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西蒙情人节当爸爸 “毒舌”发推晒萌儿



He became a proud father for the first time when he welcomed baby son Eric into the world on Valentine's Day and took to Twitter two days later to share some touching family photographs.


And it seems former Mr. Nasty Simon Cowell has succumbed to the charm of his gorgeous son with Lauren Silverman, and can't resist showing off the bundle of joy.


Simon tweeted on Monday that 'The last three days have been incredible,' before adding a cute picture of his sleeping son, named after his late father, with a cuddly toy on either side of him.


The tot is wrapped up in a grey blanket with a knitted elephant on one side and a cuddly dog on the other.


On Sunday evening, the 54-year-old music mogul revealed he was unprepared for how much 'love and pride' he would feel towards his 'handsome' baby son as he posted threeartistic black-and-white shots to his Twitter page.


One snap showed him and Lauren gazing adoringly at the new addition to their family, with the American socialite tenderly stroking little Eric's head as Simon cradled the tot in his arms. Alongside the photograph, he wrote: 'Mum, Dad and Eric. Now two days old.'


Another shot showed the X Factor supremo affectionately patting his son's forehead as Eric clasped onto his thumb with a firm grip alongside the text: '…. now you can see how very handsome little Eric is.'


A final photograph showed Simon looking every inch the proud father as his newborn sonnestled into his chest with his eyes closed. He wrote: 'I never knew how much love and pride I would feel.'



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