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20.Judgements 论断 ;
4.He seems normal. 5.He's an average Joe. ;4.他显得身心正常. 5.他是典型的普通人.
6.She's only trying to measure you up. 7.I'll be the judge of that. ;6.她只是在称你的斤两. 7.那件事我自己会拿主意
8.Don't throw stones. 9.That's a terrible portrayal. ;8.不要妄下定论. 9.那是很恶劣的刻画.
10.I'm sorry I misjudged you. 11.You're wrong about him. ;10.很抱歉,我错怪了你. 11.你错怪他了.
12.Why don't you look at it from the other side of the coin? ;12.你何不从另一头来 衡量呢?
13.Maybe I'm a little hasty. ;13.也许我太早下定论.
14.Give him the benefit of the doubt. ;14.不要急于判断,虽在猜 疑中,仍应将他往好的 地方想.
15.Don't jump to conclusions so quickly next time. ;15.下回可别草率作结论.
16.I won't pass judgment on them. 17.It's not my place to judge. ;16.那件事我不予置评. 17.我不便批评.
18.Who am I to criticize others? ;18.我算老几,哪有资格去 批评人?
19.I don't want to cast the first stone. ;19.我不愿做第一个攻击 他的人.
20.Let him who has no sins cast the first stone. ;20.让清白无罪的人先扔 出第一个石头(去打击 坏人)吧.
21.People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. ;21.缺点满身的人, 不配指摘别人.
22.Time will tell. 23.History will judge. ;22.时间会说明一切. 23.历史会判定是非曲直.
21.Confession 供认 ;
1.Give in! 2.Admit it! 3.Confess! ;1.你认了吧. 2.你承认吧. 3.招认吧.
4.Come clean! 5.Spill your guts! 6.Give me the whole story. ;4.你快招! 5.讲实话! 6.把来龙去脉说给我听.
7.Give me all the details. 8.You've got to reveal it. ;7.你一五一十讲个清楚. 8.你非说不可.
9.If the soft approach doesn't get anywhere then beat it out of him. ;9.软的不行就来硬的, 不怕他不招.
10.He won't give me a straight answer. ;10.他不肯给我一个爽快 的答复.
11.He's holding back. ;11.他不肯吐实. 他隐匿了某些事情 不肯说出来.
12.I plead the Fifth. 13.You are trying to shake me down. ;12.我依法保持缄默. 13.你想从我身上抖出 情报来.
14.You answer my question,or else! 15.I want direct answers. ;14.回答我的问题,否则 有你好受的. 15.我要直截了当的答复.
16.It's show and tell time. 17.Tell it like it is. ;16.这是翻底牌见真章的 时候. 17.实话实说吧.
18.Did you or didn't you? 19.Lay it on the table ;18.你到底做了还是没做? 19.咱们摊牌吧!
20.Level with me. 21.Be straight with me ;20.跟我说实说. 21.不许用假话来蒙骗我.
22.Cat got your tongue? ;22.怎么不说话,舌头被猫 给咬掉了吗?
23.He endured hours of grueling questioning. ;23.他忍受了数小时的 疲劳审问.
24.I didn't do it. I swear! 25.I have nothing to do with it. ;24.我发誓我没做那件事! 25.我和这件事毫无瓜葛.
26.Tell me the truth. Don't tell me anymore garbage. ;26.跟我坦白,不许胡说.
27.Don't cloud it up with gossip. ;27.不要用谣言来混淆.
28.It's just something trivial. 29.Heck,I'll admit it. ;28.那只是不值一提的 琐事. 29.去他的,我认了!
30.A:You're a womanizer. B:Guilty as charged. ;30.A:你是玩女人的好手. B:正如你所说的.
31.Okay,you're onto me 32.I have a confession to make. ;31.好,算你发觉我的行踪 了! 32.我要忏悔一件事.
33.I did it, I have no excuse. 34.Fear makes a man tell the truth. ;33.是我干的,我无可推诿 34.恐惧使人吐实.
22.Frankness 坦诚 ;
1.A:Do you like her cooking? B:I would be lying if I said yes. ;1.A:你喜欢她做的菜吗? B:如果我说"是", 那我就是在撒谎.
2.Let's get this straight. 3.Let's be straight with each other. ;2.咱们把它说个清楚. 3.大家直来直往,不要耍 花枪.
4.Let's show our true colors. ;4.咱们以真面目相对吧. 咱们坦诚相待吧.
5.Why can't you level with me? 6.Let's get everything out in the open. ;5.为何你不能对我坦白 些呢? 6.咱们打开天窗说亮话.
7.Let's tell the truth 8.Why skirt the issue? ;7.我们把实情说出来. 8.说话何必绕着弯儿?
9.Cut the B.S. 10.Let's get to the point. ;9.废话少说. 10.咱们直接谈要点.
11.Don't avoid the main issue. 12.Talk straight. ;11.不要回避正题. 12.有话不妨直说.
13.Let's just cut to the chase. 14.Let's be open. ;13.直接谈要点吧. 14.咱们开诚布公吧.
15.Just crack the walnut. ;15.把谜底揭晓吧.
16.They're firing you. Why not call a spade a spade? ;16.他们要轰你走, 何不明说呢?
17.From now on,I'm through hinting. ;17.从现在起,我不再用 暗示的手法. 从现在起,我有话直说
18.I'm not holding anything back. ;18.我没隐瞒任何事.
19.That's the way to do it open and aboveboard. ;19.光明磊落才是做事的 正确态度.
20.Excuse me for being blunt,but I really don't like that idea. ;20.恕我直言,我实在不 欣赏那个主意.
21.He makes no bones about it. 22.You make it too candid. ;21.他说得很露骨. 22.你太口无遮拦了.
23.Let's discuss it man to man. 24.Let's discuss it face to face. ;23.咱们像男子汉把话说 清楚. 24.我们面对面来讨论.
25.Let's talk turkey. 26.Let's quit playing games. ;25.咱们有话实说吧. 26.我们别再彼此玩把 戏了.
27.Why are we wasting each other's time? ;27.何必浪费我们彼此的 时间呢?
28.There's no danger of anyone overhearing us. ;28.不用担心谁会偷听到 我们的谈话.
29.You don't have to whisper. 30.I like a man who stands up to me. ;29.你用不着咬耳朵. 30.我喜欢敢在我面前 直言的人.
31.He doesn't keep things inside. ;31.他心胸坦荡.
23.Honesty 诚实 ;
1.You know I'm on the level. ;1.你知道我不会欺骗你.
2.His honesty makes him stand out in a crowd. ;2.诚实使他脱颖而出.
3.A:Do you think I should tell him? B:Well,anything less would be a lie. ;3.A:你认为我应该告诉他 吗? B:少说一句话就是撒谎
4.You're just too honest a guy. 5.I mean what I say! ;4.你这个人未免太老实了 5.我可不是在说着玩儿的
6.I'm as good as my word. 7.You mean it? ;6.我说的话,句句算数. 7.你真有这个心意.
24.Morality 道德 ;
1.Morals today are just plain terrible! 2.He's hard to find fault with. ;1.现在的道德心真是坏透 了. 2.他无可挑剔.
3.He's a giant among men. 4.He's the salt of the earth. ;3.他像鹤立鸡群. 4.他是社会的中坚人物.
5.I did what I had to do. 6.That's unethical. ;5.我做了我该做的事. 6.那不道德.
7.It's not only immoral. It's illegal. ;7.这不仅违背道德, 而且触犯刑律.
8.I am not going to lower myself to his level. ;8.我不必和他一般见识.
9.I have very strong feelings about right and wrong. ;9.我明辨是非. 我是非感分明.
10.That's unprofessional. 11.I still have some moral scruples. ;10.那不是行家的手法. 11.我还有些道德标准.
12.Be true to yourself ;12.不要欺心. 要对自己忠实.
13.It's the principle of the thing. 14.I'm doing it for my own peace of mind. ;13.这是原则问题. 14.我这样做,只是图个 心安.
15.Sometimes,a virtue can become a vice. 16.This is no way to enter paradise. ;15.有时,美德也会变成 罪恶. 16.这是赴天堂的行径.
17.I appeal to your sense of decency. ;17.(我)请你们摸摸自己 的良心.
25.Exaggerations 夸大 ;
1.Quit laying it on. 2.You're full of baloney! 3.What a wind bag! ;1.少吹牛. 2.你满口胡言. 3.真是牛皮大王.
4.He's full of himself ;4.他最会吹嘘自己如何 了不起.
5.Come on!It's not that serious. ;5.得了吧!没那么严重.
6.You're really stretching it. 7.Let's not go that far. ;6.你太夸大其词. 7.咱们不要扯太远.
8.Don't make a mountain out of a molehill. ;8.勿小题大作.
9.As you know, people exaggerate. ;9.就如你所知, 人都会夸张.
10.He's just full of hot air. ;10.他只是在虚张声势.
26.To Lie 撒谎 ;
1.He's been kept out in the dark. ;1.他被蒙在鼓里.
2.You didn't fall for that old story,did you? ;2.你没被那老把戏给骗了 吧?
3.It was just a little white lie. 4.That's a barefaced lie! ;3.这只是无伤大雅的 小谎而已. 4.那是个无耻的谎言!
5.It's just a fib. 6.I can't believe you were so gullible. ;5.这只是个小谎. 6.没想到你如此容易受骗
7.I can't believe you were so naive. 8.We service what we sell. ;7.想不到你居然如此天真 8.我们善尽售后服务之责
9.You're full of it. 10.One size fits all. ;9.你满口谎话. 10.这种尺码适合所有的 身材.
11.Don't give me that Micky Mouse shit. 12.Cut the bull shit. ;11.你少跟我编瞎话. 12.少跟我胡说八道.
13.Don't tell stories. 14.It's all make believe. ;13.不要乱编故事. 14.这全是假的.
15.He lied his pants off. ;15.他撒了个弥天大谎.
16.You're distorting the truth. 17.He's out and out lying to you. ;16.你在歪曲事实. 17.他纯粹在骗你.
18.Don't lie to me. You've humiliated me enough. ;18.不要再骗我,你已丢够 了我的脸.
19.You're not fooling me. ;19.你骗不了我.
20.You are bluffing. 21.You're just spinning a tale. ;20.你在虚张声势. 21.你只是在捏造故事.
22.You're making up stories. 23.It's a cooked-up story. ;22.你在编故事. 23.这是一则虚构的故事.
24.One lie leads to another. ;24.一次谎言,引发别的 谎言.
25.Don't cry wolf or when you're really in trouble,no one will believe you. ;25.不要骗人说你有麻烦, 要不然真碰上麻烦时, 没人相信你.
26.You're not a very good liar. ;26.你说谎的技术并不 高明.
27.He made up some cock and bull story ;27.你编造了些胡说八道 的理由.
28.I know him inside and out. 29.I'm no dope. ;28.我对他理外一清二楚. 29.我可不是傻瓜.
30.Don't try to fool me.I wasn't born yesterday! ;30.我并非昨天才生下的 婴儿,少骗我.
31.He can't make a monkey out of me. I'm too smart for that. ;31.这种把戏骗不了我! 我太精了.
32.It's quite a story, but we don't believe it. ;32.这个故事很动听,但 我们偏不信.
33.She was just shedding crocodile tears. ;33.她是猫哭耗子假慈悲. 她只是假惺惺地在哭.
34.You put on a good show. 35.Don't play possum! ;
36.I'll show up his little farce. ;34.你演了一出好戏. 别装蒜! 我来揭穿他的把戏.
27.Tricks & Traps 诡计与陷阱 ;
1.I fixed it. 2.It's a plum ready for picking. ;1.我已在暗中动了手脚. 2.这是庄稼成熟待采收 的时机.
3.He only wants to reap the fruits of my labor. ;3.他只想剽窃我的劳动 成果.
4.Those dishonest builders always try to cut corners. ;4.那些存心不良的建筑商 老想偷工减料.
5.I knew there was a catch. 6.I knew there was more to it! ;5.我早就晓得其中必有乍 6.我早就知道事情没那么 单纯.
7.I wonder what he's trying to pull. ;7.我不明白他在玩什么 把戏.
8.What have you got up your sleeve? ;8.究竟你葫芦里在卖什么 药?
9.What game are you playing? 10.I think they padded the bill. ;9.你在玩什么把戏? 10.我认为他们浮报了 开销.
11.I suspect he may have altered the figures. ;11.我怀疑他在数字上动 了手脚.
12.You've got a crooked operation here. 13.Don't get hooked. ;12.你在这儿做讹诈客人 的生意. 13.别受骗.
14.She's only dangling the carrot in front of you. ;14.她用可望不可及的东 西在驱使你.
15.This is the latest gimmick. ;15.这是最新的把戏.
16.Don't be trapped by any pitfalls. 17.He's really a wolf in sheep's clothing. ;16.不要陷入任何诱惑. 17.他是一只披了羔羊皮 的狼.
18.She's using herself as a decoy. 19.There you go again. ;18.她以自己为钓饵. 19.你又来这一套了.
20.He's up to his old tricks again. 21.No more tricks! ;20.他又玩起他的老把戏 来了. 21.不许再玩伎俩.
22.I'm not out to con you. 23.He's trying to trip you up. ;22.我不是来诓你的. 23.他想要逮住你的错.
24.He knows every trick in the book. 25.He tries to catch suckers like you. ;24.他熟悉每一伎俩. 25.他正想逮住像你这种 傻瓜.
26.We're falling into their trap. 27.Give him enough rope to hang himself ;26.我们快掉进他们的 陷阱了. 27.让他去作茧自缚吧.
28.He took the bait. ;28.他上钩了. 他上当了.
29.You almost got me on that one. ;29.你那一招,差点儿使我 上当.
30.I had you going there. 31.This is a setup. ;30.我刚才把你骗得团团 转. 31.这是个陷阱.
32.It's a scam. 33.This is a fish catch man. ;32.这是个骗局. 33.这是个粉红色陷阱.
34.It's sugar-coated. 35.Don't fall for it. ;34.那是包了糖衣的毒药. 35.不要上了它的当.
36.This is a one-way ticket to hell. ;36.这是一条有去无回的 死路.
37.He's wise to my tricks. 38.It's a deathtrap. ;37.他门槛很精,不会中 我的计. 38.这是死亡陷阱.
39.He's onto my tricks 40.She saw through my schemes right away. ;39.他对我的鬼点子耳熟 能详. 40.她一眼看穿我的伎俩.
41.I just called his bluff. 42.You guys ruined my act. ;41.我刚刚掀了他的底牌. 42.你们这些家伙坏了我 的好事.
43.He has a cunning face. 44.You might be misleading him. ;43.他长相狡猾. 44.也许你在误导他.
28.Cheated 受骗 ;
1.Somebody made a switch! 2.Nice switch! ;1.有人把我的东西给调包 了. 2.真巧妙的调包手法!
3.My parents fell for it hook,line and sinker. 4.We've been taken in. ;3.我父母亲深深地着了 人家的道子. 4.我们上当了.
5.Perhaps you've been used. 6.He mooches off others. ;5.也许你被人耍了. 6.他专门揩别人的油.
7.Don't get used! ;7.别被别人剥削了.
8.We've been robbed! 9.They milked me for every penny I had. ;8.我们这个亏吃大了. 9.他们榨干了我的每一 分钱.
10.You squeeze men like lemons. 11.He's trying to cash in on me. ;10.他像挤柠檬似地压榨 人. 11.他想占我的便宜.
12.Did you slip him a mickey? 13.You usefulness has been played out. ;12.你在他的汤里下了药 吗? 13.你已没利用价值.
14.You drugged me! 15.He's a puppet in her hands. ;14.你对我下了毒! 15.他只是她掌中的傀儡.
16.I was sold out. 17.I'm trapped like a rat. ;16.我被出卖了. 17.我像笼中鼠,逃脱不了
18.We have nowhere to turn. 19.What a dirty trick! ;18.我们无路可走了. 19.多肮脏的伎俩!
20.I've never met a hustler like you. 21.You devil! ;20.我从没遇过像你这种 骗子. 21.你这魔鬼!
29.Racketeering 敲诈 ;
1.Sock him with the bill. 2.They're asking for a shakedown. ;1.去敲他一顿竹杠. 2.他们硬要勒索.
3.Are you trying to squeeze money out of me? ;3.你想从我身上榨出钱吗
4.This is outright extortion. ;4.这是明目张胆的勒索.
30.Bribery 贿赂 ;
1.She's asking for a payoff. 2.That's bribery, but it works. ;1.她在索要贿赂. 2.那是贿赂的卑下做法, 但很管用.
3.Everyone can be bought. 4.Money knows no political boundaries ;3.每一个人都可被收买. 4.钱不分政治界限.
5.Money gets you everywhere. 6.Why not pay him some hush money? ;5.钱的功能无远弗界. 6.你何不付他一些封口 钱呢? 无
7.There's money in it for you. 8.I'm not for sale. ;7.参与这件事可分享甜头 8.我不会被收买.
9.Don't try to grease my palm.I can't be bought. ;9.别想贿赂我, 我不会被收买.
10.You won't accept any hospitality? ;10.你不愿接受任何好处 吗?
11.That guy always seems to have itchy palms. ;11.那个家伙老是要人 贿赂他.
12.Someone's been bought off here. ;12.这儿有人被收买了.
13.He paid off a D.A. ;13.他买通了一名地方 检控官.
14.He's got three D.A.'s on his payroll. ;14.他弄到三名地区检察 官长期接受他的津贴.
15.Sweet deals with governments are high on his list. ;15.向政府有关当局的官 员行贿,被列为他心目 中的要务.
31.Hypocrisy 虚伪 ;
1.Let's make like nothing happened. ;1.咱们装作若无其事的 样子.
2.Can you make believe you are my brother? ;2.你可以假装是我哥哥 吗?
3.Look at her,a mask of innocence. ;3.你瞧瞧她那一副天真 的假面具.
4.Never let him see you sweat. 5.Just be yourself. ;4.不要让他注意到你紧张 的样子. 5.你只要神色自若就得了
6.I gotta act natural. 7.Blend in with the crowd. ;6.我必须表现得泰然自若 7.去跟众人混在一起.
8.He's gone now. You can turn off your charm. 9.You can cut the pose ;8.他走了,把你的媚态收 起来吧. 9.你用不着摆那种姿势.
10.He's just faking it 11.There's no use kidding yourself. ;10.他只是在充空壳子. 他只是空心大佬倌. 11.自欺何益之有?
12.You little cheat. 13.He is a phony. 14.He's an imposter. ;12.你这小骗子. 13.他是个骗子. 14.他是个冒牌货.
15.You're a lying, swindling thief. ;15.你这说谎、欺骗人的 贼.
16.You're not only a liar,you're hopeless! ;16.你不仅是个说谎者, 你简直无可救药.
17.Everywhere you go, you seem to run into phonies. ;17.不论到哪里,好像总会 碰到骗子.
18.He kills with his smile. ;18.他笑里藏刀.
19.You don't know him. He's a hypocrite. 20.He's two-faced. ;19.你不晓得他的真面貌, 他是个伪君子. 20.他是个双面人.
21.She is nothing but a backbiter. 22.What an actor! ;21.她是个当面诌媚、 背后中伤人的东西. 22.多了不起的一位演员!
23.She's such a goody-goody. 24.He's always on stage. ;23.她太会假充好人. 24.他老是在演戏.
25.She's such goody-two-shoes. 26.You've put on a good show. ;25.她是个十足的假道学. 26.你表演了很精彩的一 出戏.
27.You're living a lie 28.You don't practice what you preach. ;27.你过着伪君子的生活. 28.你并没奉行你教导 别人的道理.
29.He's great on theory,but he's lousy in real life. ;29.他善于讲道理,但实际 生活表现很差.他是口头 上的强者,行动上的矮子
30.You're just a bunch of talk. 31.You're just and old windbag. ;30.你光会说. 31.你不过是个牛皮大王.
32.Some of us are all talk and no action. 33.You misled me. ;32.我们当中有些人光动 口不动手. 33.你误导了我.
34.He's deceiving himself. 35.Don't lie to yourself. ;34.他在自欺. 35.不要自欺.
36.I lied to stay alive. ;36.为了活下去我只好 撒谎.
37.Let me cut him down to size. 38.People aren't what they seem. ;37.我来拆穿他这只纸 老虎. 38.人心隔肚皮.
39.He's as phony as a three-dollar bill. 40.An empty bag can't stand up. ;39.他像三元钞票那么 虚假. 40.假的真不了.
32.To Be Sneaky 狡诈 ;
1.He's playing both sides. 2.He's sneaky. 3.You cheat. ;1.他脚踏两条船. 2.他狡猾. 3.你讹诈了我应得的部分
4.You snake! 5.He's a snake in the grass. ;4.你好狡猾. 5.他是个潜在的敌人.
6.He's toying with your mind. 7.This isn't fair. You're playing dirty ;6.他在跟你玩心理战. 7.不公平,你在耍诈.
33.Excuses 藉口 ;
1.Problems have solutions, not excuses. ;1.难题只有解答, 没有借口.
2.You broke it. You pay for it. ;2.你弄破了,就得赔.
3.He's always looking for excuses. 4.Don't try to justify yourself. ;3.他老是在找借口. 4.少替你自己开罪.
5.What excuse do you have for me this time? ;5.这次你有什么借口呢?
6.That's a whitewash for your blunder. ;6.那只是你犯错的借口.
7.That's a sissy's excuse.Real men can hack it. ;7.那是娘娘腔的借口,真 正的男子汉经得起这种 考验.
34.Suspicion 怀疑 ;
1.I doubt it. 2.This guy fits the profile of a thief. ;1.我不太相信. 2.这个人的长相活像小偷
3.He looks like a shady character. 4.That guy makes me wonder. ;3.他不像个老实人. 4.那个人使我疑心重重.
5.I think not. 6.This guy looks sneaky. ;5.我不以为然. 6.这家伙看起来一副奸相
7.I'm skeptical about what he said. 8.Do I look like a liar? ;7.我对他的话存着疑心. 8.我看起来像说谎的人 吗?
9.That doesn't seem quite right. 10.It's a little out of the ordinary. ;9.这样不太对劲吧? 10.这有点儿不寻常.
11.Try not to arouse his suspicion. 12.He became suspicious. ;11.想办法不要引起他的 疑心. 12.他已开始怀疑.
13.Something is cooking. 14.I've lost faith in humanity. ;13.有某件坏事正在蕴酿 着. 14.我对人性已失掉信心.
15.What's the big smile for? 16.What's your intention? ;15.干嘛堆满笑脸? 16.你居心何在? 你企图何在?
17.Why are you pampering me? 18.Why are you being so generous? ;17.干嘛如此巴结我? 18.干嘛对我出手这么 大方?
19.It's disguised. 20.It's too good to be true. ;19.这已被伪装过. 20.好得简直不像真的.
21.It's sugar-coated. 22.Something's fishy, but I can't put my finger on it. ;21.这是包了糖衣的毒药. 22.有点儿不对劲,但我无 法明确指出是什么.
23.Things like this don't just happen. 24.Get a grip! ;23.这种事不会空穴来风. 24.你清醒点吧.
25.You're paranoid. 26.You're too suspicious. ;25.你疑心病重. 26.你太狐疑.
35.Trust,Loyalty 信赖 ;
1.She's all yours. 2.You can count on me. ;1.他全然属于你了. 2.你可以信赖我.
3.You can count on Lisa to be here rain or shine. ;3.你可以信得过丽莎会风 雨无阻准时到达这里.
4.I knew I could count on you. ;4.我早就知道你靠得住.
5.You're the trust worthy type. ;5.你长相老实.
6.I'm always true to you. 7.Trust me on this one ;6.我永远对你忠心. 7.这件事你姑且信我.
8.I'm trustworthy. 9.I'm a soldier,first, last and always. ;8.我值得信赖. 9.我自始至终都是一名 军人.
10.He's Mr.Good Old Reliable. ;10.他是一位可信赖的 老好先生.
11.He's a friend of mine.I'll vouch for him. ;11.他是我的朋友,我敢 担保他可靠.
12.We depend on each other. ;12.我们俩相依为命.
13.I'm running out of faith in him. 14.Don't trust anyone. ;13.我对他愈来愈没信心. 14.不要相信任何人.
15.You question my ability. ;15.你信不过我的能力吗?
16.I'm leery about anything I read in the papers. ;16.我对报纸上所读到的 消息半信关疑.
17.We need to have mutual confidence. ;17.我们需要互信.
36.Distrust 不信 ;
1.Don't swallow everything he says. ;1.不要对他的话毫无保留 地相信.
2.Every rumor has a grain of truth. ;2.每一个谣言多少都有 点儿真实性.
3.He's lying his ass off. 4.He's a filthy liar. ;3.他的谎大得屁股掉下来 4.他是龌龊的撒谎家.
5.Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear. ;5.目睹者仅可信其半, 耳闻者则全不可信.
6.Wise is the man who stops a rumor. 7.Don't you listen to anything she says. ;6.谣言止于智者. 7.她说什么你都不要听.
8.Unless you cross your heart,I won't believe you. 9.Believe it or not. ;8.除非你发誓, 否则我不信. 9.信不信由你.
10.On one level, I believe him. ;10.在某一程度上, 我可以信得过他.
11.A:For real? B:For real. ;11.A:真的吗? B:真的.
12.A:No kidding? B:No kidding. ;12.A:没在开玩笑吗? B:不开玩笑.
13.A:Honest? B:Honest. ;13.A:你说实话吗? B:一点儿也不假.
14.A:No shit? B:No shit. ;14.A:这话当真? B:还假得了吗?
15.A:Are you serious? B:Dead serious. ;15.A:你是正经的吗? B:正经八百.
16.Oh,really? 17.Her story just doesn't click. ;16.啊,真的吗? 17.她所说的与事实不符.
18.You don't say? 19.No way? ;18.你当真? 19.不会吧?
20.You mean he's genius?My foot! ;20.你说他是天才? 笑死我了!
21.Her story just doesn't add up. 22.You almost convinced me. ;21.她的说词站不住脚. 22.我差点儿被你说服了.
23.In a pig's eye! 24.That's a bunch of crap! ;23.连个门儿都没有! 24.那是一派胡言!
25.That's rubbish! 26.Yeah,right!What have you been drinking? ;25.那是废话! 26.啊,当然是如此了! 你到底吃错什么药了?
27.Aren't you stretching it a bit 28.Who do you think you're kidding? ;27.你未免太夸张了吧? 28.你以为在愚弄谁?
29.Don't let him get any closer. 30.What a line! ;29.不能让他更接近你了. 30.这算什么话嘛!
31.Don't be ridiculous 32.You can't do the impossible. ;31.别那么可笑! 32.你不可能制造奇迹.
33.What a fairy tale! 34.It's all a myth. ;33.真是鬼话连篇! 34.那都是神话.
35.That's too far-fetched. ;35.那太牵强附会. 那太遥不可及.
36.Prove your point. ;36.拿出证据来证实你的 话.
37.To Believe Me 相信我 ;
1.I'm not making this up. 2.Do I have to carve it in the stone? ;1.我没在编造故事. 2.我非得把话刻在石板上 你才相信吗?
3.Stop being a doubting Thomas.Just believe. ;3.不要像疑心多病的曹操 只管相信.
4.Come see for yourself. 5.I can hardly believe my eyes. ;4.你亲自来瞧瞧. 5.我简直不敢相信自己 的眼睛.
6.A picture is worth a thousand words. ;6.一幅画胜过千言万语.
7.That proves it. 8.It's no fairy tale. ;7.这就证实了我所说的话 8.这不是神话.
38.Persuasion 说服 ;
1.Would you talk some sense into her? ;1.你能开导她一下吗?

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