. ;1.你砸破了邻居的玻璃窗 坦白去认错和挨骂吧.
2.Don't take it out on me. ;2.不要把怒气发泄在我 身上.
3.He only got a slap on the wrist. 4.You made your bed. Now lie in it. ;3.他只受到轻微的惩罚. 4.你造的孽,现在去 自作自受吧.
5.Wait till I get my hands on him. 6.There will be hell to pay at home. ;5.等我逮到他时,你看我 怎么对付他. 6.等回了家,有你好受的.
7.He needs a good spanking. 8.I'm gonna tan your hide! ;7.他需要好好地打一顿 屁股! 8.我要打你屁股.
9.I'm going to nail his ass to the wall. 10.I'll break his neck ;9.我要教他当众出丑. 10.我会弄断他的脖子.
11.I'll tear him apart 12.I'll break his knee caps. ;11.我要把他拆成十八块. 12.我会敲碎他的膝盖.
13.I'll break his legs 14.An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth ;13.我会打断他的狗腿. 14.以眼还眼,以牙还牙.
15.It was poetic justice. ;15.这是天理昭彰, 报应不爽.
3. Ill-Treatment 虐待 ;
1.He's always on my back. 2.Do you have a bone to pick with me? ;1.他老盯在我后头. 2.你存心找我的碴是不是
3.They gave me the runaround. 4.Don't push me too far! ;3.他们在折腾人. 4.别欺人太甚!
5.Don't give me any flak. 6.His opinion doesn't count. ;5.少跟我过不去. 6.他的意见无足轻重.
4. Making Mistakes 犯错 ;
1.We have to start over. 2.Let's go back to where we started. ;1.我们必须从头再做一遍 2.咱们重回出发点.
3.There's very little room for mistakes. 4.He never hits a sour note. ;3.做这种事,只容许很小 的犯错空间. 4.他从没出过半点儿错.
5.I'm almost never wrong. 6.Relax!What could possibly go wrong? ;5.我几乎不曾做错过什么 6.放心吧! 哪会出什么纰漏?
7.You goofed again. 8.I don't want any foul-ups! ;7.你又弄砸了. 8.不许再搞砸了!
9.Look what you've done! 10.You blew it! ;9.看你干了什么糗事? 10.你坏了事!
11.See what you've started. ;11.瞧你引发了什么倒楣 事?
12.A:Oops!I dropped that Ming vase. ;12.A:哎呀,不好!我失手 砸破了那个明朝的 瓷器.
B:God.What a butterfingers. ;B:老天爷,你那滑不溜丢 的手这么不可靠.
13.You smashed it intentionally. 14.You wrecked it purposely. ;13.你故意砸碎了它. 14.你故意打烂了它.
15.He's such a klutz. 16.Little mistakes lead to big ones. ;15.他很笨拙. 16.一失足成千古恨. 小失误会铸成大错.
17.Why are you covering his ass? 18.I assume it's an error? ;17.你何必掩护他的过错 呢? 18.我想这是个错误吧?
19.I'd like some explanation. 20.What's your story? ;19.你解释一下,这是怎么 回事. 20.你有什么辩解?
21.Let's see it's not forgotten. 22.Get it right this time. ;21.要牢记这件事. 22.这次不许出错.
23.Do it right this time.Don't fail me. 24.Next time don't screw up. ;23.这次要办成. 别让我失望. 24.下次不要弄糟.
25.Don't you ever learn? 26.Oh no!I slipped. ;25.难道你无法学乖吗? 26.哎呀不好!我说溜了嘴
27.Oops!I made a boo-boo. 28.I keep striking out ;27.哎呀!我不小心犯了个 蠢错误. 28.我老在犯错.
29.This is such a glaring error.How did you miss it? ;29.这么明显的错误,你 怎会疏忽呢?
30.That's a gross negligence. ;30.那是个重大的疏忽.
31.I've got to be smarter this time. ;31.这次我得学聪明点儿.
32.All right!All right I made a mistake. I'm only human. ;32.得了,得了,我承认我 犯了错.我只不过是个 凡人.
33.I am not perfect, I make mistakes. 34.It's just an honest mistake. ;33.我并不完美,我也会 做错事. 34.这只是个无心之过.
35.I'm not perfect. 36.Live and learn. ;35.我并非十全十美. 36.活到老学到老.
5. Blame 怪罪 ;
1.He started it. 2.It's Adam. He started all of this. ;1.都是他闯的祸. 2.都是亚当. 他惹来这些麻烦.
3.This was your idea. I didn't come up with it. ;3.这是你的点子, 不是我想出来的.
4.He graffitied the wall,but I took the rap for it. ;4.他在墙壁上涂鸦,结果 却是我挨骂.
5.You did it,didn't you? ;5.你干的好事,不是吗?
6.If you didn't do it, who did?Don't try to pass the buck. ;6.不是你干的又会是谁呢 别推卸责任.
7.Don't make me your fall guy. 8.Don't make me your patsy. ;7.不要教我替你背黑锅. 8.不要让我替你顶罪.
9.Don't point the finger at me. 10.Who can you blame? ;9.不要指控我. 10.这你能怪谁?
11.You can't wash away your sins. ;11.你无法洗刷掉你的罪.
12.You're guilty as hell. 13.It's all your fault ;12.你的罪证确凿. 13.这全是你的错.
14.A:So,you think I stink.Is that it? B:You said it yourself. ;14.A:那么,你说我讨人厌 是吗? B:那是你自个儿说的.
15.It takes one to know one. 16.You can't leave me holding the bag. ;15.你也好不到哪儿去. 16.你不能让我单独来挑 整个担子.
17.You're barking up the wrong tree. 18.There's no excuse for your actions. ;17.你骂错了对象. 18.你的行为无可辩解.
19.Don't drag me into it. 20.You got yourself bogged down in this ;19.不要拖我下水. 20.你作茧自缚.
21.Don't try to deny it.The facts speak for themselves. ;21.事实胜于雄辩, 别想抵赖.
6. Silliness 不正经 ;
1.No more monkey business! 2.No kidding around. 3.Quit horsing around. ;1.不要再胡搞了! 2.少在这儿戏耍. 3.少在一边儿胡闹.
4.Don't monkey around. 5.Wipe that silly grin off your face. 6.Don't be cute. ;4.别在这儿捣蛋. 5.把你的蠢笑容收起来. 6.不要跟我耍小聪明.
7.Don't get funny (with me) 8.Stop giggling (in there). ;7.少跟我装疯卖傻. 8.少在那里咯咯地笑.
9.Please,this is no time for joking. 10.Get serious, will you? ;9.行行好,现在不是胡闹 的时候. 10.你正经点儿行不行?
11.This is serious. 12.Is this guy for real? ;11.这是很严重的事. 12.这家伙在玩真的吗?
13.I'm not kidding around. ;13.我可不是在闹着玩的.
14.I mean what I say. 15.I'm dead serious! 16.I don't joke. ;14.我说话算话. 15.我是一本正经. 16.我不随便开玩笑.
17.I mean it! 18.I'm not joking. ;17.我说一不二. 18.我没在开玩笑.
19.Let's not play games anymore. ;19.咱们不要再彼此玩花 样.
20.Let's stop this nonsense! 21.Let's get down to the nitty-gritty. ;20.废话少说,言归正传! 21.咱们来讨论一下要点.
22.The party's over. ;22.联欢会结束了.
7. Jokes 逗笑 ;
1.I made her laugh. 2.She laughs like a hyena. 3.This guy kills me. ;1.我使她笑逐颜开. 2.她笑得像土狼号叫. 3.这家伙笑死我了.
4.My joke brought down the house. 5.He's good at telling one-liners. ;4.我的笑话引起哄堂大笑 5.他很会说简短而令人 捧腹的笑话.
6.He made me grin from ear to ear. 7.It's a running gag. ;6.他使我裂嘴大笑. 7.这是个一提起就令人 发噱的笑话.
8.He laughed his head off. 9.He told some real zingers. ;8.他笑掉了大牙. 9.他说了些令人捧腹的 笑话.
10.That's an old joke. 11.Your jokes are wearing thin. ;10.那是个老掉牙的笑话. 11.你的笑话我听腻了.
12.What's so funny about that? 13.You have no sense of humor. ;12.那有什么好笑? 13.你缺乏幽默感.
14.You're too serious. ;14.你太严肃了.
15.He always keeps a complete poker face 16.He's always telling dirty jokes. ;15.他老是一副死板板的 面孔. 16.他老是在说黄色笑话.
17.He told an off-color joke to me. ;17.他跟我说了一则黄色 笑话.
18.That was a nasty joke you told. ;18.你说的那个笑话 无比下流.
19.He has such a filthy mouth for such a young boy. 20.He's demented. ;19.这么年轻的男孩子, 嘴巴却不干不净. 20.他的思路歪了.
21.How insensitive you are! 22.He's a real comedian. ;21.你太麻木不仁了! 22.他真是个小丑.
23.Let's spice things up a bit. ;23.咱们把场面弄得生动 些.
24.Mooning is a typical prank among college students. ;24.故意在窗口露出臀部, 是大学生典型的闹剧 之一.
25.A:Please take your seats. B:Where should we take them? ;25.A:请就座. B:你要我们把椅子 拿到哪里?
8. Tease,Taunt 揶揄 ;
1.You're putting me on! 2.You're toying with us. ;1.你在作弄我! 2.你在耍我们.
3.Thanks for your sarcasm. ;3.谢谢您的讽刺.
4.Don't tease me. 5.Those guys will make fun of me. ;4.不要挖苦我. 5.那些人会取笑我.
6.If I do it,I'll never hear the end of it. ;6.如果我做了,会有没完 没了的嘲笑.
7.I'll never live that one down. 8.Make fun if you want ;7.那件事会使我一辈子 抬不起头. 8.你尽管取笑我好啦.
9.What's so funny? 10.Are you poking fun at my new hairdo? ;9.什么事这么好笑? 10.你在嘲笑我的新发型 吗?
11.You're making a fool of me. ;11.你把我当成傻瓜耍.
12.A joke is a joke, but you've carried it too far. ;12.玩笑归玩笑, 但你做得太绝了.
13.He's the victim of a cruel joke. ;13.他是一个残忍玩笑的 受害人.
14.It was only a joke. Lighten up. ;14.这只是开玩笑, 别那么紧张好不好?
15.I'm not a clown. 16.Don't make faces at me. 17.Ignore them. ;15.我不是小丑. 16.不要跟我扮鬼脸. 17.别理他们.
9. Sarcasm 嘲弄 ;
1.Have you lost your hearing? 2.Are you deaf or something? ;1.你耳聋了吗? 2.你是耳聋了还是怎么的
3.What's the matter? Cat got your tongue? 4.Can't you read? ;3.怎么回事啦?舌头被猫 吃掉了吗? 4.你不识字吗?
5.Go and ask his advice.He knows everything. ;5.去请教他吧, 他无所不知.
6.He sees all, knows all! ;6.他无所不知,无事不晓.
7.He's Mr. Know-it-all 8.Don't be so sarcastic. ;7.他是百晓先生. 他是万事通. 8.别讽刺人.
9.Don't be funny. 10.Quit mocking me. 11.What a sad compliment. ;9.少出我的丑. 10.少挖苦我. 11.多么挖苦人的话.
10. Disdain 鄙视 ;
1.You don't know beans 2.A lot you know! 3.What does he know? ;1.你懂个屁. 2.你懂的可真不少啊! 3.他懂什么?
4.You know nothing. 5.Smart aleck! 6.You don't know jack shit. ;4.你一无所知. 5.自作聪明的小子! 6.你懂个屁.
7.He's got champagne taste on a beer budget. ;7.他是个穷措大.
8.He's a five-foot man with six-foot ideas. ;8.他不自量力.
9.He'll never make it. 10.I spit in your face ;9.他绝对办不来. 10.我吐口水到你脸上!
11.You're not fit to even clean his shoes 12.Who do you think you are? ;11.你连替他擦鞋子都 不配. 12.你自以为是老几?
13.He's just a big fish in a small pond. ;13.他是蜀中无大将,廖化 作先锋.他像山中无 老虎,猴子称大王.
14.Who's like you? 15.I wouldn't want to end up like you. ;14.谁像你这副德行? 15.我不愿落得下场潦倒 如你.
16.That's nothing. 17.That's woman's talk ;16.那不算什么. 17.那是妇道人家所说的 话.
18.He cracks me up. 19.Don't make me laugh 20.This is dumb! ;18.他使我忍俊不禁. 19.别笑掉我大牙了. 20.这码子事真蠢!
21.That's the most stupid thing I've ever heard. ;21.那是我所曾听过最蠢 的一回事.
22.I wonder how low a guy can get? ;22.我不晓得人能有多 卑鄙.
23.You're too pragmatic. 24.You're too opportunistic. ;23.你太现实. 24.你太投机取巧.
25.He is a scum. 26.Some people are no better than animals ;25.他是个下贱的人. 26.有些人禽兽不如.
27.You are a sorry excuse for a human being. ;27.你这个人渣.
28.You are pathetic. 29.What a creep! ;28.你无可救药. 29.多令人厌恶的爬虫!
30.You're a lowlife. 31.You are in no position to talk. ;30.你是个下流胚子. 31.你没资格说话.
11.Humiliate,Insult 羞辱 ;
1.Look at the pot calling the kettle black. ;1.这是五十步笑百步.
2.You're just as bad as him. ;2.你和他半斤八两, 都不是好东西.
3.Don't patronize me. 4.Don't treat me like a moron. ;3.别小看我. 4.不要把我当白痴看待.
5.Don't treat me like a child. 6.I want him disgraced ;5.别把我当成小孩子. 6.我要他丢脸.
7.Let me cut him down to size. 8.He insulted me. ;7.我来掀他的底牌. 8.他侮辱了我.
9.He made fun of me. 10.He mocked me. 11.He dissed me. ;9.他取笑我. 10.他愚弄了我. 11.他嘲笑我.
12.That's a low blow. 13.His insults are hitting below the belt. ;12.那是攻讦人的歹毒话. 13.他侮辱人的手法相当 卑劣.
14.This is downright insulting! 15.He spit right into my face. ;14.这是彻头彻尾的侮辱! 15.他当面羞辱我.
16.You don't have to rub salt in the wound. 17.Don't step on me. ;16.你用不着火上添油. 17.不要踩到我的头上来.
18.Don't put him on the spot. ;18.不要故意教他在别人 面前受窘.
12.Informing 告知 ;
1.I'd like to bring this to your attention. ;1.我提醒你注意这件事.
2.A:I've got good news and I've got bad news. ;2.A:我有好消息, 也有坏消息.
B:Well,give me the good news first. ;B:那就先告诉我好消息吧
3.I've got some not-so-good news. 4.Bad news drives out good news. ;3.我有些不太好的消息. 4.噩耗败人雅兴.
5.What?Is this on CNN? ;5.怎么,这已成新闻了吗?
6.A:How did you find out? B:I happened to be there. ;6.A:你怎晓得这件事? B:事情发生时,我凑巧 在场.
7.Lay it on me. 8.Word's getting around. ;7.把详情告诉我. 8.风声已传遍各地.
9.Please pass the word on. ;9.请把话传出去.
10.We're always one step ahead (of the game). ;10.我们总是比别人快 一拍.
11.We stay on top of it. ;11.我们洞烛先机.
12.You don't know the half of it. 13.Don't leave me dangling. ;12.你只是一知半解. 13.别让我瞎猜.
14.Please fill us in. ;14.请说给我们听.
15.Is this a conspiracy of silence? ;15.这是全体阴谋保持 沉默吗?
16.The husband is always the last one to know. ;16.做丈夫的总是被蒙在 鼓里,直到最后才知情.
13.News 消息 ;
1.You've made my day! 2.That's welcome news. ;1.你使我满心舒畅. 2.那是我们盼望已久的 好消息.
3.That's music to my ears. 4.That's already history. ;3.这句话很中听. 4.那已成了历史.
5.I've glanced at the paper.There's nothing new. ;5.报纸我已瞥了一下, 没啥新消息.
6.I take everything I hear on the news with a grain of salt ;6.我对一切新闻报导都 半信半疑.
7.It will be in the papers. 8.We made headlines. 9.He's a muckraker. ;7.这件事迟早会上报. 8.我们成了头条新闻. 9.他是丑闻的揭发者.
10.He read the morning paper cover to cover. ;10.他把晨报逐页从头看 到尾.
11.He studied the contract form A to Z. ;11.他将契约从头到尾 仔细地推敲过.
12.I want to run an ad in the paper. ;12.我想在报纸上登一则 广告.
14.Keeping A Secret 保密 ;
1.Only friends share secrets. 2.Just keep it between us. ;1.只有朋友才分享秘密. 2.我们俩知道就好了.
3.Don't tell a soul. ;3.不要对任何人说.
4.We'll have to keep a lid on it. 5.Don't ever tell her this. ;4.我们必须保守这个秘密 5.千成不要跟她提起这 回事.
6.Keep it under your hat. 7.Don't let him know? He already knows. ;6.不要把它说出去. 7.别让他知道? 他早就知道了.
8.I'll never tell. 9.I'll keep my mouth shut. ;8.我绝不说出去. 9.我会守口如瓶.
10.You can count on me My lips are sealed. ;10.我守口如瓶,你可以 信得过我.
11.Your secret is safe with me. ;11.你的秘密在我这儿绝 对可靠.
12.I'll never kiss and tell. ;12.我绝不会把我们亲热 的事说出去.
13.You couldn't drag that information out of me. ;13.你休想从我这儿套出 消息.
14.I'd rather die than tell you. 15.He's not telling us everything. ;14.我宁死也不愿告诉你. 15.他没道出全部内情.
16.He's always so secretive. 17.Some things are better left unsaid. ;16.他老是神秘兮兮. 17.有些事还是少说为妙.
18.Silence is golden. 19.Don't spread it around. 20.It's top secret. ;18.沉默是金. 19.不可传扬出去. 20.这是最高机密.
21.Ignorance is bliss. 22.It's a trade secret ;21.无知便是福. 22.这是商场内线消息.
23.Loose lips sink ships. 24.We don't want to wave the flag. ;23.嘴巴不牢坏大事. 24.我们可不愿太招摇.
15.To Hint 暗示 ;
1.You're dropping hints. 2.Thanks for the tip. ;1.你话中有话. 2.谢谢你的指点.
3.I want to clue you in on something. ;3.我来提示一下.
4.Let me give you a pointer. 5.Here is the key to the answer. ;4.我来指点一下迷津. 5.答案在此.
6.I see what you're getting at. ;6.我知道你话中的意思了
7.She can't take a hint. 8.A little tact please ;7.她无法领会暗示. 8.稍微婉转一点嘛.
16.Revealing Secrets 泄密 ;
1.Who let the word out 2.Better to let sleeping dogs lie. ;1.是谁把话传出去的? 2.还是不提为妙. 最好不要去惊动他.
3.Okay,who finked? 4.Someone left the cat out of the bag. ;3.好,是谁告的密? 4.有人把秘密给说出去了
5.Mark,you told? 6.You've got a big mouth. ;5.马克,是你把话说出去 的吗? 6.你太多嘴.
7.You're the leak. 8.You fed him this tip ;7.就是你说漏了嘴. 8.这秘密是你跟他说的.
9.You and your big yap 10.What a blabbermouth ;9.都是你和你那张大嘴巴 10.多嘴婆!
11.You didn't have to tell everybody. ;11.你犯不着逢人便说.
12.Traitor! You ratted on us. ;12.叛徒!你做奸细告发 了我们.
13.That's the way it was. ;13.整个来龙去脉就是 这样.
14.That's the whole story. 15.That explains it. ;14.整个事情的真相就是 如此. 15.原来如此.
16.I hate last minute surprises. ;16.我讨厌到了最后一刻 才吃一惊.
17.Why did it take so long to come out? ;17.干嘛如此费劲才说出 口呢?
18.This is nothing secret. 19.It's a well- established fact. ;18.这无所谓秘密可言. 19.这是路人皆知的事.
20.That's not the whole truth. 21.Over time, secrets unravel. ;20.真相并非全然如此. 21.日久见隐情.
22.The moment of truth is at hand. ;22.真相如何,马上分晓.
23.Ice always floats to the top of the water. ;23.终会有水落石出的 一天.
24.The truth hurts. 25.Truth is stranger than fiction. ;24.真相教人伤心. 25.真人实事有时比杜撰 的还令人惊讶.
26.The truth is terrible. ;26.这件事的真相很吓人.
17.Gossip 谣言 ;
1.You're the talk of the town. 2.You've got sharp ears. ;1.你成了镇上的话柄. 2.你的耳朵真灵.
3.I overheard their conversation. 4.It's a real scoop. ;3.我无意中听到他们的 谈话. 4.这真是一则内幕新闻.
5.It's a real big news. 6.Ever heard of it? ;5.这真是大新闻. 6.听过这回事吗?
7.I heard it through the grapevine. 8.I've heard a few tidbits of gossip. ;7.这是我从谣传里听来的 8.我听到些有趣的谣言.
9.I heard it from the horse's mouth. ;9.这是当事人亲自告诉 我的.
10.Who told you all these crazy old wive's tales? ;10.你哪儿听来的这些三 姑六婆的话?
11.Where did you get that story? 12.It's total baloney. ;11.这谣言你打哪儿听来 的? 12.这全然是胡说八道.
13.That's pure gossip. 14.This rumor is not a rumor at all. ;13.那纯粹是谣言. 14.这个谣言根本不是 谣言.
15.It's not just hearsay.He confessed to me himself. ;15.这并非谣言,而是他 亲自对我承认的.
16.Those women are so catty. ;16.那些女人活像猫.
17.Watch it.The blabbermouth is back. ;17.当心点儿,那个长舌 妇回来了.
18.People will talk! 19.Guess what he said about you? ;18.人言可畏! 19.你猜他怎么说你来着?
20.Give me all the dirt. ;20.把所有的丑闻都说给 我听.
21.It's a juicy tidbit ;21.这是令人津津乐道的 趣闻.
22.Bad news travels fast. 23.Word gets around. ;22.好事不出门, 坏事千里闻. 23.闲话最容易传播.
24.Gossip runs like water. 25.The rumors spread like flies. ;24.谣言似水四处流散. 25.谣言满天飞.
26.He's not deterred by rumors. 27.It's time to clear the air. ;26.他不因谣言而断念. 27.是澄清真相的时候了.
28.It's time to dispel the myth. 29.The truth must be told. ;28.该是破除神话的时候 了. 29.真相必须公诸于众.
30.I'd like to set the record straight. ;30.我要抖出实情来澄清 谣言.
31.Where there's smoke there's fire. ;31.有烟必有火. 冒烟的地方,必定有火
32.There's no smoke without fire. ;32.无烟不起火. 无风不起浪.空穴不来 风,事出必有因.
33.See on evil. Hear no evil. Speak no evil. ;33.非礼勿视, 非礼勿听, 非礼勿言.
18.Slander 毁谤 ;
1.You shut up about my father! ;1.闭上你的臭嘴,不许你 说我父亲的坏话.
2.It's easy to talk behind someone's back. ;2.在人家的背后说长道短 不难.
3.I don't want to say anything derogatory about him. ;3.我不愿说任何中伤他 的话.
4.Don't try to drag me through the mud. 5.Never speak ill for the dead. ;4.不要存心玷污我的名声 5.不要诋毁已过世的人.
6.Someone gave my boss a poison-pen letter. 7.He's just slinging mud. ;6.有人写了一封黑函给我 的老板. 7.他只是在中伤人.
8.You want me to look bad? 9.You are trying to discredit me. ;8.你想弄坏我的形象吗? 9.你蓄意中伤我的名声.
10.That'll give us a bad image. ;10.那样就会毁了我们的 形象.
11.Why should I take all this backbiting ;11.我何必忍受他们这些 恶毒的中伤呢?
12.It'll give us bad P.R. 13.You're giving us a bad name. ;12.这会弄坏我们的公共 关系. 13.你给我们带来臭名.
14.If news of this gets out,it will tarnish his image. ;14.如果这种消息传出去, 一定会抹黑他的形象.
15.Your credibility is shot. ;15.你的信用泡汤了.
16.She can make something out of nothing. ;16.她会无中生有.
17.I was branded! 18.You're the perfect target now. ;17.我硬被标榜成坏人! 18.你现在成了最容易被 攻击的目标.
19.I don't care how they label me. 20.You're walking bull's-eye. ;19.我不在乎被他们说成 何种人. 20.你现在成了活靶.
21.I'm suing you for libel. ;21.我要告你文书毁谤.
22.The movie star sued the reporter for slander. ;22.那位电影明星控告 新闻记者诽谤他.
23.We have to clear our name. 24.The candidate shot himself in the foot ;23.我们必须澄清名声. 24.这位候选人自扎眼睛.
25.His escapades are well-known by his associates. ;25.他的劣行败迹,素为 同事们所周知.
26.Sometimes your reputation follows you. ;26.名声往往和一个人 形影不离.
27.Your reputation precedes you. ;27.久仰大名.
19.Accusations 指控 ;
1.Don't falsely accuse anyone. 2.These charges are groundless. ;1.不要胡乱指控人. 2.这些指控毫无根据.
3.What are you getting at? 4.He's an accomplice to the crime. ;3.你的心意何在? 4.他是同谋.
5.You're guilty by association. 6.What do you say about that? ;5.你有包庇罪. 6.你对这些指控作何 辩解.
7.It wasn't like that at all. 8.That's only one side of the story. ;7.情形并非如此. 8.那只是片面之词.
9.It's her words against mine. 10.I'm not that shallow and creepy. ;9.那只是她控告我的一厢 情愿的说法. 10.我没那么浅薄与下作.
11.Why would I have done it? 12.Can't you see? I was set up? ;11.我何必做那种事呢? 12.难道你看不出我是被 陷害的吗?
13.I had nothing to do with it. I was framed. ;13.我被陷害,这件事与我 毫无关系.
14.I wasn't even around at that time. ;14.我那时候还没生下来 呢.
20.Judgments 论断 ;
1.Don't judge a book by its cover. 2.She's a lot tougher than she looks. ;1.人不可貌相. 2.她比外表凶悍多了.
3.He seems like an okay guy. ;3.他这个人好像还可以.

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