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1.The board of the company has decided to ________ its operations to include all aspects of the clothing business.

A) multiply
B) lengthen
C) expand
D) stretch

2.His business was very successful, but it was at the ________ of his family life.

A) consumption
B) credit
C) exhaustion
D) expense

3.First published in 1927, the charts remain an ________ source for researchers.

A) identical
B) indispensable
C) intelligent
D) inevitable

4.Joe is not good at sports, but when it ________ mathematics, he is the best in the class.

A) comes to
B) comes up to
C) comes on to
D) comes around to

5.Doctors warned against chewing tobacco as a ________ for smoking.

A) relief
B) revival
C) substitute
D) succession

6.When carbon is added to iron in proper ________ the result is steel.

A) rates
B) thicknesses
C) proportions
D) densities

7.You should try to ________ your ambition and be more realistic.

A) reserve
B) restrain
C) retain
D) replace

8.Nancy is only a sort of ________ of her husband’s opinion and has no ideas of her own.

A) sample
B) reproduction
C) shadow
D) echo

9.Now that spring is here, you can ________ these fur coats till you need them again next winter.

A) put over
B) put away
C) put off
D) put down

10.There is a ________ of impatience in the tone of his voice.

A) hint
B) notion
C) dot
D) phrase


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